Liquid Clomid


New member
Are these liquid clomid on the internet websites legit? I mean any fool can build a website and sell you water. How I know its legit?

Plus the bottle is $50 for 30ml-50mg bottle. Is that enough for a PCT?
How much do I need to take a day?
Do your homework, there are good research products out there. This topic has been covered a million times, do a search on post cycle therapy (pct) and clomid.

I can type in PCt and clomid, it will tell me what it is, it won't tell me if a company is selling legit stuff.
If your curious, throw the clomid in the fridge. Itl crash like crazy. If you get a nice white precipitate you can be pretty sure you got what your ordered considering you ordered from a respectable place. Clomid is cheap as dirt for these guys to get...theres no need for them to screw you over with fake or underdosed stuff.

Im taking 100mg ed for 30 days. Also take 20mg nolva ed.
Anyone had good results from universalkits clomid?

How does one know that the clomid is working? Or that its kicking in during the post cycle therapy (pct)? You cry a lot?

And whats the best way to store liquid clomid? Dry cool place or fridge?
Gambit said:
Anyone had good results from universalkits clomid?

How does one know that the clomid is working? Or that its kicking in during the post cycle therapy (pct)? You cry a lot?

And whats the best way to store liquid clomid? Dry cool place or fridge?
universal kits is one of the only research place id get ancillaries from.
You are correct, it will not tell you if the co. is legit but you can get an idea for what others are using. I use universal myself, great products.

I got mine just the other day. Delivered to my house.
By the way , it looked like the box had been opened too.
Gambit said:
Plus the bottle is $xx for 30ml-50mg bottle. Is that enough for a PCT?
How much do I need to take a day?

You will need 36ml of 50mg/ml for PCT

Day 1 - 300mg
Day 2-11 - 100mg/day
Day 12-21 - 50mg/day
BTW if you have aby questions regarding this or anything else, please feel free to email me. The prices on our research chems are as cheap as i can get them because we don't make them in-house. This may change in the future but for now it works best having them made elsewhere. I have never had a complaint about any of our liquid chems and have faith in my manufacturer. He has never supplied anything less than quality.