Low Dose is the way to go


Distracting myself
For those of you that have not tried a low dose cycle...you will be surprised.

I have done over 5 cycles all using conventional dosing that you see in most profiles.My test use was at the low end 500ew and the high end 1500ew ..tren as high as 700ew and Winstrol (winny) as high as 700ew.

It may be that I have established a solid base but recently i went to 175 test ew and last week added 25mg winny.

This is all i need ...i look and feel fantastic..my weight is near my high ..bodyfat near my low and I'm not dosing myself to the gills to do it.

For those of you that are more seasoned and havent tried dropping doses drastically and running a bit longer it may be time to give it a try.

I'm 38.. 6'0 218 6% bf...eat clean with a cheat day 1.5x wk and drink vodka 3-5 ed as my vice.

I have no bodybuilder aspirations I just wanna look and feel good.I'm there...my days of overdosing are done.
I started steroids with testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), 1 Sustanon (sust) a week. I was extremely disappointed. I'm sure others will benefit from those dosages though.
Nasdaq said:
For those of you that have not tried a low dose cycle...you will be surprised.

I have done over 5 cycles all using conventional dosing that you see in most profiles.My test use was at the low end 500ew and the high end 1500ew ..tren as high as 700ew and Winstrol (winny) as high as 700ew.

It may be that I have established a solid base but recently i went to 175 test ew and last week added 25mg winny.

This is all i need ...i look and feel fantastic..my weight is near my high ..bodyfat near my low and I'm not dosing myself to the gills to do it.

For those of you that are more seasoned and havent tried dropping doses drastically and running a bit longer it may be time to give it a try.

I'm 38.. 6'0 218 6% bf...eat clean with a cheat day 1.5x wk and drink vodka 3-5 ed as my vice.

I have no bodybuilder aspirations I just wanna look and feel good.I'm there...my days of overdosing are done.
nas, how long you been running this for?
ya i have tried high end and low end doses. and i deff like high end. nothing to crazy. so far i have gone up to 750mg a week. i have done 250 a week befor too. everyone is diffrent, and i barely get sides from test, maybe a lil shoulder acne. but if u can handle the sides why not get a good dose out of it? im very happy though that u can run such low doses, it would save me money if my body would respond to low dose. stupid body of mine lol
gixxerk2 said:
nas, how long you been running this for?

2 mths..i intend to just stay on the test as testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) from this point on...I'm tired of doing pct's and already have 2 children.had i known that I only needed this much test I would have used less in my last cycles..its really hard for me to tell the difference between 700ew and 175 ew..with the exception of being annoyingly horny and my prostate swelling slightly to much.

the Winstrol (winny) at 25mg ed (oil) is great too..thats only been 2 wks..I plan on running a low dose of tren for the spring...i'll throw some tbol at 30ed on top and see what comes out.

I'm thinking of 25ed for tren ace would be perfect.we'll see....this is all part of my "life in moderation" plan.
vulcan said:
6% bf! Damn bro,how long can you maintain that?

i have'nt been over 10% in 20 yrs..i average 6-8% in the winter and 4-6 in the summer. Its not hard at all if you establish homeostasis at those levels.it would be harder for me to gain and keep fat ..I'm sure I could it's just that my body would keep trying to shed it unless I kept pounding it in for a month or two straight.
what kind of effects have you noticed on that level of test(175 pw)? for example do you get a good pump, recover well, have great scene of well being etc?
thevoice said:
what kind of effects have you noticed on that level of test(175 pw)? for example do you get a good pump, recover well, have great scene of well being etc?

i get..
good pump
good recovery
increased libido
well being
no effect on prostate
strength gains

I get it all but it's not too much of anything.I feel balanced and lean wihout being too swoled up too.I hate feeling big and dopey ..I like to feel agile and sexy but very muscular and symetrical.
ManOfMuscle said:
How long does that take?

I'll take a guess since I'm sure it can be individual as everything is....a year maybe ..anything else I guess would just be a yo yo effect.

maybe someone with more expertise could field that question..I can tell you abbout my experiences but as I said I lost my weight at 17-18 yrs old from 195lb average pillsbury white boy to 155 with abs and never went back...I kept on working out 5-6 or 7 days a week for the last 20 yrs. I hit my natty potential at 185 by 28...spent the next 5 yrs going back and forth from 175 to 185...at 33 I did my first cycle of dbol,cyp and deca...I went straight to 212 not fat but puft and smooth. since then I've been as high as 226 and fallen as low as 200 ..by the fourth cycle at 36 I was all lean striated mass 210 like I was at 180.
Thoms said:
I started steroids with testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), 1 Sustanon (sust) a week. I was extremely disappointed. I'm sure others will benefit from those dosages though.

I think that I needed the higher doses to achieve my desired body stats which was 20 to25% more than what I found myself locked into naturally ..I know now that I only need lower doses to maintain and refine myself.
wannagetbigga said:
have you ever used long esters (cyp or enath) for these lower doses? any reason to beleive long esters won't do the trick just like prop?

test is test..I love prop for some reason.. i think because I can change dosage and don't have to wait forever to guage it...cyp is too long acting imo..enan is perfect for this if you don't wanna pin eod.
I was sitting around last night thinking of something similar. I'm fixing to hop back on to finish off my stash but was thinking of skipping post cycle therapy (pct) after this cycle and just cruise at 250 mg/wk for awhile. What's left in my stash will allow me 16 weeks of Test cyp @ 500mg/wk. I'll jump this with Var for the first 6 wks at 50mg/ed and finishing off the last 8 wks with Tren A @ 75mg/eod. from there I'll start to cruise @ 250mg/wk. You got any opinions on this Nas/MoM/whoever?
sounds good to me bigfood.

I'm debating cruising for 6 months, though i'm only 22 i'm coming to the conclusion that 6 on 6 off is probably healthier for you than 12 weeks on, 6 weeks recovery, 6 weeks off then repeating it like most do
FDW said:
sounds good to me bigfood.

I'm debating cruising for 6 months, though i'm only 22 i'm coming to the conclusion that 6 on 6 off is probably healthier for you than 12 weeks on, 6 weeks recovery, 6 weeks off then repeating it like most do

I've considered the health implications for some time..I went on a binge for my 3rd cycle and kept delaying post cycle therapy (pct) until i hit the 6 mth mark..after that i felt that this was the way for me to do things ..so my last few cycles have been in the 30-36 wk range..it seems that stopping and starting for the 10-12 wkr's caused more wear and tear on my body than staying on for 6 mths and then taking at least 5 off.

the point I'm at now it just seems silly and unhealthy not to stay on the test at the low dose and throw other stuff in for 8-10wks.the only thing i'm sacrificing is my fertility which Ive alrready used for what i want...because I've come to the reality that I'll never stop the gear unless i can't get it ,it becomes a major health risk or I'm dead.
I was sitting around last night thinking of something similar. I'm fixing to hop back on to finish off my stash but was thinking of skipping post cycle therapy (pct) after this cycle and just cruise at 250 mg/wk for awhile. What's left in my stash will allow me 16 weeks of Test cyp @ 500mg/wk. I'll jump this with Var for the first 6 wks at 50mg/ed and finishing off the last 8 wks with Tren A @ 75mg/eod. from there I'll start to cruise @ 250mg/wk. You got any opinions on this Nas/MoM/whoever?

sounds good