Looking for Info on my next cycle!


New member
I would like to know from you ladies out there about what I should do for my second cycle!
Ive been taking Var and my boyfriend and I think that is is way under dosed! So now we are wondering what I can do for my next cycle! Ive been reading up on Winstrol (winny) but...... it sounds like more women have a lot of side effects with winny! Im open for any suggestions! I can take a pill or injection!
Just trying to get the info so I can get the $$ ready to order what I need now instead of waiting until the last minute!! LOL

Thank You
First off have you have to take a break in between cycles. Also why do you think the var is underdosed? And are you sure it is legitimate.

Second cycle....if you are not going to do var again then make just use one compound again....I suggest you give primo a try but it is hard to find legit primo.

What is your goal for the second cycle...to bulk or cut? What results did you get from the first cycle and why did you want to do a second cycle? More information is needed including what you will do with your diet and what your goal is.
First off have you have to take a break in between cycles. Also why do you think the var is underdosed? And are you sure it is legitimate.

Second cycle....if you are not going to do var again then make just use one compound again....I suggest you give primo a try but it is hard to find legit primo.

What is your goal for the second cycle...to bulk or cut? What results did you get from the first cycle and why did you want to do a second cycle? More information is needed including what you will do with your diet and what your goal is.

lol, her exact words where I want people to look at me and say "damn that chick is built" lol, J/k but she want muscle. Not overbearing but a decent amount then tone down to have the cuts.

She is excited, but I did indeed tell her she needs to wait equal amount of time if not more inbetween.

As far as the anavar goes, it came from a verified reseller of AX, weather that means anything or not.... :(

MM you would be the best to point her in the right direction, any input is much appreciated :)
I would like to see her diet. Continue this cycle of anavar till the end and post how many calories as well. I thought Sweet E was cutting but I could be thinking of someone else.
I would like to see her diet. Continue this cycle of anavar till the end and post how many calories as well. I thought Sweet E was cutting but I could be thinking of someone else.

She is just running a good all around diet to help her build leaner muscle.....

But I think towards the end of winter she is wanting to try to build some solid muscle. And being winter, she can hide the bloat or excess bodyfat from eating extra calories....

She knows what she wants better than me, lol......
If she truly wants to gain some muscle she must eat more calories than she is used to and not worry about that extra layer of fat....in the long run it is worth having it! Plus it will keep her warm on those cold days!
I know I have to wait until I do my second cycle. I'm just trying to get advice so I can study and research the suggestion before I make my final decision on what my second cycle will look like! and trying to find a good company to order it from..

If she truly wants to gain some muscle she must eat more calories than she is used to and not worry about that extra layer of fat....in the long run it is worth having it! Plus it will keep her warm on those cold days!

lol, true.....

would be nice to run a bulking cycle towards the end of winter so come summer we can lean out once cycle is over.

Would Winstrol (winny) be advisable?? Inject or oral? Doses? Open for suggestions.
Just want to get all of her ducks in a row
Ythrashin posted this article about winstrol in the AAS section and i learned some real interesting stuff about women and Winstrol (winny). I remembered reading this thread and thought i would share.

I recommend that women avoid the oral version of this product for the same reason that men will find that it gives them an increased synergy and effectiveness in their cycles.

When SHBG is lowered in women, there is more free testosterone floating around. And as we’ve seen, the oral is going to affect SHBG exponentially more than the injectable will. When we lower SHBG too much in women, we see a strong positive correlation with hyperandrogenism (10 ), and hirsuitism (abnormal growth of body hair), as well In fact, non-SHBG-bound testosterone may actually be the defining characteristic for identifying hyperandrogenism in women. In addition, low SHBG contributes to menstrual irregularity.(11)

Finally, and (partially) anecdotally, we also see a greater incidence of clitoral enlargement and acne when the oral version of Winstrol is used by women instead of the injectable. The reasons for this are obvious- When we increase free testosterone by lowering SHBG, we increase the amount of testosterone which is able to be 5a-reduced to DHT. DHT is the primary culprit for steroid induced acne, and is also the hormone responsible for external genital enlargement. Clearly, this is why we see the increased level of clitoral hypertrophy as well as acne when oral Winstrol is used by women.