Liquid Letro Help from RUI


New member
Right guys these may seem silly questions but want to be sure of what to do when it comes to taking Liquid Letro. Im currently on a course of Dbol and have also been running 20mg of Novadex along side the Dbol to stop the bloated look. However early on my left nipple started to become alittle sore and sensitive. Im now certain i have very mild gyno as nipples look alittle droppy and there is a lump under the actual nipple itself.
Ive just ordered the Liquid Letro from RUI products, and im uncertain on how to start taking it. How long should i take it for and also shoud i continue taking the Dbol while taking the letro? Also how many ml's should take a day of the Letro?
Cheers Guys
you should stop running the dbol byitself anyway.. get a real cycle together.. letro will be dosed 2.5mg per ml.. take 1.25mg first day then slightly increase it working your way up to 2.5mg.. run that till lump is completely gone.. then taper back down.. do some research then plan out a good cycle..
liquid letro

i have lumps in both nipples i started to take liquid letro a week ago doses i started at is .50mg

then keep taking 2.5mg intell gone my have decreased about 1/3 already u need to let letro build up in the system after they are gone u need to take nova 20 mg for a week then 10 mg for a week and stop that will help ur estrogen levels get back to normal
How long should i stay on liquid letro?

I've been taking liquid letro from rui..for about 3 weeks..i've been taking 2.5mgs the whole time and i'm almost out...its definetly been working but i can still feel small bumps under my nipples..should i order more and keep taking it till it goes away..or should i just go ahead and order the nolva after i finish this long can i stayh on it?
I didnt notice results from RUI letro til the 5th week. Letro takes up to 2 months to build up to full strength. You have to take it til your gyno is gone. You can also run a go of nolvadex and/or clomid in a post cycle therapy (pct) with letrozol. Letro although, is not ideal for post cycle therapy (pct) as it knocks estrogen levels too low which can negatively impact your cholesterol values and joint/tendon maintenance and healing. So its best to limit your letro use to during cycle to keep extra estrogen low when its not wanted anyways. Like me, if your coming off getting ready to start post cycle therapy (pct) 2wks after last test enan inj, with pronounced gyno problems I'll use letro WITH clomid thru out my post cycle therapy (pct) duration and an extra 2-3months on letro probably. If deemed necessary, I'll throw in some nolvadex but I believe letro does what nolva does AND then some so nolva and letro is over kill. Hope this helps clear it up a bit
I would like to add to the thread if thats ok.

What would be the proper way to taper letro?

I have been on only .6mg for the past 4 weeks or so and have seen about an 80% decrease with no negative sexual side effects. I think people does it too high.

I havent noticed anymore progress the last 2 weeks. Should I continue or now slowly taper off?
.6mg @ what frequency e3d? Most ppl say taper up @ .25, .5, .75 up to 2.5 then work your way back down to .25 to prevent rebound. I'm a firm believer in just 2.5mg from the start till I fell the lumps gone and taper down. Your .6mg depending on the frequency can be used as an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), as some ppl go with Letro instead of adex/aromasin since it nukes estro quickly.
Hey guys, I use RUI products for most of my post cycle therapy (pct) needs. ON THE DROPPER-what mark are you going too? I just want to make sure your calculating properly.
This is going to sound completely retarded, but how do you take the liquid letro and nolva? Orally or inject it?
Hey guys, I use RUI products for most of my post cycle therapy (pct) needs. ON THE DROPPER-what mark are you going too? I just want to make sure your calculating properly.

I will help you guys out with Sanders question. Every tenth of a ml is .25 mg or the 1 mark on the oral syringe. 2.5mg would be the 10 mark on the oral syringe.
.6mg @ what frequency e3d? Most ppl say taper up @ .25, .5, .75 up to 2.5 then work your way back down to .25 to prevent rebound. I'm a firm believer in just 2.5mg from the start till I fell the lumps gone and taper down. Your .6mg depending on the frequency can be used as an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), as some ppl go with Letro instead of adex/aromasin since it nukes estro quickly.

Its Eod. I fill just to a hair over the 2 mark. I cant decide to stay on and see if the last little bit dissapears or start tapering. Does everyone seem to get rid of everything or just some?
Its Eod. I fill just to a hair over the 2 mark. I cant decide to stay on and see if the last little bit dissapears or start tapering. Does everyone seem to get rid of everything or just some?

If gyno lumps are present dosage starts at 1.25mg ED and is tapered up till 2.5 mg is utilized. It can take up to two months for letrozole to reverse gyno.
I got great results with the small dose I take as well as no negative sides. Why is it that people go straight to the max dosage?
Why mg

Why does everyone keep referring to the dose of liquid Letro/ Nolva in mg instead of ml? These products come in ml bottles with ml syringes and unless you know how much mg is suspended in your liquid (mg/ml) you have no way to convert mg into ml. This is driving me crazy because I recently purchased liquid Letro and liquid Nolva and when googleing how many ml to dose, all the millions of forums on the topic reference are mg. So, how many ml of letro and how many ml of nolva should I take?
It should say on your bottle how many mg per ml it is. Something like 2.5mg/1ml. That's what rue's letro's dosed at.
This is good info for me, guys. I am winding down a test c/tren e cycle -2 weeks to go. I had kickstared w/ Dbol. Despite using .5 arimidex every day from day 1, I still got a lump on my right nipple. Increased the arimidex to 1.5 per day with no success. Just got my letro from RUI today. Read about how its not best to run letro during post cycle therapy (pct). I have Clomid ready for my post cycle therapy (pct). I'm gonna be forced to start Letro today due to the lump, however. Will taper up according to your recommedations. Have 4 weeks till the clomid is scheduled to start. Hoping to be able to taper Letro down(if lump is shrinking) in weeks and run a lower dose w/ the Clomid for my PCT.... Any additional thoughts? Is my first issue w/ gyno and first experience w/ Letro.... Thank you.
Letro is strong. It will crush your E but in a case of gyno starting its recommended. Better off just using adex entire cycle instead of waiting for sides to come up and use Letro.
Hey guys. I've been reading this tread and it is full of good info. I have two questions though. It says RUI Letro isn't for human use, should I be concerned about that? Secondly I've had gyno since I was a teen and I'm in my 30s now. Will letro still help? Thanks in advance guys.