losing my virginity, quick TREN A question


New member
Ok, TREN A brewing time. I understand everything... or so I think.

Only question is, just for the sake of estimating, how long does it take to heat the tren+oil+BA+BB together until it's done? I know until it doesn't have swirls, crystals, etc, but I'm just curious... on med-- med/hi heat are we talking 2 minutes, 5 minutes, 20 seconds, etc?

Just curious on the approximate time... rough estimate and all.

Also, about how long will it take to filter with a whatman?

Lastly, I have some canola/vegetable oil. I'm about 99% sure that's fine... just checking -- pretty sure that last question was on the forums already, but making sure. Kinda nervous... soon I'll not be a virgin!!!!!!!
Canola oil? Gosh, I don't know if I've heard of anyone using that. I use grape seed. Walnut is good.

Maybe 5-10 minutes of the stove...depends on how much heat you've got, could be more or less. Don't rush it. If it starts to smoke, then immediately remove from heat and reduce heat.

I suck at using syringe filters, so I don't have an estimate there.
Grapeseed is my favorite; i have never heard of anyone using canola/vegatable oil....once the oil is hotenough to bring the tren A to the melting point it should be good. i would say 2-3 minutes. not long i havn't brewed it but it should be similar to test prop.
vin.d said:
Ok, TREN A brewing time. I understand everything... or so I think.

Only question is, just for the sake of estimating, how long does it take to heat the tren+oil+BA+BB together until it's done? I know until it doesn't have swirls, crystals, etc, but I'm just curious... on med-- med/hi heat are we talking 2 minutes, 5 minutes, 20 seconds, etc?

Just curious on the approximate time... rough estimate and all.

Also, about how long will it take to filter with a whatman?

Lastly, I have some canola/vegetable oil. I'm about 99% sure that's fine... just checking -- pretty sure that last question was on the forums already, but making sure. Kinda nervous... soon I'll not be a virgin!!!!!!!
I put it on low heat, level 2 but depends on the stove. I keep it at low because if you put it on high you might overdoit and the oil will get so hot it will take a lot of time for it to cool off. Unless maybe you put it into cold water to cool it off. I just keep mine at low, takes about 10min while I'm preparing the rest of my shit.

If you're using a syringe filter, the smaller CC syringe the faster you can filter with it. Use 5cc, works really fast, easy on the hands. You just have to do a lot of screwing and unscrewing of the syringe to draw up oil and screw back onto the needle in the vial. Keep the needle in the vial and draw with the syringe only.
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pineapple said:
I put it on low heat, level 2 but depends on the stove. I keep it at low because if you put it on high you might overdoit and the oil will get so hot it will take a lot of time for it to cool off. Unless maybe you put it into cold water to cool it off. I just keep mine at low, takes about 10min while I'm preparing the rest of my shit.

If you're using a syringe filter, the smaller CC syringe the faster you can filter with it. Use 5cc, works really fast, easy on the hands. You just have to do a lot of screwing and unscrewing of the syringe to draw up oil and screw back onto the needle in the vial. Keep the needle in the vial and draw with the syringe only.

Awesome... this actually really helped me out!
Before I got a vacum pump and filtering flasks, I used the caulking gun method. It was really easy on the hands and you can use a BIG syringe.
The instructions for this method are on the board somewhere. Just do a search.

Good Luck
ssww said:
Before I got a vacum pump and filtering flasks, I used the caulking gun method. It was really easy on the hands and you can use a BIG syringe.
The instructions for this method are on the board somewhere. Just do a search.

Good Luck
Not too big. My 50mL syringes wouldn't fit into the chalk gun until they were down to something like 30mL.
Ok, I love the whatman. I kept reading that the filtering was taking FOREVER for guys. Granted, I only brewed about 35ml of tren but it didn't take TOO long to filter. Long enough though I guess...

As long as I filtered things, the Tren should be sterile, correct? The vial was sterile and the syringe/needle was brand new.
vin.d said:
Ok, I love the whatman. I kept reading that the filtering was taking FOREVER for guys. Granted, I only brewed about 35ml of tren but it didn't take TOO long to filter. Long enough though I guess...

As long as I filtered things, the Tren should be sterile, correct? The vial was sterile and the syringe/needle was brand new.
Takes me 30min to filter 150ml with .45 watmans. Dont think it's too long.