LOSING WEIGHT FAST, after Test cycle!


New member
Ok, just did 10 weeks of Test E @ 500mg per week. Ran arimidex @ 1mg EOD throughout. (So I wouldnt think the weight loss would be water). Started Pct 2 weeks following last shot, Nolva 20-20-10-10

Also, I did run the Arimidex 1 week INTO post cycle therapy (pct), and have been using IGF LR3 both on cycle, and post cycle therapy (pct).

I am on week 2 of post cycle therapy (pct) and down almost 10LBS (Dam near everything I gained). I did start taking less insulin, as the IGF made me more insulin sensative, and wasnt sure if this could be the cause?
First off, Nolva alone for PCT sucks. Torem is the way to go nowadays.

Second, if you lost 10lbs, it was water. Unless you just stopped eating you wouldn't lose that much muscle in 2 weeks. Have you kept your cals up? Have you lowered your training volume but kept intensity high?

you said less insulin now. Were you taking a bunch before or just your normal diabetic dose?
First off, Nolva alone for post cycle therapy (pct) sucks. Torem is the way to go nowadays.

Second, if you lost 10lbs, it was water. Unless you just stopped eating you wouldn't lose that much muscle in 2 weeks. Have you kept your cals up? Have you lowered your training volume but kept intensity high?

you said less insulin now. Were you taking a bunch before or just your normal diabetic dose?

Tell me more about Torem, and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) I think will be used next time...

Well, I just take insulin as needed (enough to cover what I eat) still do but am requiring less for some reason...