Looking for Oral cutting steroids


New member
Hello Guys,
I want to cut my bodyfat and also harderns my muscle. I am diet consious person. I do workout 6 times/week including cardio + weight lifting. My abdomen region is flabby. I want my abs harden. Please recommend me the best oral steroid for that and let me know about your reviews if you have used it. Kindly tell me the diet and what things should i avoid.
I have heard that Trenbolone and winstrol are best steroids for cutting.
Research the diets and exercises on these pages... It's better to do the research yourself instead of just getting told what to do by somebody who may or may not know what the hell they are talking about.
Hello Guys,
I want to cut my bodyfat and also harderns my muscle. I am diet consious person. I do workout 6 times/week including cardio + weight lifting. My abdomen region is flabby. I want my abs harden. Please recommend me the best oral steroid for that and let me know about your reviews if you have used it. Kindly tell me the diet and what things should i avoid.
I have heard that Trenbolone and winstrol are best steroids for cutting.
Age? Weight? Height? Bf percentage? Years training? Any cycle experience?
Hello Guys,
I want to cut my bodyfat and also harderns my muscle. I am diet consious person. I do workout 6 times/week including cardio + weight lifting. My abdomen region is flabby. I want my abs harden. Please recommend me the best oral steroid for that and let me know about your reviews if you have used it. Kindly tell me the diet and what things should i avoid.
I have heard that Trenbolone and winstrol are best steroids for cutting.

We can't tell you the diet because everyone is different. What you need to do is calculate your caloric maintenance and slowly start cutting your calories back over time until you get the results you achieve.

Doesn't sound like you are anywhere close to being knowledgeable enough to using steroids yet.
We can't tell you the diet because everyone is different. What you need to do is calculate your caloric maintenance and slowly start cutting your calories back over time until you get the results you achieve.

Doesn't sound like you are anywhere close to being knowledgeable enough to using steroids yet.

I'd throw some stuff out there but it sounds like you still have research ahead of u