Liquid Cialis - too easy to make.


New member
Around the boards I keep seeing people recommend PEG400 or some crazy solvent laden mix to suspend cialis in. WHY? It wont ever get into solution and all of our good UG lab freinds know this, so why are we suffering with the taste???

PUT IT IN VODKA. It suspends like a zambon, easy dosing and heres the kicker. The cialis tones down the vodka to the point where you can take it straight tastes like nothing. If you've ever tasted dbol powder, horrible. Cialis though is very tasty lol.

I'll say it again, homebrewers, research "gurus"...put it in vodka and save our tastebuds.
douge w/c powders do you think that will the vodka work with??

i would love to use some Absolut Mandrin for this ... lolz
DougoeFre5h said:
Around the boards I keep seeing people recommend PEG400 or some crazy solvent laden mix to suspend cialis in. WHY? It wont ever get into solution and all of our good UG lab freinds know this, so why are we suffering with the taste???

PUT IT IN VODKA. It suspends like a zambon, easy dosing and heres the kicker. The cialis tones down the vodka to the point where you can take it straight tastes like nothing. If you've ever tasted dbol powder, horrible. Cialis though is very tasty lol.

I'll say it again, homebrewers, research "gurus"...put it in vodka and save our tastebuds.

I have mine in PEG4 and a shake dos the trick, but I may hav eto try this. Mine taste like ass but I am not using it for the taste. lol
in vodka...lets see. dbol goes at 20mg/ml, 40 is too high. Anavar at low concentrations as well. Cialis will be a NICE suspension due to the fine nature of the powder.

Kojie which powders do you wanna try?
RJH8541 said:
I have mine in PEG4 and a shake dos the trick, but I may hav eto try this. Mine taste like ass but I am not using it for the taste. lol
Because cialis powder is so damn fine, it literally suspends evenly for like 5 minutes. It takes a WHILE to notice definate separation.
DougoeFre5h said:
Around the boards I keep seeing people recommend PEG400 or some crazy solvent laden mix to suspend cialis in. WHY? It wont ever get into solution and all of our good UG lab freinds know this, so why are we suffering with the taste???

PUT IT IN VODKA. It suspends like a zambon, easy dosing and heres the kicker. The cialis tones down the vodka to the point where you can take it straight tastes like nothing. If you've ever tasted dbol powder, horrible. Cialis though is very tasty lol.

I'll say it again, homebrewers, research "gurus"...put it in vodka and save our tastebuds.

i totally agree. ive been doing this for a while now and it works excellent.
DougoeFre5h said:
in vodka...lets see. dbol goes at 20mg/ml, 40 is too high. Anavar at low concentrations as well. Cialis will be a NICE suspension due to the fine nature of the powder.

Kojie which powders do you wanna try?

Var, winstrol, dbol, drol and proviron...
Var may be at 10mg/ml, winstol maybe at 25mg/ml . Will those work ? and how about the rest ?
I highly recommend makin the Winstrol (winny) the same way we all make injectable Winstrol (winny) suspension...just dont filter it as theres no need.

dbol will go as high as 20 in vodka, its know to go higher in 151 and ive seen it at 50+ in everclear.

var, 10mg/ml is a good bet.

drol, proviron. Gotta admit i never converted desire as of yet.
I'm about to make some oral stuff in everclear (waiting for it to arrive) - I'm a drunk so I don't mind the taste :druggie:

The ones I'm not sure about are Winstrol (winny) and tren ace, I wonder if they suspend well at 25mg/ml. Any thoughts?

Dbol (25mg), letro (2.5mg) and clomid (25mg) should go well, clen goes in water (100mcg probably).
It sucks living here, I have no idea where to get any other solvents/carriers, so everclear is my best friend :40oz:
DougoeFre5h said:
I highly recommend makin the Winstrol (winny) the same way we all make injectable Winstrol (winny) suspension...just dont filter it as theres no need.

dbol will go as high as 20 in vodka, its know to go higher in 151 and ive seen it at 50+ in everclear.

var, 10mg/ml is a good bet.

drol, proviron. Gotta admit i never converted desire as of yet.

remember I made that Dbol at 200mg/ml in EC. Still holding just fine. Never fell out of solution.
sphynx said:
The ones I'm not sure about are Winstrol (winny) and tren ace, I wonder if they suspend well at 25mg/ml. Any thoughts?

why make oral tren ace ??
kojie said:
why make oral tren ace ??

I said in another thread I want to try it orally (like in BD's parabolan tabs) - I don't have the equipment to make injectables but I still want to try tren.
People report good results from parabolan tabs at 50-75ed and that's what they're made of, tren ace 25mg/tab. So I'll run it at that dose with some Winstrol (winny) at 100mg/ed and maybe some clen at 100-150mcg, and see what happens :rockband:
DougoeFre5h said:

No kidding. It was some pretty nasty shit, and since then I have decided to make most in PEG4, but I am getting some DBol powders next week to make and I may play around a bit with them. Let you know what I come up with.
Tren in vodka is like black pepper in vodka and it did not seem to work well, if at all. I tried to get it to absorb with the alcohol in the mouth and throat, but I believe that it rushed in and then was removed by the body too quickly to use it. I tried splitting the dose to 3 times per day, but it was no better. You will be wasting tren in my opinion.