long term effects of PHs


New member
I have run about 4 PH, cycles, between Hdrol and Epistanes. the next 2 cycles I want to run Sdrol.

I know they are all toxic for the liver. I take about 4000mg a day of milk thistle during my cycles to help.

How does it work? does the liver recover from the toxicity? does it balance back out to health over time, like hormones do during post cycle therapy (pct)? or is it cumulative damage?

I love PHs, I love the results. but I am also a health n fitness trainer, and very concerned with over all health and well being of the body as a whole.

does the liver damage add up more and more every time a cycle is taken? I never run more that 2 cycles a year.

but after a few years, if i continue, am I going to fuck my liver?
The damage done to your liver is nothing it cant fix itself especially if you take precautions like you are during cycle.
As long as you don't use phs for more than 6-8 weeks and have a proper post cycle therapy (pct) aligned, you should be fine. DON'T ABUSE!