Legendary first cycle thread (with 3J assistance)

Need to work on my squatting though, not doing heavy enough if I can bench as much and sometimes more than I squat.

Front squats are always going to look a bit weak compared to back (high or low bar) so I wouldn't sweat it...

What's your 3 or 5RM look like for a proper depth back squat?
Front squats are always going to look a bit weak compared to back (high or low bar) so I wouldn't sweat it...

What's your 3 or 5RM look like for a proper depth back squat?

Oh really, I thought they were more or less comparable...but I suppose that does make sense.
I haven't done a good 3RM for months as I injured my left knee last October and wanted to play it safe for awhile.

On Thursday when I do legs again I'll give it a go and see what I come in at. If I can do 160kgs I'll be quite happy after such a long time of not doing heavy back squats.
Up to that PCT time
Clomiphene @ 75/50/50/50
Tamoxifen @ 40/20/20/20

and my GOD nolva tastes like crap. I'm using Rui for both and I'm not disrespecting the brand, at the end of the day their products are great and service impeccable, it's more that I wasn't ready for the taste!

I'll prob add them to a glass of water tomorrow and take it that way.

Hit up Chest/Front delts/Triceps today:

Incline DB Press:
10 x 80kgs
10 x 100kgs
8 x 100kgs
7 x 100kgs (fatigue)
8 x 80kgs

Flat BB Press (did pause reps):
10 x 100kgs
8 x 120kgs
4 x 130kgs
9 x 100kgs
6x 100kgs then dropped to 80kgs and repped out another 10 reps

Cable Fly
4 sets @ 50kgs until fatigue each set

DB side raise
10x 25kgs
10x 30kgs
5x 35kgs
6x 35kgs dropped into 25 kgs for 5, then 15kgs for 10

Cable Front bar raise (pause reps)
4x as much weight for until fatigued. Didn't really pay attention to the weight

Rope Overhead extension (really focused on the push outwards to get the outer tricep head contracting)
40kgs x 4 sets until fatigue

Angle bar pushdown
10 x 80kgs
4x 120kgs
7x 100kgs
6x 100kgs
10x 80kgs then dropped by 10 kgs until no more weight and strength left.

Overall my strength is still the same. 3J has manipulated my diet for PCT and the bacne that I developed these last few weeks hasn't yet dissipated.
Still at the same weight so will keep track and see how I go in a month when PCT finishes and I conclude the log.
Weeks and Weights:

1/ 80
2/ 82.3
3/ 84.6
4/ 83.4
Missed week 5
6/ 86.4
7/ 87.6
8/ 89.3
9/ 90.3
10/ 88.3
11 / Christmas
12/ New Years
13/ 93.4
14/ 91.5
15/ 92.1 & PCT starts
Haven't posted my workouts recently but have still been going.

Switched up my foods as per 3J's advice and added a few different dietary supps into the mix.

Weight after 1 week of PCT is 92kgs...so I'm 500grams heavier than last week. Woohoo, is going alright so far!
For a guy that's a few inches shorter than me, you are a lot more shredded and huge for your weight, you look like you're 230 already, I'd have to be 250+ to look like that
For a guy that's a few inches shorter than me, you are a lot more shredded and huge for your weight, you look like you're 230 already, I'd have to be 250+ to look like that

man, thanks for the compliment. at 205 lbs (fasted in the morning) I'm happy with my progress, but can't wait for the next cycle to put on some more size :D
This was pretty awesome. Just read through the whole log. Gets me excited for what is to come in a few years! Gotta pay my natty dues first lol.
Hey all, haven't been online as I moved and in Australia it can take up to nearly 2 months for your net to get installed....and I wasn't going to use a phone or work so had to suffer through.

Am still at 95kgs, keeping strict to my diet. Have kept growing post cycle so not only have I kept my size, but am getting bigger!

Have a competition in Oct so working towards that. Will post measurements and then do a before vs after pic to finish this log off shortly.