Liquid Oral Dbol??


On Vacation
Just want to make sure I am doing this correctly before I waste any gear.

If I want to make 50ml at 100mg/ml with my Dbol powder, how do I do it EXACTLY? I have read several posts, I just want to be sure.

100mg/ml x 50ml = 5000mg

5000mg = 5g

5g = ~4ml (using .80ml per gram)

So would I add the 5g (4ml) to 46ml of PEG200/400, heat, swirl, rinse, repeat?

Is that it?

Also, are glass vials heat-tempered enough to withstand the heat it takes to get the Dbol into a liquid? And when heating, do i just put the vial in the oven and heat or can I get some boiling water and drop the vial in there to heat it up?

Peg 400/200 is good to go.
Lets say you want to put 5g of dbol (which is what u want to do) into solution for dosing at 100mg/ml. just use 50ml of peg400 minus the 5g for the powder, so 45ml of peg400 and you should have 50ml of solution, at 100mg/ml. approximately.

If you are using glass vials that are research vials (pyrex) or research vials, then they should withstand the heat in the oven. I would put the vial in the oven. Just make sure the rubber stopper doesnt melt...
We'll do. I think I will try it with PEG 200 becuase it is thinner. Thanks again phreak!!
Bumpin this back up for another question or two.

Is it possible to mix up 10g to make a solution of 50ml @ 200mg/ml? Also, where is a good place to buy beakers/graduated cylinders.

Oh yeah, what is the melting point for Dbol, I can't find it on the melting point sheet?

This is what you need.


melting point= 162-164C

molecular weight= 300.42

rotation= +0 CHCL3

I would just put it in the oven with the p200 and bake at melting point.

Also, to get it exact, just measure out 50cc of water and fill the vial. mark the line. dump the water, dry out and put in powder. then fill with p200 to the line. Better than guessing the volume of the powder.
ld50 said:
This is what you need.


melting point= 162-164C

molecular weight= 300.42

rotation= +0 CHCL3

I would just put it in the oven with the p200 and bake at melting point.

Also, to get it exact, just measure out 50cc of water and fill the vial. mark the line. dump the water, dry out and put in powder. then fill with p200 to the line. Better than guessing the volume of the powder.

I thought that might be the one, but I wasn't sure. Thanks, I guess that would be an easier way to do it. Any idea if I can get the Dbol to hold at 200mg/ml??
never tried it.

go ahead and do it. if it soesn't hold, just cut back to 150, the 100 and so on.
ld50 said:
never tried it.

go ahead and do it. if it soesn't hold, just cut back to 150, the 100 and so on.

Thanks. When you say cut back, do you mean add more EC (was using PEG 200 but I went ahead and bought some EC while I was at the store) until it equates to 100mg/ml?

Just want to be sure. I think I have it though.
panteracfh said:
how much dbol you gonna be taking? damn, 200mg/ml...

Only 40-50mg/day. I just wanted to see if I can get it into a higher concentration with less vials laying around. Plus the dosing is easier to play with.
One more thing. Do I need to filter this stufff when I am done or will the heat from the oven make it sterile.
neither. for orals it dont need to be sterile.

i use a hot plate to heat. place the powder in you beaker, add carrier to just above the 50ml mark and heat til it dissolves. remove from heat, let cool and drank away. =0)

if you dont have a hot plate the eye of an electric stove will do on about medium to medium high. just swirl occassionally.

have fun