Looking into IGF-LR3


New member
I've been looking into this for the past couple of days. I have some general questions. I was thinking about running it during the post cycle therapy (pct) of my Test E cycle or should I wait until after the cycle to run it? I'm thinking during will help keep the gains. Also, I've read that it should be injected IM, but I've also come across posts that say to use insulin syringes; how does one inject IM with insuin syringes? The syringes I've seen do not have a long enough needle.
I've been looking into this for the past couple of days. I have some general questions. I was thinking about running it during the post cycle therapy (pct) of my Test E cycle or should I wait until after the cycle to run it? I'm thinking during will help keep the gains. Also, I've read that it should be injected IM, but I've also come across posts that say to use insulin syringes; how does one inject IM with insuin syringes? The syringes I've seen do not have a long enough needle.

I'm not very experienced with LR3, let me say that upfront. I'll just add a few things while we wait on those who have extensive experience to chime in.

It has it's place both on and off cycle. During post cycle therapy (pct) it has a rep for allowing you to retain more of the gains. On cycle you have the benefit of synergy with the AAS, it creates the new muscle cells while the AAS grow them. it can be injected IM or sub Q that is up to you. DES is more site specific for site growth but some guys do report site growth from the LR3.

Have you considered trying DES first?

Bump for more input from experienced users
I'm not very experienced with LR3, let me say that upfront. I'll just add a few things while we wait on those who have extensive experience to chime in.

It has it's place both on and off cycle. During PCT it has a rep for allowing you to retain more of the gains. On cycle you have the benefit of synergy with the AAS, it creates the new muscle cells while the AAS grow them. it can be injected IM or sub Q that is up to you. DES is more site specific for site growth but some guys do report site growth from the LR3.

Have you considered trying DES first?

Bump for more input from experienced users

I've been reading up on DES now. From what I've gathered it is more potent, but has less of a half life. I've also read that DES is better to bring up lagging body parts while LR3 is better for overall gains, but this was debatable from what I read. I think I like DES more since it is used pre workout and LR3 post. I would not have to worry about rushing home from the gym. I have seen people run both at the same time at lower doses; DES pre and LR3 post.

Are there are more benefits to DES?
I've been reading up on DES now. From what I've gathered it is more potent, but has less of a half life. I've also read that DES is better to bring up lagging body parts while LR3 is better for overall gains, but this was debatable from what I read. I think I like DES more since it is used pre workout and LR3 post. I would not have to worry about rushing home from the gym. I have seen people run both at the same time at lower doses; DES pre and LR3 post.

Are there are more benefits to DES?

IMO the biggest benefit of DES over LR3 for someone just getting their feet wet with them is that DES produces fast results. You feel the pumps within a few days and the muscle fullness. Strength gains come with that. I was able to increase my calories by a good amount while not gaining fat. All of this within a few days of starting.

I've seen many guys use LR3 and give up on it too soon because the results don't come as fast. I've also seen guys use it over the long term that can't live without it now.
Just so you know you will feel the pump with LR3 same day if your dosing prework out! Most people that are using both do Des pre and LR3 post!
As for your Question LR3 goes systemic regardless if you use IM or SubQ so it is a prefference! I personally got no better results either way! Its another as long as you use it its going to work type thing! I also like to use it both during my cycles and PCT! My Recomendation would be do the math so when you start your PCT you are ready to cycle back on LR3! As for as Using Slin Pin for IM its possible just buy 1/2 pins!

Note if you use it Prework out it will give a very crazy pump!!!!!!!!!! If u use it post its claimed to maintain your pump! I don't see this personally. Always creative an insulin spike when doesing it Via a grape fruit or some thing I like a 4oz glass of grape juice my self! Good luck with your reaseach!

Another Note
User204 may chime in on this subject!
Listen to him he has Vast knowledge with PEPS
IMO the biggest benefit of DES over LR3 for someone just getting their feet wet with them is that DES produces fast results. You feel the pumps within a few days and the muscle fullness. Strength gains come with that. I was able to increase my calories by a good amount while not gaining fat. All of this within a few days of starting.

I've seen many guys use LR3 and give up on it too soon because the results don't come as fast. I've also seen guys use it over the long term that can't live without it now.

I may go the DES route then. I am patient, but when I am in PCT, I will probably want the psychological impact of feeling it right away.

I've seen posts saying to use it 4 days a week, 5 on/2 off, ED, and EOD. Which do you recommend? Also do you prefer IM or sub Q?

As for your Question LR3 goes systemic regardless if you use IM or SubQ so it is a prefference! I personally got no better results either way! Its another as long as you use it its going to work type thing! I also like to use it both during my cycles and PCT! My Recomendation would be do the math so when you start your PCT you are ready to cycle back on LR3! As for as Using Slin Pin for IM its possible just buy 1/2 pins!

Note if you use it Prework out it will give a very crazy pump!!!!!!!!!! If u use it post its claimed to maintain your pump! I don't see this personally. Always creative an insulin spike when doesing it Via a grape fruit or some thing I like a 4oz glass of grape juice my self! Good luck with your reaseach!

Another Note
User204 may chime in on this subject!
Listen to him he has Vast knowledge with PEPS

I think I would use it pre, not just for the pump, but for the nutrient delivery effects.
I've only got one DES run behind me bro so other than basic stuff I would rather not advise guys on it.

I did pin pre workout 100mcg and IM bi lat injections into the muscles to be worked that day. I ran it daily whether I worked out or not. I felt it and really liked it! enough that I just bought another months worth that i am starting Monday or Tue.
Well The Nutrient delivery would be best utilized Post in my opinion! Unless your looking for Glycogen stores to last threw the work out! Post is where we utilize the best nutrients!
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PhatB pretty much covered it. I like both on and pct. I pin both sub Q but sometimes I just pin delts with DES. Maybe not the best option but it works just as well.

Igf has about 1-10 the nutrient shuttling capabilities that slin does unless higher doses but with a lot less risk. IMO you can't go wrong with either. Some benefits are quick but the end result takes time and multiple cycles.
Thanks for helping me out guys. Now I know it comes in powder form and AA needs to be added. But for one cycle, 4 weeks, is one bottle of 1 mg enough for a first cycle? I'm still a little confused on the math. I'm a history major, not math :p
Ant, at 100mcg per day each 1mg will provide you with 10 days worth. I would buy 3 1mg vials to run for 30 days.
Right. You can use less if you want.

I sometimes use at 60mcg but really 100 is best.

There's some old info out saying 11mcg a day is best. But we aren't running the for long. Keep igf levels elevated for 30-50 days is plenty. Take a break for a month and you are ready to go again. But it's all an experiment and when I started, I used 20mcg a day then my more is better side took over and I went to 100 then 200 then I started having stomach issues.