Liquid Var


New member
Right, i have got my var powder but nohting to suspend it in! I have looked all over the net for everclear but can not find it anywhere in the UK. Is it okay to suspend my var in Peg 400?


Damn! Is there anything else i can get from universalkits that will allow me to suspend my Anavar (var)? Would be good if it doesnt taste like "Ass" also!!!

PEG is WAAAAAAAAAAAY worse then ass... I am interested too in the best method of converting VAR powder... I don't wanna waste this shit (it's expensive).... It seems that capping is more convinient in the long run and making a solution is very difficult... I am fine with a suspension along as half the product isn't stuck the the side of the vial or some shit.... I don't want it all crashed and shit.
has anyone put together a simlpe water/glycerine/ps80 suspension yet?

gunna try it next with some var
Who gives a fuck if it tastes like ass, just be a man and drink it. Damn, how many times do we have to have this conversation about PEG. PEG is a great liquid to suspend things in. Yes it tastes bad, but are you in this for the taste or for the muscle-enhancing effects of AAS?

*Sorry for the rant, didn't get any PEG... uh... I mean ass last night!! lol
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I would just like a tasty Anabolic cocktail to sip on by the fire for Christmas.

Is that too much to ask?
how about working this suspension to use var instead but probably w/ lower concentration so it can be a tasty ass

2.4 grams nolva powder into 58.2ml peg 400 will give you 60ml @40mg/ml. heat until the powder disolves completely.

if you want to add flavor, use 57.2ml peg and 1ml pepermint or cinnimon oil.

you can get 60ml bottles with marked droppers, the peg and the flavor oils at