Looking to aquire some knowledge


New member
Hey guys, I'm brand new to the forum and want to earn the respect and gain knowledge from those who know their stuff. so I'll start with some background info. I'm 25, 180lbs, 5'10". I've been training since I was 18, but took some time off at a few points due to injury from sports and busy work life. I've been back at it hard now for a few years and have been trying to take in as much info as I can about the use of aas. I've always thought about doing them but never felt I was old enough or at a proper place in my lifting life to be ready for them. All that being said I believe I am finally at a spot now where I'm mature enough and ready to begin a cycle once I have all the proper info and gear in line.

Before anyone gets pissed about my first choice of aas please continue to read on because there is more to it. I've chosen to run Anavar BUT based on my research Ive read that it should not be ran solo even for a new guy like me. Test is from what I hear the best option to stack. I am by no means afraid to pin, and want to make sure when I do this cycle I do it right. So here are my questions:

What test is recommend for new guys to run with Anavar (var)? I can get my hands on prop e and c but I hear prop isn't best suited for new guys due to pain and frequency.

If test is being ran along the Anavar (var), should I also include an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on cycle?

Will the test help prevent shutdown? (gyno and shutdown are my two biggest concerns like most)

PCT will be nolva. Any recommendations of running nolva for this type of cycle?

Any help at all is appreciated guy, thanks in advance.
Like many threads ive read over and over, test should be used on the first cycle only. Good luck either way you choose
You can run test and Anavar (var) as your first cycle but as my first cycle i ran just test e so i know how my body will react to the test. Say you take Anavar (var) and test together and have sides. Your not going to know which is causing what. See what im saying bro? i wouldnt run prop at all for your first cycle. I would run test e or test c. Also always have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand while on cycle. Always want to be safe. YOu can take the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) through out your cycle. But i dont. Ill only take it if i have any sides. IM on week 7 of test e right now. ONly sides i have had is acne on my back. and Testicular Atrophy. You will be shut down no matter what. HCG will help you from getting shut down. YOu will recover faster if you include Nolva and clomid in your PCT. But im pretty sure you can just use Nolva.
Thanks guys I appreciate the help. Can you give me some critique on how this cycle looks to you?

Week 1-6 anavar @ 40mg ed
Week 1-6 test c @ 250 mg once a week
Week 1-6 aromasin @ 12.5 mg ed

Week 7-10 nova at 50 mg Ed

My biggest questions are whether to run test c or e, and dosage of nolva. Ive read so Manu conflicting nolva amounts depending on the type of cycle
If you're only running a 6 week cycle then suck it up and use prop. It will be a bit painful and you'll have to pin every other day, but test-c doesn't peak until week 6 (you'll be cutting it off right as it's peaking).
haha that cycle needs some SERIOUS work before starting. Test C will probably take 4 weeks to fully kick in so there is literally no point in running it for 6 weeks. I would run test e for no less than 10 weeks and backload it at double your weekly dose...it should be something like this.

test e week 1 1,000mg
test e weeks 2-10 500mg/wk
anavar 40-60mg/ed weeks 1-5/6
weeks 12-16 PCT (I would use clomid and nolva) 100/50/50/25/25 and 40/20/20/10
Run HCG weeks 1-10 @ 250iu eod
HCG weeks 11 (one shot beginning week 12) 500iu eod
Hey guys, I'm brand new to the forum and want to earn the respect and gain knowledge from those who know their stuff. so I'll start with some background info. I'm 25, 180lbs, 5'10". I've been training since I was 18, but took some time off at a few points due to injury from sports and busy work life. I've been back at it hard now for a few years and have been trying to take in as much info as I can about the use of aas. I've always thought about doing them but never felt I was old enough or at a proper place in my lifting life to be ready for them. All that being said I believe I am finally at a spot now where I'm mature enough and ready to begin a cycle once I have all the proper info and gear in line.

Before anyone gets pissed about my first choice of aas please continue to read on because there is more to it. I've chosen to run Ana Anavar (var) BUT based on my research Ive read that it should not be ran solo even for a new guy like me. Test is from what I hear the best option to stack. I am by no means afraid to pin, and want to make sure when I do this cycle I do it right. So here are my questions:

What test is recommend for new guys to run with Anavar (var) ? I can get my hands on prop e and c but I hear prop isn't best suited for new guys due to pain and frequency.

If test is being ran along the Anavar (var) , should I also include an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on cycle?

Will the test help prevent shutdown? (gyno and shutdown are my two biggest concerns like most)

PCT will be nolva. Any recommendations of running nolva for this type of cycle?

Any help at all is appreciated guy, thanks in advance.

If you run test you are going to be shut down if you just Anavar (var) you will be shut down. Maybe not 100% on Anavar (var) alone but it will cause shutdown how much depends on the person. That's why test is suggested with Anavar (var) no question. So if you are worried about shut down then you should really be sure to do your pct homework. Good luck
So what your saying is shutdown I'll occur whether or not I use test and Anavar (var) or just Anavar (var) solo? I'm not saying I'll run it solo I'm just trying to understand. Any strong suggestions you can give in terms of pct other than the obvious nolva and natty test booster?
IF you dont want to be shutdown while on cycle GET HCG! you need to run test e or c for 10-12 weeks. Test is Test Test e and test c are long esters. Prop is a short ester. Which means it kicks in faster. But you will have to inject more often. What does your diet look like?
So what your saying is shutdown I'll occur whether or not I use test and Anavar (var) or just Anavar (var) solo? I'm not saying I'll run it solo I'm just trying to understand. Any strong suggestions you can give in terms of pct other than the obvious nolva and natty test booster?

You can run hcg throughout cycle around 500iu a week to maintain some function and size. Which will help with pct. hcg needs to be stopped before cycle ends. For pct if you are running nolva you can run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) called armasin (extremestane) with nolva as they don't fight each other. If you run a 10-12 week cycle test e that should give you a solid 6-8 weeks of gains you will be happy with. you dont need more that that. Research research research my man!
Thanks guys I appreciate the help. Can you give me some critique on how this cycle looks to you?

Week 1-6 anavar @ 40mg ed
Week 1-6 test c @ 250 mg once a week
Week 1-6 aromasin @ 12.5 mg ed

Week 7-10 nova at 50 mg Ed

My biggest questions are whether to run test c or e, and dosage of nolva. Ive read so Manu conflicting nolva amounts depending on the type of cycle

Man you got some learning to do.
Thanks that's real good info. Somone mentioned that test prop would be the way to go because teat e and c take much longer to kick in. If I wanted to keep the cycle at around 6 weeks should test prop be ran ED for the 6 weeks with it? As far as the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) armasin, you wouldn't recommend running that on cycle to help prevent gyno and estrogen?
IF you dont want to be shutdown while on cycle GET HCG! you need to run test e or c for 10-12 weeks. Test is Test Test e and test c are long esters. Prop is a short ester. Which means it kicks in faster. But you will have to inject more often. What does your diet look like?

HCG doesn't stop you from being shutdown, HCG itself is actually suppressive. Just stimulates LH and keeps the lads full size.
Aromasin is an estrogen blocker for use on cycle. All of your questions have been covered and beaten to death on these board. Do yourself a favor and spend a few days spend a month. How ever long you need to feel confident you are cycling the correct way. Learn by research not by trial and error.