Lets talk about GH releasing peps!

I'll be in PCt before long and clean. It will be peptide time followed by blood work which I will openly post here. Good or bad results, it's getting posted.

Ya im getting my blood work done tomorow, been off for 6 weeks cause my cholestorol was shit and liver enzymes were elevated pretty high so im seeing where they r now
works same as GH, benefits are the same as GH fat loss, deep sleep a better libido and an overall pep.

This is the kind of valuable feed back I'm looking for! Anyone on the other side of the spectrum as far as opinion that has run both GH and peps separate?

Ya im getting my blood work done tomorow, been off for 6 weeks cause my cholestorol was shit and liver enzymes were elevated pretty high so im seeing where they r now

Can you clarify what you are on now and what tests you will be having?
This is the kind of valuable feed back I'm looking for! Anyone on the other side of the spectrum as far as opinion that has run both GH and peps separate?

Can you clarify what you are on now and what tests you will be having?

I was on Test 400mg per week and Tren Ace 100mg EOD and i did it for 7 weeks and it transformed my body. Tren is the shit and also my diet was perfect i dont think i missed one meal. I threw in oral Winstrol (winny) at 50mg ED for two weeks then bumped it to 100mg for one week because some photos i was taking and that screwed my HDL to zero and liver enzymes shot up. Therefore i came off imediatly and been off for 6 weeks now and getting a full blood panel except for hormones
I'll have to agree with you on that one :naughty:
I was on Test 400mg per week and Tren Ace 100mg EOD and i did it for 7 weeks and it transformed my body. Tren is the shit and also my diet was perfect i dont think i missed one meal. I threw in oral Winstrol (winny) at 50mg ED for two weeks then bumped it to 100mg for one week because some photos i was taking and that screwed my HDL to zero and liver enzymes shot up. Therefore i came off imediatly and been off for 6 weeks now and getting a full blood panel except for hormones
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I was on Test 400mg per week and Tren Ace 100mg EOD and i did it for 7 weeks and it transformed my body. Tren is the shit and also my diet was perfect i dont think i missed one meal. I threw in oral Winstrol (winny) at 50mg ED for two weeks then bumped it to 100mg for one week because some photos i was taking and that screwed my HDL to zero and liver enzymes shot up. Therefore i came off imediatly and been off for 6 weeks now and getting a full blood panel except for hormones

Excellent and yet another unhappy winstrol client! Nothing wrecks HDL like winnie!

I was sort of hoping you were now on peps and running an IGF-1 test though :)
I found IGF-1 tests for $42

It's going to come down to some testing at least a few times for this old dog.

You either feel like you are getting HGH like gains or not from these is my opinion. I'm sure not all suppliers are putting out a good product also.

Whats this about being able to buy igf-1 tests?

I'm just finishing off 2 months of igf-1 lr3. My body fat %age is down about 2%. I started right at the end of a test, eq cycle. I noticed that i didn't lose much weight, except for some water, approx 3lbs water and the 2% fat, approx 5lbs fat. I've been able to keep most of my strength.

Soon after the cycle i started to change up my training to lose fat. I started incorporating an evening fat burning routine and i've also cleaned up my diet a bit.

So i wonder if the igf-1lr3 helped with this or whether it was my change to diet and exercise.

So if there's a way to test the ifg-1 that i got, that'd be great. Could u please send me more info on thesee test kits.

I'm currently waiting for some mod grf1-29 and ghrp 2 to come. also for some igf-1 des.
I'm currious to see what results come from them. I've been reading that ghrp2 is better for not causing great hunger unlike the ghrp6. Is this true, Does anyone have any experience between the 2?

Also on this board are we allowed to post where we got our peps and ask if anyone else has used them, or their opinions on them?

Thanks Zeek! Much appreciated.

Without any testing i believe my igf-1lr3 to be real because a couple of hour after dosing i would become extremely tired and need to take a nap. I don't know if that means anything. I do recall reading that it can make some people get quite tired though.
Basically with these, you need the combination of ghrh and ghrp to be truly effective. A ghrp on its own will cause a spike of gh, but a ghrh will not do much unless taken during a natural pulse which is pretty hard to determine.

But when taken together they cause a good spike of gh that peaks at about 1 hour then declines.

I personally use mod grf and any ghrp. All of these were thought to reatch saturation at 100mcg but ghrp2 and Ipamorelin can be dosed higher. Ghrp 2&6 are usually the cheapest.

So I typically dose mod grf between 100-150 mcg 3 x a day with a ghrp. With ghrp2 I dose between 100-400mcg. Higher doses can produce sides. Ghrp6 between 100-200mcg. Hexarilin I dose at 400mcg with mod grf pwo. Ipam 100-400mcg.

So the combination three times a day to create pulses of gh. 100mcg of each is a good spot. This is creating a natural elevated pulse of gh. I use this even while on gh and especially if I have off days from gh.

These can also be used as a pct of sorts for gh users. If splitting doses and doing it every day for extended periods of time you likely won't have natural pulses but using the peptides forces pituitary to release gh.

How are you USER? Agree with you 100% bro the combination of the 2 kinds of peps is the best way to go, I never use one without the other. And the addition of some good quality IGF LR3 always give me an extra pump. I like Ipa myself is a very clean pep, also CJC 1295 is a good addition. God bless you. Minister.
What's you guys thoughts on using prami and ipamorelin
for a stronger GH release?
Although Prami owns me, no matter how low the dose. lol
Is there seriously not one IGF-1 test posted on any board with just results following use of these ? I can dig up 20 on HGH brands in 5 minutes but coming up empty with the peps.

I guess there is one board I can check but even if I find one there I can't share the results lol UGH!!
You were doing the GHRP-6 by itself?

interesting what did you notice from your over all experience with it?

I found IGF-1 tests for $42

It's going to come down to some testing at least a few times for this old dog.

You either feel like you are getting HGH like gains or not from these is my opinion. I'm sure not all suppliers are putting out a good product also.

Younger rejuvenated skin, tougher to pierce with the insulin needle too. Stronger bones tendons and joints (noticeable because I can feel my bone mineral density when I train on the punching bag). Recovery is much quicker during workouts and I don't feel the need to rest or pause much at all between sets/circuits. Turbo charged hair growth all over. Gotta shave daily and get hair cut weekly versus naturally shaving e3d and hc/e2wk. Also my cock seems to swell much wider than when not using GH peps! =}
Hey when you do guys start to feel the effects of peptides? Or more specifically CJC and Ipamorelin. I personally been dong 100of each twice a day..
Been reading and reading about these peptides. Sounds like a solid alternative to gear although, I am going to run my first cycle (test e 600/wk x 12) in Feb. What would be really helpful is a chart. It gets to the point where I think I have a basic grasp of what does what and then some folks use abbreviations and then all I see is numbers and letters...numbers and letters. Maybe a knowledgeable, and bored, member can put together a chart in simple terms, as Mr. Zeek suggested, which lays out the most common peps. I think it would be extremely helpful to have it all in one reference. Something like

ABC 123 - is this - does this-
DEF 456 - is this - does this - works well with this

You get the picture. Maybe a bit much to ask but I know I am not the only one that gets a little frustrated trying to "get it".
Been reading and reading about these peptides. Sounds like a solid alternative to gear although, I am going to run my first cycle (test e 600/wk x 12) in Feb. What would be really helpful is a chart. It gets to the point where I think I have a basic grasp of what does what and then some folks use abbreviations and then all I see is numbers and letters...numbers and letters. Maybe a knowledgeable, and bored, member can put together a chart in simple terms, as Mr. Zeek suggested, which lays out the most common peps. I think it would be extremely helpful to have it all in one reference. Something like

ABC 123 - is this - does this-
DEF 456 - is this - does this - works well with this

You get the picture. Maybe a bit much to ask but I know I am not the only one that gets a little frustrated trying to "get it".

Detailed information about the GH releasing peptides can be found elsewhere, but using them is very simple.

Basic Protocol
  • Mod GRF @ 100 mcg.
  • a GHRP @ 100 mcg. You have 3 options here:
    1. GHRP-2 - this releases the most GH, but it can raise cortisol and prolactin levels (still within the normal range, though)
    2. GHRP-6 - this causes hunger as a side effect
    3. Ipamorelin - this is the GHRP with the least sides, but it doesn't release as much GH as GHRP-2

Do this 2 or 3 times a day on an empty stomach and don't eat for 30 minutes after.

This might seem like a daunting task, but it's actually very simple. YouTube has videos showing how to do it. I use 1 ml of BW (bacteriostatic water) for 2 mg of Mod GRF and 2.5 ml of BW for 5 mg of GHRP-2. That means that 0.05 ml of each will give me 100 mcg of each.

Slin pins are what you want, either 29 gauge or 30 gauge. As for how to do a subcutaneous injection, there's instructional videos on YouTube (search for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) injection tutorial).

That info is enough to get you started.
Been reading and reading about these peptides. Sounds like a solid alternative to gear although, I am going to run my first cycle (test e 600/wk x 12) in Feb. What would be really helpful is a chart. It gets to the point where I think I have a basic grasp of what does what and then some folks use abbreviations and then all I see is numbers and letters...numbers and letters. Maybe a knowledgeable, and bored, member can put together a chart in simple terms, as Mr. Zeek suggested, which lays out the most common peps. I think it would be extremely helpful to have it all in one reference. Something like

ABC 123 - is this - does this-
DEF 456 - is this - does this - works well with this

You get the picture. Maybe a bit much to ask but I know I am not the only one that gets a little frustrated trying to "get it".

fognoz, you wrote what I was thinking. I've got a buddy thats been on peptides for about 4 months and he is very pleased. I am currantly blasting while on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and have been considering peps when I'm finished. I've been lazy and havent done all the reading to fully understand it all. It does help however to have a very basic giude to help understand everything. Thanks for saying what I and I'm sure others are thinking.

BTW, none us should put anything in our bodies that we don't uderstand both the benifits and the sides as well as how it actually works. Too many guys are taking crap becuase a buddy told them about it and how he uses it.
Detailed information about the GH releasing peptides can be found elsewhere, but using them is very simple.

Basic Protocol
  • Mod GRF @ 100 mcg.
  • a GHRP @ 100 mcg. You have 3 options here:
    1. GHRP-2 - this releases the most GH, but it can raise cortisol and prolactin levels (still within the normal range, though)
    2. GHRP-6 - this causes hunger as a side effect
    3. Ipamorelin - this is the GHRP with the least sides, but it doesn't release as much GH as GHRP-2

Do this 2 or 3 times a day on an empty stomach and don't eat for 30 minutes after.

This might seem like a daunting task, but it's actually very simple. YouTube has videos showing how to do it. I use 1 ml of BW (bacteriostatic water) for 2 mg of Mod GRF and 2.5 ml of BW for 5 mg of GHRP-2. That means that 0.05 ml of each will give me 100 mcg of each.

Slin pins are what you want, either 29 gauge or 30 gauge. As for how to do a subcutaneous injection, there's instructional videos on YouTube (search for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) injection tutorial).

That info is enough to get you started.

Thanks rp! This is great information! It seem that this is the basic cycle. I assume it would be similar to a test only base aas cycle.
It would be great to have a chart/sprdsht as well outlining the different peps. CJC 1293, 1295 w/dac (what is that?) w/o dac, IGF 1-LR3, DES, GHRH, GHRP, Mod, etc. The aka's would be great because some guys use them and some don't so I find myself rethinking if this is different or the same pep just a dif name. I usually reach info overload and shut it down. Not looking to be spoon fed at all, hell all I do is read. I just think it would be helpful to have a resource similar to the Steroid Profile on the main toolbar that really helped me grasp the AAS.
Rp for the win!!

awesome break down, this is just what the guys need to help them get their feet wet with these peps!

Detailed information about the GH releasing peptides can be found elsewhere, but using them is very simple.

Basic Protocol
  • Mod GRF @ 100 mcg.
  • a GHRP @ 100 mcg. You have 3 options here:
    1. GHRP-2 - this releases the most GH, but it can raise cortisol and prolactin levels (still within the normal range, though)
    2. GHRP-6 - this causes hunger as a side effect
    3. Ipamorelin - this is the GHRP with the least sides, but it doesn't release as much GH as GHRP-2

Do this 2 or 3 times a day on an empty stomach and don't eat for 30 minutes after.

This might seem like a daunting task, but it's actually very simple. YouTube has videos showing how to do it. I use 1 ml of BW (bacteriostatic water) for 2 mg of Mod GRF and 2.5 ml of BW for 5 mg of GHRP-2. That means that 0.05 ml of each will give me 100 mcg of each.

Slin pins are what you want, either 29 gauge or 30 gauge. As for how to do a subcutaneous injection, there's instructional videos on YouTube (search for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) injection tutorial).

That info is enough to get you started.