Long term effects of Test

so is this Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) just bullshit or what? seems here that everythign was OK and they were on 500mg/week for over 2 years?
Don't jump yet...

"Whether this high dose testosterone treatement has any negative long term effects is unresolved to date."
Yeah, I hear you..

But the hormone levels are stable, all other signs point to OK.. sperm count is down which is GREAT for me anyway.. this is 10 years after.. these guys were ranging from 5 grams of 30 grams of testosterone in 1 cycle.. I really think that they would have been able to produce some negative results out of it.. don't you?

I'm not saying that when i'm 70 i won't have problems becuase I took too much test when I was in my 20s, but by then i'll either be slamming HGH or they will have a cure for most diseases anyway.

I will try to find some supporting articles, I may be "crazy" but if I find one or two more of these and nothing bad.. i'm in for at least 6 months.
Chcek it..


The effects of long term administration of testosterone enanthate (TE) on glucose metabolism including glucose tolerance test (GTT) and fasting serum insulin levels were evaluated in adult rhesus monkeys kept under controlled dietary conditions. Adult male rhesus monkeys (n = 9) were administered 50 mg of TE bimonthly for 32 months, whereas control animals were injected the vehicle only. Glucose concentration reached a maximum 5 min after an intravenous glucose load and thereafter decreased gradually to reach near baseline values within 60 min. Significant changes in GTT or t1/2 of glucose were not seen in animals treated with TE, throughout the treatment period. However, serum insulin levels decreased significantly from months 27–32 of TE treatment and returned to baseline values within 3 months of recovery.

Now that is bimonthly but for 32 months, everything returned to baseline within 3 months.. this is also 2.5yrs (duh math) as your study.
Though the study rings true, I've read many a thread where someone who has been on for a long time just donesn't feel the same afterwards. Now, that could be because he became accustomed to having such high test levels that his original base level doesn't satisfy him anymore. I've also seen threads where users (especially of harsher steroids) have had a drop in their test levels months and months after they came off.
I've been running it for long periods for years now, it is hard to tell when I come off if I am back to normal as everything feels low, but I think its just in comparison to the higher doses
I guess other didn't notice that this was done to boys that were still in puberty. Not to mature men. There is a big difference. This does make a good case against doing gear while still in your teens and actually up until you are about twenty five.

What this shows is the maturation of a man testicles is stopped by the addition of testosterone. That's why these guys were shooting blanks. They had little boy balls.