Looking for clear answers about EQ


New member
With testosterone the results plateau at week 10-12, but EQ is different because it's a long ester, which doesn't fully kick in until week 8-10....

So, if EQ needs to be ran at 16-20 weeks to get the full effect then how does one avoid permanent HPTA damage/shutdown?

In my research I've seen some people say they do it with HCG intermittently on cycle... but what's the protocol for this?

Has anyone here ran EQ for 16 to 20 weeks?
If so, how did you do the PCT?

Was recovery difficult?
Is 16 weeks too long to be on?
Is 20 weeks too long to be on?

[I personally think it's a great compound and I'm just trying to figure out how to run it safely.]
When you say "fully kick in" and "results plateau", what are you referring to? Serum saturation levels? Gains? Something else? I think you may be a little confused about how esters and half-lives work.

And what leads you to believe that 16 weeks on cycle will result in permanent HPTA Shutdown whereas 10 weeks will not?

Additionally. hCG should be run an all cycles. You start Day 1 and run it up until PCT starts and 250-500iu twice a week. This minimizes leydig cell/testicular atrophy.
I've run EQ for I think about 11 months straight at the longest. I also B&C and have never done PCT. I just do little blasts of hcg during my c***se. I think running hcg all the time is kind of overkill, but some guys do it.

In short, shutdown is shutdown, it doesn't matter if you're shutdown on a short cycle or a long cycle. HPTA shutdown and "damage" is kind of overplayed, especially the idea of permanent shutdown.
Not to hijack the thread but with such a long cycle what are the indicators to increase or decrease dosages.. if using test and eq?
Is equal mg best? Is hight test at the start for a kick recommended?
Can you taper down test once eq ramps up? I have ran test from 600-750 with eq @ 600..trying to find a sweet spot.
I'm now going to 750mg eq 600 mg testc on my 17 week. Going to run for another 6 weeks..
Not to hijack the thread but with such a long cycle what are the indicators to increase or decrease dosages.. if using test and eq?
Is equal mg best? Is hight test at the start for a kick recommended?
Can you taper down test once eq ramps up? I have ran test from 600-750 with eq @ 600..trying to find a sweet spot.
I'm now going to 750mg eq 600 mg testc on my 17 week. Going to run for another 6 weeks..

Are you asking me?
When you say "fully kick in" and "results plateau", what are you referring to? Serum saturation levels? Gains? Something else? I think you may be a little confused about how esters and half-lives work.

And what leads you to believe that 16 weeks on cycle will result in permanent HPTA Shutdown whereas 10 weeks will not?

Additionally. hCG should be run an all cycles. You start Day 1 and run it up until PCT starts and 250-500iu twice a week. This minimizes leydig cell/testicular atrophy.

Fully kick in = steady levels of compound achieved in body begin to show anabolic capabilities
results plateau = the point at which the rate of gains diminishes and sides can become more prevalent
[this is all bro science and what I have found in my studies of "expert level broscientist" say]

I do not know why people draw a line between weeks 16 and 10, but i from what i understand the testies have a harder time returning to homeostasis with a super prolonged use.

I think you are right that the factors that can cause a hard recovery are not cut in stone.

about running HCG throughout a whole cycle, is this what you do?

I've heard of many doing that, and many also use it on a as needed basis.
I've run EQ for I think about 11 months straight at the longest. I also B&C and have never done PCT. I just do little blasts of hcg during my c***se. I think running hcg all the time is kind of overkill, but some guys do it.

In short, shutdown is shutdown, it doesn't matter if you're shutdown on a short cycle or a long cycle. HPTA shutdown and "damage" is kind of overplayed, especially the idea of permanent shutdown.

Thats awesome man, I personally don't think ill be ready for the blast and c***se lifestyle anytime soon, my boy does it but i like my time off. Interesting to know that the HPTA shutdown is hyped up a bit. I mean some guys make it seem like it can happen and if it does then thats it for you... Im just concerned with a hard recovery, i think i'll do 6 to 8 weeks of 250 to 500 iu of HCG when im nearing the end of the cycle and a 6 to 8 week PCT with clomy and nolva and pray for the best.
Not to hijack the thread but with such a long cycle what are the indicators to increase or decrease dosages.. if using test and eq?
Is equal mg best? Is hight test at the start for a kick recommended?
Can you taper down test once eq ramps up? I have ran test from 600-750 with eq @ 600..trying to find a sweet spot.
I'm now going to 750mg eq 600 mg testc on my 17 week. Going to run for another 6 weeks..

its totally fine man, actually thats something im interested in knowing myself, i remember coach trevor of EA saying he tells people to taper down the EQ at the end before beginning the PCT but i'd be interested to hear what people say about tapering the test.

I personally want to keep my test base steady at 600 all throughout just to support the EQ, but I wonder if anyone can shed light on if there is some kind of ideal ratio of test to EQ.

I've been wondering also when I'm in PCT if i add in some Tongkat Ali if it will help get my balls restart easier?
blast and c***se

Is blast and c***se censored here?

Anyway, to answer your question, I've run test at 2.5 times higher than EQ, and I've also run a baseline of test at basically TRT doses while blasting other compounds. Something in the middle would probably be best.
I think your plan of keeping test at 600 throughout is a good idea, hard to manage AI if you taper up or down.

I'd also suggest stopping the EQ several weeks before test, it has a longer half life so will take longer to bleed out of your system.
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