Liquid Clomid?


New member
Hello all,

I am about to try Clomid for my first time and will be getting it online in liquid form(in a vial suspended with water). This may sound stupid, but do I measure out the liquid and put it into gelcaps or is it injectable?
It is for oral consumption ONLY.

Probably the best way to measure out is to use a syringe and then either squirt into your mouth or into gelcaps.
Thanks Stone,

Is gelcaps my best bet or can I just drop it in some cranberry juice? How much should I be measuring out a day for consumption?
I was thinking of ordering some liquid nolva also, and saw posts regarding the awful taste. Someone posted that you can squirt it into orange juice? I dont have experience with it, so maybe someone who does can chime in...:)
I am giving a try. $30. for a bottle of clomid sounds cheap to me and they are domestic. My source actually directed me to them. Anyone hear use them? If so, hows the quality and how long should it take to arrive domestically? Also, how much daily should I be taking of the liquid?
Have you checked out the sites in my signature? They are also deomestic and have good prices on Clomid and a bunch of other goodies.
compman said:
Also, how much daily should I be taking of the liquid?

It is 50 mg/ml, I assume you are doing the standard Clomid

day 1 - 6 ml
day 2-11 - 2 ml/day
day 12-21 - 1 ml/day
Take it with a fruit juice or put it into caps. The taste of it is awful...

I used orange juice and it was great, as the liquid has a strong citrus taste already.
The pumpNpose Clomid is pretty good from what I have heard. I ordered mine in the morning on monday and received it by weds afternoon.

Just measure out the amount and drop it in some juice and you will be all set.
BO$ said:
i squirt mine in water from a syringe, the nolva tastes like shit.

also, there is some shit in my liquid clen, it looks like a piece of a cotton ball or some shit, is it safe to consume stuff from this vial orally?

I thought you are only 18 yrs old what are you doing messing with Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) ??????????

Until the age of 24, your body is overflowing with testosterone and growth
hormone. If you can't make progress without drugs when you're still young, you
need to re-evaluate a few things -- mainly your training and your
supplementation. There's no reason why you shouldn't be able to progress on a
consistent basis without drugs. And if you can't, chances are you won't do much
better with drugs. Steroids will also close the growth plates of long bones so if
you haven't reached full height, steroids may prevent further skeletal
development, not to mention, they'll be shutting down your hormonal system at a time when it's reaching maturity. Don't mess with your reproductive system at this point. You're going to need it.
StoneColdNTO said:
I thought you are only 18 yrs old what are you doing messing with Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) ??????????

Until the age of 24, your body is overflowing with testosterone and growth
hormone. If you can't make progress without drugs when you're still young, you
need to re-evaluate a few things -- mainly your training and your
supplementation. There's no reason why you shouldn't be able to progress on a
consistent basis without drugs. And if you can't, chances are you won't do much
better with drugs. Steroids will also close the growth plates of long bones so if
you haven't reached full height, steroids may prevent further skeletal
development, not to mention, they'll be shutting down your hormonal system at a time when it's reaching maturity. Don't mess with your reproductive system at this point. You're going to need it.

LOL... Not again