looking for Guidance on my recent bloodwork and "cycle"


New member
I find myself reading into these discussions so much that I figured why not just throw my situation out there and deal with the newbie "wtf are you doing " bashing that I probably deserve.. so! I got into this a little over a year ago after my endocrynologist refused to help me being 21 with test levels low around 310 before even considering anabolics I lost 90lbs on my own it took 5 years and also lifted heavy for 3 years without any AAS.
currently I'm 23 years old current weight 208 lbs (roughly) 5'9 and 17% body fat currently running a cutting stack test p/ masteron/ tren at 80/80/80 .5 arimidex EOD I got my blood work done recently and my test levels are at 1500 and free test is at 50 my estrogen though is completely out of wack (3024) total estrogen I'm beginning to think that the arimedex I have is garbage because this doesn't add up but even then why is my estrogen so high at just 320mgs a week of test, it just seems a bit over the top I could see something like 600mg a week or higher but as far as side effects goes only thing I notice is my extreme fluctuating weight between 208-219 possibly some fatigue at times and mood swings possible from the tren also my sex drive is low and has been that way for Idk how long now but long before steroids. Although I think adding in the masteron brought my sex drive up a lot, my other question is my free test low considering my total test is at 1500 and what should I do about this?Also I should probably add that In this past year I basically put myself on TRT in the sense of I never actually stopped cycling test,not for more than a month at most but I stopped the tren winny and Anavar from my first "cycle" but used test enathate at 300mgs a week. I'm pretty all over the place with this post it's the first time I'm seeking opinions and advice from anyone outside my gym and self educating myself on this but I'm willing to hear anyone out on my mess.
Welcome to tue boards! how much test are you currently taking and at what dosage did mast take your sex drive up?
Timeline of diagnoses, weight loss, cycles.
Post all bloodwork complete with reference ranges.
Use paragraphs.
First of all know this. Tren will inflate your estrogen counts artificially unless you pay for the more expensive tests. Others know more about it but I think you either need the lc/lcms or the sensitive estrogen assay. If your estrogen was really that high you'd be bloated up like a dead cow
First of all know this. Tren will inflate your estrogen counts artificially unless you pay for the more expensive tests. Others know more about it but I think you either need the lc/lcms or the sensitive estrogen assay. If your estrogen was really that high you'd be bloated up like a dead cow

this ^
""The false reading only happens for labs that use the ECLIA methodology for your bloodwork.
So to avoid any false positives you need to get bloodwork from a lab that uses Quest Diagnostics and NOT Labcorp as their main processing service - this means avoiding privatemd if your on tren & using labsmd.com instead.

The labsmd.com female panel is identical to the panel offered by privatemd except testosterone is tested through LCTMS and reads above 1500 (so no false testosterone positives some guys get from deca, etc) and total estrogens are measured in IA not ECLIA - thereby avoiding the false positives and allowing you to keep an eye on things ""rippedzilla
op , mast and tren do not aromatize, so all your taking is the 80mg of test prop that aromatizes, YET your taking .5 AI EOD (which is a lot imo).
so no way in hell your E is that high , its a false positive reading. use quest diagnostics next time your on tren
op , mast and tren do not aromatize, so all your taking is the 80mg of test prop that aromatizes, YET your taking .5 AI EOD (which is a lot imo).
so no way in hell your E is that high , its a false positive reading. use quest diagnostics next time your on tren

OP this ^^^ but know I hope you understand aromatization. The knowledge of these things as well as the steroid profiles needs be learned.

This ^^^ .5AI EOD is overboad