Your offsprings long term and permanent damage from your steroid use

This brings back a quote to my memory.... The best way to destroy a a people (or society) is to take away their ability to reproduce...

That***8217;s exactly what***8217;s happening, also people actually think fluoride is good for their teeth. It***8217;s a poison that hitler first used as a way to make the German people more docile. That way there was less chance of a revolt. People say it***8217;s only a tiny amount and it protects our teeth smh. There***8217;s been tooth decay studies in developed countries that don***8217;t put fluoride in their water and people in our country didn***8217;t have any better teeth than they did. There***8217;s so much crap being pushed on people, it***8217;s disgusting. That***8217;s crazy and a perfect example with the water situation you experienced in a different country
zero issues up to now, lets see in 10 years if they are still with zero issues for their sake.

Actually a couple of their kids are late teens early twenties and besides normal issues they are fine, well one has six toes on one foot nine on the other, but that***8217;s normal isn***8217;t it ;)
Yeah, thats the scary part of not knowing whos gay these days. I was at the gym one night doing squats and a guy Ive seen around the gym asked me if i wanted a spotter. I was trying out a heavy weight so i said fine.
So he got behind me and helped me squat, about 3 squats into it i felt his johnson get hard, the hell! I jumped away and let the weights fall and picked up and bodyslammed that faggot.
needless to say, i am not allowed back into the gym for 1 month. Look like I picked the wrong time to start with tren as well in my cycle.
and the gay squater aint getting out of the hospital for two weeks with a bum back. lol.

I have a curse of attracting fags, my wife thinks it***8217;s funny and says it***8217;s because I***8217;m so big and manly smh wtf.
Yeah, thats the scary part of not knowing whos gay these days. I was at the gym one night doing squats and a guy Ive seen around the gym asked me if i wanted a spotter. I was trying out a heavy weight so i said fine.
So he got behind me and helped me squat, about 3 squats into it i felt his johnson get hard, the hell! I jumped away and let the weights fall and picked up and bodyslammed that faggot.
needless to say, i am not allowed back into the gym for 1 month. Look like I picked the wrong time to start with tren as well in my cycle.
and the gay squater aint getting out of the hospital for two weeks with a bum back. lol.

Thats a but hilarious though, like straight out of a comedy movie lol...
So this is not a developing science at all. There are no effects on offspring. Duh

Yes is is a developing science fool. how long have steroids been in use? can you add? we are still learning about how it affects you down to your genes which data you cannot possibly have since this is still a advancing and developing science idiot.
If course its still a developing science, you dont know the long term effects of gear in your genes 20, 40 even 60, 100 years from now. Gear itself has only been around say 40 years more or less. You have no idea whats really in the pharma that bodybuiders use, just look at tren for heavens sake, and anyone with a 8th grade science education can realize that it is still an advancing science.

Shit gets into your genes and your kids will come out all disconfigured.
The best way to destroy a society is to take away their ability to reproduce, its happening all around us with more males with low t symtoms.
so please keep your uninformed opinions to yourself mr admin.
If course its still a developing science, you dont know the long term effects of gear in your genes 20, 40 even 60, 100 years from now. Gear itself has only been around say 40 years more or less. You have no idea whats really in the pharma that bodybuiders use, just look at tren for heavens sake, and anyone with a 8th grade science education can realize that it is still an advancing science.

Shit gets into your genes and your kids will come out all disconfigured.
The best way to destroy a society is to take away their ability to reproduce, its happening all around us with more males with low t symtoms.
so please keep your uninformed opinions to yourself mr admin.

You make it sound like some evil conspiracy lol...
You're also using your own argument against yourself, cant have it both ways...

Not even sure we have statistics to back up the claim there's a significant higher portion of males with low t symptoms, but lets assume it for the sake of argument.
Those are mostly diet and life style choices and society as a whole. Not some government masterplan to destroy society by taking away the ability to reproduce, what the fuck you smoking bro? PCP? :P
Gear has been around for a far longer than 40 years though, by like 20 more years.

But i do agree, crack babies like gear babies, ofc there's a risk for gene changes, specially if you conceive while on or the following years after.
Geez everyone has to be stupid!!!!! Doesn***8217;t everyone know that more men have low t these days because our forefathers were obviously all on aas DUH!!!!! And if you all didn***8217;t know people have been on testosterone since the beginning of time from eating bull testicles. I know this for a fact because my moms uncles great aunts mother in law had 20 inch pythons and a full beard because she sat down and won the bull testicle eating contest for 27 years str8. And her great great nephew now has low t because it was in his genes. Now his daughters daughter has a beard and a penis with a front but so she can***8217;t even see her penis because her front but is so big. If you were wondering where she got her front but from....... so am I, so lets start another childish name calling debate over the cause of front butts on females with beards and penis***8217;s

By the way what***8217;s up yalllllll ;)
You guys are arguing about a couple different things at once.

The low T being seen now in large percentages of the population are due to endocrine mimics in the plastics and food preservatives, and possibly some influence from soy GMOs. That's going to be an interesting topic to watch in the coming years. I think we will eventually see massive class action lawsuits like what was seen for tobacco and asbestos for companies making these BPA, etc. You can already see one evolving today with Monsanto being sued for glyphosate. I said before it took place that as soon as Bayer a German company bought Monsanto an American company that the flood gates of litigation would open up - and they are. So stay tuned on all the little environmental poisons in our food and plastics. I think we'll see the same thing for mercury and aluminum adjuvants in vaccines.

Now on the gear, it has been around since 1950-ish. 70 years. Probably in semi-widespread use since the 1960's. To call it an evolving science is a bit of a joke because nobody is really studying it. It is and continues to be bro science, and as we see on this site every week it effects different people in different ways. Some people blow up on it, some stay stringy and lean. Some get their HPTAs crushed, some don't. Who knows what it might do to our offspring. There are stories now & then about fast food diet contributing to health problems in babies, so why wouldn't tinkering with sex hormones have a possible effect?

We don't, it's all a roll of the dice.

And then somebody else touched upon the random impurities or downright fraud for what might be in black market roids. It all comes from China, and China makes both good stuff and crap. Without quality control verified by real independent testing who knows what's in your raws, and who knows what is mixed into your oils? Crap shoot.
The chemical synthesis of testosterone from cholesterol was achieved in August that year by Butenandt and Hanisch.[180] Only a week later, the Ciba group in Zurich, Leopold Ruzicka (1887***8211;1976) and A. Wettstein, published their synthesis of testosterone.[181] These independent partial syntheses of testosterone from a cholesterol base earned both Butenandt and Ruzicka the joint 1939 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.[179][182] Testosterone was identified as 17***946;-hydroxyandrost-4-en-3-one (C19H28O2), a solid polycyclic alcohol with a hydroxyl group at the 17th carbon atom. This also made it obvious that additional modifications on the synthesized testosterone could be made, i.e., esterification and alkylation.

The partial synthesis in the 1930s of abundant, potent testosterone esters permitted the characterization of the hormone's effects, so that Kochakian and Murlin (1936) were able to show that testosterone raised nitrogen retention (a mechanism central to anabolism) in the dog, after which Allan Kenyon's group[183] was able to demonstrate both anabolic and androgenic effects of testosterone propionate in eunuchoidal men, boys, and women. The period of the early 1930s to the 1950s has been called "The Golden Age of Steroid Chemistry",[184] and work during this period progressed quickly. Research in this golden age proved that this newly synthesized compound***8212;testosterone***8212;or rather family of compounds (for many derivatives were developed from 1940 to 1960), was a potent multiplier of muscle, strength, and well-being.[185]