Levitra in solution


New member
I would like 25mg+ per mL if possible, I think. Not interested in capping based on bad experiences from capped Cialis.

I just bought an off-brand of 190 proof Every Clear called Diesel-190. It was a few dollars cheaper for the 750mL bottle and I don't see how there can be much of a difference.

When I was at the package store, I noticed that they have things like peppermint schnapps. One brand was something like 56 proof and the other two were 60 proof. Would that be a decent option? It was fairly cheap and it seems like it might work well for what is really a sex drug.

I don't know if the actual Levitra chemical tastes good or bad.
Well, a quick taste indicates that Vardenafil is very bitter. Almost seems to have a sweet aftertaste, however.
Levitra doesnt have a very pleasent taste but its nothing horrible. It mixes just dandy with 80 proof and doesnt crash. No need for heat either, and definatly no need for everclear.
DougoeFre5h said:
Levitra doesnt have a very pleasent taste but its nothing horrible. It mixes just dandy with 80 proof and doesnt crash. No need for heat either, and definatly no need for everclear.
What'cha think about the peppermint schnapps idea? Only 60 proof, although I could bump that up with some of the 190 proof that I have. hmmm...I'll bet that shit is full of sugar though, which will effectively reduce the solubility? hmmm.
Damn. I used 190 proof since I had it and wanted to add sweetner to the solution as well. Unfortuntely, something clumped rather than dissolving. Er, well....without heat, it just didn't disolve. With heat, it clumped. What I don't know if what didn't disolve: the Levitra or the maltodextrine that comes in the sucralose packets.

I finally just removed the clump of white stuff, added alcohol back that evaporated, and poured that into a dropper bottle. I don't know is the power would have evaporated with the alcohol or not.

Oh yeah, I did add an extract and if nothing else, this stuff tastes very good. Will see if it works at all.

Also figured out that my scale really sucks. It is weird. Figure this out:

  • Beaker weighs 38.8g or 38.9g (scale reports either)
  • Beaker is placed on scale and scale registers 38.8
  • Scale is zeroed
  • Remove beaker from scale and it says -38.8
  • Put beaker back onto scale and it again says 0.0 (we're good so far)
  • Add .3g of powder and tap the spoon on the beaker. Scale stays at 0.0g
  • Remove beaker from scale and it says fucking -39.2 WHAT THE FUCK
Get a scale that measures out to 0.01 and make sure it's calibrated. You can find them on eBay and some come with the little weight needed to calibrate them. Yours is fluctuating between 38.8 and 38.9 because it's rounding.
Slick Arrado said:
Get a scale that measures out to 0.01 and make sure it's calibrated. You can find them on eBay and some come with the little weight needed to calibrate them. Yours is fluctuating between 38.8 and 38.9 because it's rounding.
I'm not overly concerned about that fluctuation. I'm not concerned that the scale didn't register an additional .3g-.4g and seemed to add that .3g-.4g into its tare.

I've been intending to buy a 0.01g scale, although it seems apparent that those scales are made by the same manufacturer that make the .1g scales. But hopefully I'll have better luck with the 0.01g scales.
Came with a 100g calibration weight. Both before and after calibration, the scale says it weighs 99.84g-99.85g. I don't know if it is the weight or the scale that is off, but ah well, close 'nuff. I'm sure it is accurate enough when I'm in the 0.00-20g range. Shitload better than that POS 0.1g scale, anyway.
Very well could be off. If it was an error, its 0.15% at full scale - which scales down to 0.03% or 30mg when weighing 20g.

Close enough for me :)