Light headed after squating


New member
The past two week while I'm in the middle of my squat set I feel like I'm going to pass the f#!@ out. It really pisses me off, I am finally starting to put up some good weight and I can even finish my set. I have been lifting now for about a year and a half and this has never happened before. I asked one of the guys at the gym and he said it was because I was pushing so hard I am losing a lot of blood in my head. Is there anything I can do to stop this from happening????
1 - Make sure you don't hold your breath.
2- Have a spotter just incase. The last thing you need is for you to pass out and have the weight fall on top of you.
3- Get your blood pressure checked.
It really sucks!!! I know I can put more weight on, but if I do I know I will be out cold
HA funny that someone posted about this today! I did legs earlier and after my heaviest set of squats I felt light headed for a minute. rarely happens though.
Easto said:
1 - Make sure you don't hold your breath.

I highly disagree. I hold my breath on every hard rep. I'll breathe between reps ONLY. You should NOT inhale going down or exhale when going back up.

Are you grinding your teeth together when you squat?

Eating enough? Sugars? Glucose?

B True
I usually have a half serving of NLarge2 about an hour befor I go to the gym, and I don't think I grind my teeth. I do know that I push my lips together pretty hard on the way up,(my buddy says I look like a bull-dog when I lift heavy), I don't no if that has the same effect as grindin teeth? I take a big breath at the top then hold it threw the squat, I heard that give you more pushing power on the way up. (I do the same thing when I bench).
Meal 1:
Oatmeal, whole wheat toast w/peanut butter, Protien shake.
Meal 2:
Protein shake, tuna sandwich, carrots, banana, serving of Swole v2.
Meal 3:
Chicken breast, Pasta w/tbsp Flax oil
Meal 4:
N Large2 banana
Meal 5:
(pre-workout) half serving N Large2
Post workout shake = 60g protein, 60g dextros, serving of Swole V2.
Meal 6:
Chicken breast, salad, rice.
It comes out to roughly 3000cals
about 300g. protein
400g cabs.
50g fat.

Give or Take....
I would say the blood pressure..according to my sports med doc....

also, do you take anything for extra boost before training..

..i did not believe my doc after he told me that, soooo...since my gym is right across the street from a wallgreens, when i was deading and also after my squat day, i get real dizzy and want to pass out, i went across the street to stick my arm in the cuff and get a check, butr my arm dont fit in it, so i went to my moms, she through a cuff around me, and 20 minutes later my blood pressure was still through the roof...

slobberknocker said:
The stronger you get, the more it'll happen.

that is true due to the fact you are exerting more energy to lift the heavier weight, but dont look at it that way...

if you feel those symptoms, go see the doctor...

Once in a while I will drink some Ripped Force while I'm working out...and at first I thought that was what was doing it. But I did my legs with out the Ripped Force and I still got very light feels like your body get covered in a warm cloth then I see spots and feel my legs giving out....I sit for a while and the feeling eventually fades away but it really screwes up the rest of my workout. I have a Wegans store down the plaza from my gym I think I'm going to get my BP checked before and after. (I wish my arm wouldnt fit in the cuff:( )
according to my doc, spots, or anything vision related would more then likely be bp related....go get your bp the way, are you on anything right now, gear will bring your bp up anyhow..

My blood pressure is on the lower side of things, my nurse checked it last week and the average of 4 readings was 90/ I have to have it checked regularly now as well...

My cause of concern for me was the dizziness too...and little fussy black spots floating around in my vision...

Not careful and monitor it for a bit...
Nope, Im not on anything.....exept syntrax Swole V2.
brennylee, is yours caused from lifting heavy also? Did your doc suggest anything?
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