Lost consciousness while injecting


New member
It's my 2nd week on this cycle...

So this morning I wanted to inject the test in my pec(2nd time in this region) because my legs really started to hurt because of the injections.

So here we go I put the needle in the chest and put the stuff in. Half way the needle empty, I started to feel really dizzy and then bam I wake up on the floor few seconds later, my face in sweat.

Is this normal ? Should I stop the cycle ? Or stick only with the quad injections ??
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probably just really nervous. have you done alot of injetions? maybe just got psyched out going into the chest.
do u usually have a hard time with needles?

usually when i get shots i get real light headed and feel like im going to pass out and/or throw up? im not scarred mentally but i just have that weird physical reaction.

then when i started with sauce the first two injections, same thing but i've gotten better, so maybe you just freaked out, i never actually passed out though. but some sights do make me freak out more, i'd say try the pecs again but if you pass out again stick with the legs
I don't know why this happened because I did one in the chest yesterday... I wasn't nervous either.. I think.. The pain might have got me nervous..
Pussy!!! LOL just kiddin next time sit down incase you hurt yourself you dont wanna go bangin your head.

Reply to your post My mate had this problem but it was a shot in his thigh, he went white and blacked out came round seconds later sweating but was fine.
Did you aspirate on the syringe before you injected. I know if you inject directly into a blood vessle/vein it will cause you to lose consciousness.
Sounds like you may have got in a vein or have some anxiety. Best thing to do is make sure you inject in a safe place (sitting down away from anything that could hurt you) and to practice safe injecting methods (aspiration, cleanliness). If it's anxiety I'm not sure what you could do besides try to get over it or get some to inject for you.
I agree that everybody should aspirate, but I don't really see an oil bolus in a vein causing someone to lose consciousness. I suspect it was anxiety or a nervous reaction - people pass out all the time giving blood, etc. I'd just sit or lie down in the future as somebody suggested.
I think like mranak said you held your breath looking down on the needle in your chest and did'nt realize it.
I've known one or two instances where people fainted. I would switch to quads, if that works out better.
I sometiumes get light headed when I see a lot of blood, yeah I know, pussy...but it just happens once in a while and randomly. I bet you just had one of those days...
I've always wondered about this. A couple years ago I gave a guy a shoulder hit and he passed out in front of me. Furthermore, he pissed himself. I always thought he had a seizure, but needless to say, I never put myself in that position again. Its pretty scary to see it, and I still have a scar on my wrist where I kept his head from hitting the corner of the sink... fucked my hand up, but I saved his numskull.
when i was doing my last cycle i injected into my ass and i hit a vein not even realizing. i got dizzy started to cough next thing i know i woke up 8 hours later with a councosion because i hit my head on the floor and a dislocated jaw because my girl was in shock and she was punching me to wake me up :). even since that day i started to asparate before injections.
even the smallest amount of oil into the vein can cause that.
Def could have penetrated a vessel...did you get any taste or smell???? I used to get short of breath with fina. Never failed. But it is more common with vessel penetration. Def could have been anxiety...Pec injections are pretty hardcore!