Logging sarmsearch sr9009! Gtfih!!


New member
What's up Ology peeps!!??

I need to give a HUGE thanks to Psizzle and Sarmsearch for giving me this awesome opportunity to log their new release SR9009. Not many people know about this, so I'm here to play guinea pig for y'all to see how it goes!

I'm hoping to get the bottle in either tomorrow or Monday, so that's obviously when it'll kick off. Coincidentally, around this time last year, I logged S-4 for sarmsearch, and was training for a 10k. Well, nothing***8217;s changed. I'm once again training for that same 10k, but this time, I've got some extra lbs to shed. I came down w/ some serious plantar faciitis last summer so the running had to stop. Into the fall, overtime took over, so pretty much all working out quit. I got very soft & fat. I've been dieting, trying to get back down to 165, but I'm still hampered w/ sore feet from time to time, and still clocking plenty of overtime. This new research chemical looks like exactly what I need to get me back down in weight and help me with more endurance for running.

I'll get some before pics up soon and try to update this log daily, if not, at least every other day. My current stats right now are 5***8217;7" 181 and probably about 40%bf! Lol.

Thanks to all that follow, and feel free to hit me up w/ questions or comments.
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Absolutely awesome!

Definitely looking forward to this log. My rats are running SR already...it's an intense compound. You're missing out if you don't get involved!
This is great! Can't wait to hear how you love it.

My rats are about done with week 1...like I've said before this is such an intense compound. I've never taken anything that starts working so quickly. You feel it after your very first dose. No lie

I may post about what to look for since this is such a new item...until then don't hesitate with questions!

Good luck on your log. I'll definitely be following!!
Sorry for the lack of updates over the weekend, I took my son on a cub scouts trip to the USS ALABAMA battleship. We spent the night there Saturday night.

I took my first dose of 5mg Saturday morning with the dropper connected to the cap. Didn't feel too much of anything. Did it again Sunday morning, this time just a little more than 5mg. Again, nothing. I started thinking that maybe a syringe would give me a more accurate dose. So, this morning, I drew probably about 8mg up & took that. Once again, nothing. I followed that with a cup of black coffee. 5 hours later and I'm feeling pretty good. No jitters or anything like that though.

Gonna take 10 mg in an hour. We'll see how that works.
Day 4

Today is my first day at 20mg a day. Took 10 this morning @ 6am, and the other 10 mg @ 12:30 this afternoon. I guess if I'm feeling a little more focus, but other than that, not a whole lot. I will say that after a bad weekend of eating, I'm only 1/2 pound heavier.
I noticed an increase in energy the first day.And it lasted until I crashed out. I stacked it with creatine. I think adding the creatine is huge...It super charges the cells the sr9009 creates.
I actually stacked it with creatine and Peak ATP. They make one I have seen with both combined into one. I bought the two separate.

My training partner who didn't know I was taking the SR9009 at first, said that he had not seen me react to something to quickly since I started HRT 5 years ago. I just could not get tired with the 9009. I loved it. I ran it for 4 weeks, only because I wanted to play it safe.
The only issue with stacking, is you don't know what is responsible for the effects. But either way, this should be interesting.
Day 8

Well, after further discussion w/ psizzle, I've bumped up to 15mg 2x a day. I just wasn't getting much out of 20mg a day. I worked nights Thursday night & got off shift @6am. I popped a caffeine pill along w/ the 15mg and went to work at my father in laws for another 4 hours. (yes, burning the candle at both ends, I know..) I was supposed to take a nap, because we were going to a Mardi Gras ball last night.. Well, around noon, I popped another 15mg, and stayed wide open up until 1am this morning! I pretty much ran on about 2 hours of rest and outlasted the group I was with! Lol..

Woke up this morning w/ a nice throbbing headache and queasy stomach, so skipped a dose upon waking. Took a nap around 2 this afternoon & got up @ 4 for tonight's shift. I still felt a little uneasy, so I only took 10mg w/ a cup of coffee. I'm sitting here @ work, about 3 hours later & ready for a nap. Lol. Yeah, too much fun last night.

I'm hoping for a nice quiet night tonight here at work so I get get off @ 6 & go work a few more hours @ father in laws shop again. (he pays me well, so yes, I'm working on a Sunday). If all goes well, I'll get a 3 mile jog in & then take the kids down to a Mardi Gras parade.

I'm thinking tomorrow will be a good gauge as to how the 30mg a day will treat me.

So far, I'm slowly dropping weight, but I'm also doing a pretty strict keto diet. Yesterday was my cheat day & I was still down a ½ lb this morning upon waking.

I seem to be totally side effect free. Nothing negative at all. I did notice, (actually the wife did), that my cheeks seem to be red. I just used the restroom & noticed it again. Like two red spots on my cheek bones. Not sure if that's from the 9009 or not..

I’ll let y'all know how my 3 mile run goes tomorrow.
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