looking for some info on ph's


New member
I've been kicking around the idea of trying a ph. I've never tried them as I've only used aas in the past. I've done some research and have an idea what I'd like to do but I'd like some feedback from people with first hand knowledge. Which ph's convert best to testosterone?
I've been kicking around the idea of trying a ph. I've never tried them as I've only used aas in the past. I've done some research and have an idea what I'd like to do but I'd like some feedback from people with first hand knowledge. Which ph's convert best to testosterone?

if your looking for a test base Dermacrine from mrsupps is what you will want to use
I'm just looking for which ph converts to test the best. If I was using injectible I wouldn't even bother with ph
I don't know of a LEGAL PH to Testosterone.
There is one for Trenbolone and Turinabol, but no test.
Matter of fact, all PHs I know of will lower your test levels.

Looks to me like you need to do some more reading.
I'm just looking for which ph converts to test the best. If I was using injectible I wouldn't even bother with ph

I rec teste, do it right. maybe with an oral if you really want.

Read ALL the stickies in the aas section. the ones stuck up top...
Good luck
Rec teste? My dilemma is I had a test cyp/anavar cycle that I planned and actually started but I've had bad reactions to the test my last 3 runs. I stopped the test but will keep var and was wondering if there was a ph that would act like actual test. Back in the day I'm pretty sure there was but not sure if they're still around. Like I said my knowledge of ph is limited. Just lookin for first-hand knowledge. Thanks
Rec teste? My dilemma is I had a test cyp/anavar cycle that I planned and actually started but I've had bad reactions to the test my last 3 runs. I stopped the test but will keep var and was wondering if there was a ph that would act like actual test. Back in the day I'm pretty sure there was but not sure if they're still around. Like I said my knowledge of ph is limited. Just lookin for first-hand knowledge. Thanks

Dermacrine on n2bm is going to be close to real tes. Topical DHEA.