load up 2ml of test e and pinn it once a week


Throwing Cookies
This is bad because your blood levels bounce right? I have this toolbag telling me pinning one ml of 250 2x a week is pointless since test e is a long ester. Did I tell him the right thing?
What if you have to pin Mondays and Fridays? I may be doing some training for work out of town and that would be about the only two days I could do it.
Go Tuesdays and Fridays if that's the case. And you were right, yes the half like will keep it in your blood long enough to pin once a week, but why would you want to limbo your levels like that?
there is NOTHING wrong with pinning a long ester ONCE per week... DON'T fall into the trap of believing all the crap u see on the net. If only 2mls, once per week is fine... more injects is really only NEEDED if u are running high dosages (more convenient)
this thing of tying it to a weekday is convenient if you're bound to it, but ideally would it be every 3 days or every 4 days? in my case i'm a student and have summer off, so monday/thurs don't have a lot of intrinsic meaning at the moment.
there is NOTHING wrong with pinning a long ester ONCE per week... DON'T fall into the trap of believing all the crap u see on the net. If only 2mls, once per week is fine... more injects is really only NEEDED if u are running high dosages (more convenient)

I agree with china on this one, back in the day I only pinned once per week and was just fine. but since coming back everyone on here says mondays and thursday which I am currently doing with test e I am 3 weeks in and the pinning is getting old Im switching to once per week always worked fine before
I am doing 2X a week since it is my first cycle and it is the most reccomended thing, but I have heard of many vets that are on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and they are told to pin once a week by their doctor and they say they feel no difference between the 2, Now I do feel like the more oil you inject the more sore your body part gets. Try both out and see what works for you
there is NOTHING wrong with pinning a long ester ONCE per week... DON'T fall into the trap of believing all the crap u see on the net. If only 2mls, once per week is fine... more injects is really only NEEDED if u are running high dosages (more convenient)

So China, you're saying the reason most vets pin twice per week with split dosage is so they dont have to do a crap ton of gear in one shot?
there is NOTHING wrong with pinning a long ester ONCE per week... DON'T fall into the trap of believing all the crap u see on the net. If only 2mls, once per week is fine... more injects is really only NEEDED if u are running high dosages (more convenient)

ive done it, its fine
there is NOTHING wrong with pinning a long ester ONCE per week... DON'T fall into the trap of believing all the crap u see on the net. If only 2mls, once per week is fine... more injects is really only NEEDED if u are running high dosages (more convenient)

So China, you're saying the reason most vets pin twice per week with split dosage is so they dont have to do a crap ton of gear in one shot?
for example masteron is typically 150mg/ml u run 600ml pw thats 4cc right there, plust test 500mg 2 cc's, then tren whatever u get the idea
This is bad because your blood levels bounce right? I have this toolbag telling me pinning one ml of 250 2x a week is pointless since test e is a long ester. Did I tell him the right thing?

Well, eventhough this guy was prettymuch right, he's still a toolbag. lol. Thanks guys!