First, I have to thank Psizzle8 and the rest of Sarmsearch for giving me this opportunity. This is a very generous group, and they only put out TOP NOTCH products! I'm always honored & humbled to be selected to run their products. Especially to run something as new as this! I can't thank you guys enough!!
Well, I have to be honest, this one isn't at the top of my list of favorites.. Lol.. But, hey, not all products are for all people, right?* This might be the end all, be all for someone else out there! I started my run at 5mg twice a day. Not completely knowing what to expect, see or feel, I went into this with a totally open mind.
After about 4 or 5 days, I really wasn't feeling or seeing too much, so I bumped it up to 20mg a day. Again, this is TOTALLY new, so there's really no set dosing protocol yet. I went a few more days at 20 mg a day and decided to give 30mg a day a shot. I think I started to get some of the m e t a b o l I c benefits at this point. Energy seemed to kick in pretty quick after the dose, and seemed to last pretty much all day. I also noticed feeling very well rested upon waking, even if I didn't get much sleep.
For the last few days, just to see what happened, I bumped it up to 40mg a day. This seemed to have given me more endurance on the treadmill, and with the weights. One thing that I didn't notice at all with the weights was an increase in strength. Again, I didn't know what to expect. Was I supposed to gain any strength? I don't know. From what I've read, I don't think that was one of the benefits of this chemical.
I've seen some say that 20mg a day was their sweet spot. To them, I say right on! For me, if I ran this again, I'd probably start at 20 a day for the first 2-3 days, then bump it up to 40 & go from there, maybe even trying 50 or 60mg a day. Who knows what that would do for me. Lol. I just didn't want an extra arm growing out of my neck or something! Lol.. That being said, I would definitely give this another try. Who knows, this could be the next big thing!! Thanks Sarmsearch; I was glad to be a part of this research!!
Here's my "after" pic. I've tightened up a little bit, and obviously, shaved off all that hair. Lol. The wife digs my body again.. I told her I was going for the Tom Selleck look! Haha.. One thing to note, feel like I tightened up, but I'm only 1 pound lighter. I'd call that a successful recomp!