LONG cycles


New member
I know that there not good for you but, A freind of mine did a 20 week cycle and myself and another freind did a 12 week cycle. The freind that did the 20 weeker blew us out of the water. He looks 100 time better then the rest of us.

I was wondering if this would be ok for a 20 weeker.

weeks 1-4 Anadrol 75mg ED
Weeks 1-20 t-400 2x week shot 300mgs per shot(600mgs total)
weeks 1-10 EQ 2x per week shot 200 mgs per shot(400 total)

Weeks 11-14 D-bol 40mgs ED
Weeks 11-20 Deca 300 2x per week @300mgs per shot(600 total)

HCG through out the cycle
clomid pct

I know it crazy but would this be ok(the a-bombs & d-bol)

Go easy on me boys
TwinTowers said:
I know that there not good for you but, A freind of mine did a 20 week cycle and myself and another freind did a 12 week cycle. The freind that did the 20 weeker blew us out of the water. He looks 100 time better then the rest of us.

I was wondering if this would be ok for a 20 weeker.

weeks 1-4 Anadrol 75mg ED
Weeks 1-20 t-400 2x week shot 300mgs per shot(600mgs total)
weeks 1-10 EQ 2x per week shot 200 mgs per shot(400 total)

Weeks 11-14 D-bol 40mgs ED
Weeks 11-20 Deca 300 2x per week @300mgs per shot(600 total)

HCG through out the cycle
clomid post cycle therapy (pct)

I know it crazy but would this be ok(the a-bombs & d-bol)

Go easy on me boys
the abombs and dbols arent that crazy because your taking a 6 week break between them . if it was me i would run the dbol/deca first and the eq/abombs last if i was going to run all of them but to be truthfull i would probably just run the deca for 15 weeks or so instead of running deca then eq , test deca dbol is a classic cycle and hard to beat .you could do test for 20 weeks if you like and run dbol weeks 1-4 and 11-15 , start the post cycle therapy (pct) 2 weeks after your last test injection

Thanks, Thats kind of what i was thinking about the abombs and d-bol.
Thanks for not bashing me. Im sure it will happen.

Thanks bro
for the last year or so, i have run nothing but long ass cycles of (synovex) prop/fina. i never take much of a break from the test, but i run the fina for 6-8 weeks, then take a month off. i am not sure if i put that right.

moral of the story: i love long cycles. i agree w/ the theory that you keep gains better from them. the tren is supposedly a harsher drug so i take little breaks. i get bloodwork done regularly and i am A-OK. the only drawback is i plateau after a certain point. i think i am there now and need a break..
TwinTowers said:
Why should the deca be done first ??

This was a recent post at AR, and I think it's an interesting topic, so I'm posting it up over here for anyone to add to or contradict:

Originally Posted by big k.l.g
Hi bros,
First most of us know that Androgen Receptor sites do not "burn out" this is hogwash in fact the opposite is true, the AR upregulate and muliply to make use of all the new high concentrations in blood....the reason you need to increace AS doses after a few cycles is because of the added muscle mass ( more AR sites) from previous cycle. NOW how do i keep on growing during a say 20 week cycle? Assuming diet, rest, training etc is good is there anything that can be done to maximize Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) caused growth? the one i know that slows down cycle muscle gains of is the SHBG increase, which i can combat with the use of proviron+insulin. Are there any other growth-slowing actions i should know about? thanks guys.


I've posted my theory on AR receptors over prolonged exposure to supraphysiological doses of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) over time. ARs are upregulated initially in response to increased ligand (AAS) concentrations. However, it's been shown in vitro (but not yet in vivo) that ARs do downregulate over time, when exposed to constant high levels of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) (test). Androgens lower SHBG levels, whereas estrogens increase SHBG levels, so utilizing sufficient anti e's throughout a cycle can have advantages from many different standpoints. During an Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) cycle, if sufficient anti e's are used, your bioavailable Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) (akin to bioavailable test in a "natural" athlete) will be much higher than when not on cycle. SHBG will creep up over time, but your % bioavailable test should still be much higher than off cycle. A couple things to try during the latter half or latter 1/3 of a longer cycle would be to incorporate proviron and/or to slightly increase doses (but plan your starting doses with this in mind). I'm in now way a proponent of big doses. Your body seeks homeostasis by many mechanisms and will adjust to Xmg/wk of AAS. Increasing that dose after a long run at a constant dose has the potential to increase expression of ARs once again. Another thing that many do is to add in more androgenic compounds towards the end of their longer cycles, which can again lower SHBG levels in addition to providing their inherent anabolic and androgenic effects.

Originally Posted by TheMudMan

Also, another thing I have learned is when gains stop comming on it's ususally because your calorie intake needs to be bumped up.........


This can't be stressed enough. I should have mentioned that before anything else I said. You NEED to maintain a fairly excessive positive caloric intake to grow big.
Good stuff. I like to use an anti aromatase drug in moderation through my cycles now, along with hCG to keep my jewels regular.
For those that have done long vs. short cycles , i have heard many say that the gains were better kept with long cycles, is this what you all have seen?
TwinTowers said:
Why should the deca be done first ??


I was thinking that since the deconate ester is so long, plus the fact that deca tends to shut people down harder and for longer (not to mention the long detection times if you're worried about that type of thing), it would make sense to get it out of the way first. Just a thought
thetopdog said:
deca tends to shut people down harder and for longer

Deca shuts you down 100%. So does the testosterone in this cycle, and the Eq. Deca just takes a smaller amount to shut you down, but any and all of them will shut you down 100%, and will keep you that way for weeks after your last shot.

What I'm saying is that deca doesn't shut you down "harder" than test (or whatever)...they both shut you totally down (nothing is "harder" than 100% right?).
hooker said:
What I'm saying is that deca doesn't shut you down "harder" than test (or whatever)...they both shut you totally down (nothing is "harder" than 100% right?).

I agree that shut down is shut down, however more people tend to have a harder time recovering from deca and fina. So I would also agree with the poster that said deca shuts you down harder.

Also, a minimal dose of deca (I think it was 50mg) has been shown to shut you down almost immediately. Other gear takes some time to get you fully shut down, dosage dependant of course.
I have a study where 100mgs of deca shuts the test group down immediately, and they don't recover baseline levels for around 3 weeks (Minto, et. al.)... test at that same dose takes 6 weeks to shut you down totally (J Investig Med. 1997 Oct;45(8):441-7).
But yeah, 100% is 100% and that's how I took the word "harder" to be defined as, not a time/recovery issue (since he added the word "longer" as well).
Like...ya know what I mean?