libido shutdown after cycle! newbie PLZ HELP


New member
Ok so i started my first cycle ever at 22 with virtually no knowlege. gained 25 pounds and managed to lose almost all of my gains Did:
2 weeks of anadrol 50mg ed
3cc 250sust ew
1.5cc deca ew
Took one final shot of only sust

Ok now heres were i messed up....
I had clomid and novladex. I DID NOT take them regularly. Ever since then til now almost a year later i am having trouble keeping an erection during sex. Sometimes its there and other times its not. This is extremely stressful situation being only in mt 20s! i shouldve researched much much more before hand... can anyone give me some advice???? How can i kick start my libido back?? Will running test only cycle be beneficial or should i start taking PCTs again... if so which ones and how long
Dont run another test cycle.

You should get your bloodwork done first then if you are shut down 1000iu hcg eod for 5 injections and run nolvadex 20mg ED with it.
Once the hcg is done run 50mg clomid for 4 weeks ed and then wait 3 weeks and run new bloodwork
Can you get labs done on your own? I dont know what country or state you are in. Some states allow private labs .
Im in canada. I dont think we can, Ill look into that though. So if my test levels are low then i go through with ur suggestions. But what if there normal? Could there be some sinister non reversable factor at play here??Ill update as soon as i get blood work done
You need to run PCT properly. Don't run another cycle right now as they will just make things worse. Hopefully the PCT will work after al this time. If not, you will have to discuss going on TRT for the rest of your life with your doctor

Your "gains" were mostly water as it looks like you did not use an aromatase inhibitor.

Try going to a Walk-in Clinic for blood work. You will have to tell them what labs you want run. Or drive down to the US and use one of our Private Blood Work labs.

Give the FAQs thread a read for more insight into blood work and PCT.
.....and be patient young man. Time is on ur side so quit freaking and slow down and do not obsess wether u r able to perform.

Nothing will kill a erection like worrying about getting one

Just wait the body is amazing and can fix most damage we inflict given

Okay what bloodwork should i request? Can someone give me a list of the things i should be checking. Im not going to tell my doctor about my steroid use, so im just gonna give him a list and ask for the bloodwork
Do the hormone panel for women. Check the post above you and look at what Megatron has listed under his post.
Ok so i started my first cycle ever at 22 with virtually no knowlege. gained 25 pounds and managed to lose almost all of my gains Did:
2 weeks of anadrol 50mg ed
3cc 250sust ew
1.5cc deca ew
Took one final shot of only sust

Ok now heres were i messed up....
I had clomid and novladex. I DID NOT take them regularly. Ever since then til now almost a year later i am having trouble keeping an erection during sex. Sometimes its there and other times its not. This is extremely stressful situation being only in mt 20s! i shouldve researched much much more before hand... can anyone give me some advice???? How can i kick start my libido back?? Will running test only cycle be beneficial or should i start taking PCTs again... if so which ones and how long
well since using any sort fo test or aas will shut you down I would say no do not.. I would go for blood work now, then possibly try a few weeks of HCG then a few weeks of nolva and clomid combo PCT, then wait 1-2 months and go for another blood test. and tell them you want to check your hormone levels because of some herbal supp you bought online that was supposed boost muscle but you think it might have caused an issue and want to double check ( and tell them your issues)
I got them checked maybe they do it differently in the states but my test was at 28 and prolactin was 10 which were both normal according to the doctor. I remeber when i took nolva and clomid i would instantly get better erections. I dont want to get tested again should i just do hcg and pct
I got them checked maybe they do it differently in the states but my test was at 28 and prolactin was 10 which were both normal according to the doctor. I remeber when i took nolva and clomid i would instantly get better erections. I dont want to get tested again should i just do hcg and pct

Without knowing the units of measure and reference ranges for your lab results nobody is going to be able to advise you. It would be extremely helpful to have the other lab results as well. Surely yo had your doctor check more that TT and Prolactin. At a minimum you got LH and FSH checked, right?
thats what happens when you run a cycle and have poor nutrition.. you lose everything.. esp without a proper lose everything because in reality you never really gained anything but water..

youve been given the correct advice here.. bloodwork would be great to see where you are at.. but a hcg blast followed by a proper pct is the right course of action