New member
Ok so i started my first cycle ever at 22 with virtually no knowlege. gained 25 pounds and managed to lose almost all of my gains Did:
2 weeks of anadrol 50mg ed
3cc 250sust ew
1.5cc deca ew
Took one final shot of only sust
Ok now heres were i messed up....
I had clomid and novladex. I DID NOT take them regularly. Ever since then til now almost a year later i am having trouble keeping an erection during sex. Sometimes its there and other times its not. This is extremely stressful situation being only in mt 20s! i shouldve researched much much more before hand... can anyone give me some advice???? How can i kick start my libido back?? Will running test only cycle be beneficial or should i start taking PCTs again... if so which ones and how long
2 weeks of anadrol 50mg ed
3cc 250sust ew
1.5cc deca ew
Took one final shot of only sust
Ok now heres were i messed up....
I had clomid and novladex. I DID NOT take them regularly. Ever since then til now almost a year later i am having trouble keeping an erection during sex. Sometimes its there and other times its not. This is extremely stressful situation being only in mt 20s! i shouldve researched much much more before hand... can anyone give me some advice???? How can i kick start my libido back?? Will running test only cycle be beneficial or should i start taking PCTs again... if so which ones and how long