libido drop these past couple days ...


New member
So i started taking nolvadex for what i believe may possibly be gyno signs ... but im still not sure . also ive been taking arimidex 0.25mg eod . where as before i was taking it maybe 0.5mg every 4 days sometimes even 5 . I noticed a big drop in libido these past couple days . im running 1000mg test e per week . do u guys think colvadex can be doing this .... or shall i take my ai e3d or even e4d again instead ?
We could speculate but that's about all we could do. Get some bloods and at least we might be able to speculate a lil more accurately
Need bloodwork

As everyone will tell you. There isn't much way to be sure what's going on w/o BW because you said you think and not sure so the only way to tell if it is really your Estrogen being high and the beginning of the side are effecting you is BW.

I caution you about taking measures to reverse what hasn't been verified yet because some of these things are potent and you can crash your E2. This could ruin your cycle and through you way of you training, appetite and energy. I have had the experience of crashing my E2 and it is just hell. easy does it be patient. Good Luck
Hey guys , im going for bloodwork tnite .. What i realy wanted to ask then is if u guys have ever had drops or changes in libido from nolvadex ? Is it possible it can effect ? Has this ever happened to anyone ?
Again, that's very hard to say....

People always take Nolvadex for a reason... whether that's to reverse gyno (high estrogen) or to recover (PCT)

These aren't optimal conditions to gauge whether a compound affects libido - because the body is in a state where something is wrong - hence the need to take it!
So i went for blood work tnite .. I should be getting my results id imagine within the next couple of days .. . i ahve another question . My blood pressure is normal . 120/70 . If i have normal blood pressure ... is it still possible to have high hematocrit or RBC ?
So i went for blood work tnite .. I should be getting my results id imagine within the next couple of days .. . i ahve another question . My blood pressure is normal . 120/70 . If i have normal blood pressure ... is it still possible to have high hematocrit or RBC ?

Yes it's very possible. HCT doesn't impact blood pressure until you're in danger of stroke from polycythemia vera (around 60% HCT), which is bad juju.

Nolva isn't known to be the biggest offender for libido, but some are sensitive to it. I'm betting that your estradiol is wonky given your dose of test.

My .02c :)
Yes it's still possible. I doubt the nolva is your libido prob, but let's wait till your results come in