Looking for that 3j free diet advice


New member
Age 34
Weight 310 lbs
BF 34% (105 pounds fat, 205 pounds muscle,bone,water)
Height 5'9" (70.5")
BMR 2580 (basal metabolic rate)
TDEE 3586.2 (total daily energy expenditure)


Neck 18.5"
Waist 52.5"
Waist Belly button 56"
Hips 50 5/8"
Chest 53 1/8"
Quads 25.5 "
Calves 18 1/4"
Biceps 17 3/4 "
Forearm 13.5"
Wrist 8"

SUPPLEMENTS: HGH 3IUs/day 5on/2off

GOALS: Increase muscle strength and lose the fat. Looking to get down to 240 pounds and look at the bf% there and reevaluate.

WORKOUT REG: Workout time is mainly mornings at approx 0900 give or take an hour. Warm up 20 minutes cardio at approx heart rate of 130. The following workouts are about strength and not cardio, with approx 30-45 seconds rest between sets. Have slacked off abs to get out and get to work.

day one: legs/back
day two: Chest/triceps
day three: Biceps/shoulders

Workout is repeated or if required take days off when required. Some weeks I work out 5 times a week other weeks its 3 depending on family or work shedule.

BRUTALLY HONEST CURRENT DIET: Can I just say it is real bad and times are all over the place. I have been very lazy on the diet as well as a stress and binge eater. I also have a pregnent wife and a two year old. The wife makes/eats whatever the kid will eat and whatever she can keep down as she is a puker during pregnancy. So instead of making something else I join in what is already made....this is mostly carbs...

Thanks for dieting help....
your going to want to read post one of his sticky and post up your bmr/tdee. Also, take a look at his sample diets.

Woops...You did post your bmr/tdee i missed it. Are you going to be able to eat right? or are you pretty much stuck eating what your wife eats?

Also, Why are you on HGH? With your diet i would not be doing any gear until you get your diet and your bf under control.
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Thanks for reply Welter...

It is going to be training process in the kitchen for both of us but I will be eating right.

As for the HGH question... I started taking growth hormone for the everyday health benefits and recovery in the gym. The weight loss was bonus and with all the research i did the weight loss does not start until 3-5 months on GH. I got the head start of getting my strength back in the gym and now trying to take those steps on the eating habits.
Still looking for some more advice. My diet is horrible and need to fix it for losing that weight. Should this have been posted right under 3j's diet or is this good enough under this category? Thanks...
300g protein
150g carbs (bfast, pre, and pwo 50g per serving)
120g fats...

how long have u been lifting now?
Started lifting again two months ago. Gym History... I have been in the gym since I was 13 years old serious up to about 23 years old. Life happened, got a real job and now real family and always got back in but couldn't stick and now going to make it stick...


On your example where you eat two cups of Brocoli is that on top of your calculations or inside it?

If I am working out right after breakfeast should I have the total 150g split pre/post 75 each?

Thanks 3j for you help...