Low Dose is the way to go

I was sitting around last night thinking of something similar. I'm fixing to hop back on to finish off my stash but was thinking of skipping post cycle therapy (pct) after this cycle and just cruise at 250 mg/wk for awhile. What's left in my stash will allow me 16 weeks of Test cyp @ 500mg/wk. I'll jump this with Var for the first 6 wks at 50mg/ed and finishing off the last 8 wks with Tren A @ 75mg/eod. from there I'll start to cruise @ 250mg/wk. You got any opinions on this Nas/MoM/whoever?

I like the plan. As you know I've just been doing 1.5ml of test per week for several months since doing higher doses last year and I really like cruising on the lower dose. We'll see how post cycle therapy (pct) goes for me after being on for so long.
Awesome post. I'm agreeing on the ligher dosing. I used to do higher in the past when I was younger, but I'm now 28 and the last 2 cycles I've done have been very light with 250-375mg/Cyp, 300mg/EQ, & either 50mg/Var or 25mg-30mg Dbol/ED. I consider this light and I have gotten great results from this.

I took my last shot of prop on Dec 31st, and my post cycle therapy (pct) will end this Tuesday so I'll get some blood work in a couple weeks to see how everything checks out and then I'll plan on doing my next cycle. I'd love to keep running testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) test at a low dose between cycles, but I want to have more kids and don't want to screw up my fertility. My wife would kill me. I'd probably die too.

So for now, I guess I'll keep doing post cycle therapy (pct) for a little while.
Nasdaq said:
test is test..I love prop for some reason.. i think because I can change dosage and don't have to wait forever to guage it...cyp is too long acting imo..enan is perfect for this if you don't wanna pin eod.

Great thread Nas. It came at a great time relative to my joining this site. For a while, I've been comtemplating the lower dose each week. My job requires me to be fast, agile, and strong. When I did higher doses I couldn't move as fast. All I consistently have access to is TE @ 250mg/ml vials. Do you think splitting a vial in half per week is enough or go 3/4 a vial? I can low doses of other stuff occasionally when I get it.

6'2" 230lbs 12-14%BF when off everything.
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I was sitting around last night thinking of something similar. I'm fixing to hop back on to finish off my stash but was thinking of skipping post cycle therapy (pct) after this cycle and just cruise at 250 mg/wk for awhile. What's left in my stash will allow me 16 weeks of Test cyp @ 500mg/wk. I'll jump this with Var for the first 6 wks at 50mg/ed and finishing off the last 8 wks with Tren A @ 75mg/eod. from there I'll start to cruise @ 250mg/wk. You got any opinions on this Nas/MoM/whoever?

I myself would stay around 100mg/wk. <----- This right there keeps me in about normal range. 250 might be alittle bit higher and might have a higher estrogen level then.
Monstar said:
I myself would stay around 100mg/wk. <----- This right there keeps me in about normal range. 250 might be alittle bit higher and might have a higher estrogen level then.
Have you cruised at this dosage? and if so, were you able to maintain your gains or better yet, improve your gains? You do have a point though on the estro levels.
Ive been losing 400mg e/w of test only and have been PR-ing out the ass on my lifts. Low-dose is the shit unless you have shit genetics and arent very sensitive to test
400 a weeks isnt quite what they are talking about low dose. they are talking more like cruising doses of 100-200mg a week. 400 is actually a good amount for some people. but ya its low if ur used to taking like a gram
100-200 a wk is like Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) dose lol... 400 is fairly low imo
no i know. but they are talking about cruising doses, like 200mg a week. not 400. 400 is low, and would yeild good results with proper nutrition, but 400 is a preaty good dose of test bro. thats like what most people run for what they consider a high dose. lol. just saying it is low for u, but now for everyone else. im on the opposite end of the spectrom for this post. i have tried low doses befor and they just dont yeild what i am looking for. if its below 600mg my body doesnt seem to respond all that well. and my its not my diet, i put on weight at below 600mg, but i just love the super pump and sence of well being i get at or above 600mg
lmfao @ 400 being considered high... I agree you could make greaet gains offa 200mg wk.
Nasdaq said:
For those of you that have not tried a low dose cycle...you will be surprised.

I have done over 5 cycles all using conventional dosing that you see in most profiles.My test use was at the low end 500ew and the high end 1500ew ..tren as high as 700ew and Winstrol (winny) as high as 700ew.

It may be that I have established a solid base but recently i went to 175 test ew and last week added 25mg winny.

This is all i need ...i look and feel fantastic..my weight is near my high ..bodyfat near my low and I'm not dosing myself to the gills to do it.

For those of you that are more seasoned and havent tried dropping doses drastically and running a bit longer it may be time to give it a try.

I'm 38.. 6'0 218 6% bf...eat clean with a cheat day 1.5x wk and drink vodka 3-5 ed as my vice.

I have no bodybuilder aspirations I just wanna look and feel good.I'm there...my days of overdosing are done.

nas, you're ahead of me in number of cycles, which raises a few questions. i just finished cycle #5. my cycle history is a graduated one - started at lower doses and worked up each ccle to higher doses. last cycle was 750-800 mg wk test c.

did you find any major differences between 500-750 mg/wk and 1500 per wk? the reason i ask is it looks like you've got a good base and i don't think i'm to where i want to be, "base-wise." perhaps a few more cycles of higher dosages will get me there. then i'll use lower doses as you recommend.
wow did u reall just ask if ther was a diffrence between 750mg and 1500mg. umm yes its double the amount of gear bro. ur going to see alot more with that much test. but damn thats alot of test per week. if ur in ur 6th cycle u dont need 1500mg of test. that is super overkill and u r just asking for problems
ironfreak703 said:
wow did u reall just ask if ther was a diffrence between 750mg and 1500mg. umm yes its double the amount of gear bro. ur going to see alot more with that much test. but damn thats alot of test per week. if ur in ur 6th cycle u dont need 1500mg of test. that is super overkill and u r just asking for problems
please elaborate on your answer.
if your body naturaly makes lets say 500 test week , and your suplementing only 250 week, i feel your just shuting down, and running a risk for what? the idea is to have higher levels of test than you can produce , more gains , why bother juicing, if you could make those gains natural
superstarmike said:
if your body naturaly makes lets say 500 test week , and your suplementing only 250 week, i feel your just shuting down, and running a risk for what? the idea is to have higher levels of test than you can produce , more gains , why bother juicing, if you could make those gains natural

But it actually naturally makes 50-75 mg a week.
Low test dosage is great, but Winstrol (winny) is just bad for your health. I'd rather see somebody using 500mg of test year round than winny+100mg of test year around.