Low Dose is the way to go

ManOfMuscle said:
But it actually naturally makes 50-75 mg a week.

Right.. WIth that said though, if you take into the account of ester weight, 125 mg of test e or c is right on the money for Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) dose. I can see 200-250 mg/wk giving some good results at first. I dont think it would work in the long haul though once one added a good amount of quality muscle.
skarhead1 said:
Right.. WIth that said though, if you take into the account of ester weight, 125 mg of test e or c is right on the money for Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) dose. I can see 200-250 mg/wk giving some good results at first. I dont think it would work in the long haul though once one added a good amount of quality muscle.

I agree.
skarhead1 said:
lmfao @ 400 being considered high... I agree you could make greaet gains offa 200mg wk.

I'm with you mang. Running 350/w prop right now as apposed to usual 500-750+ and am very happy with how it's treating me.
I like lower dosing as well, although I haven't gone down to that low just yet. I've tried the higher dosing protocols and honestly I don't notice a big difference for the better, but more sides, yes. Everyones body is just a tad different though.
wannagetbigga said:
nas, you're ahead of me in number of cycles, which raises a few questions. i just finished cycle #5. my cycle history is a graduated one - started at lower doses and worked up each ccle to higher doses. last cycle was 750-800 mg wk test c.

did you find any major differences between 500-750 mg/wk and 1500 per wk? the reason i ask is it looks like you've got a good base and i don't think i'm to where i want to be, "base-wise." perhaps a few more cycles of higher dosages will get me there. then i'll use lower doses as you recommend.

I found diminishing returns at over 700mgs week of test..it made me lethargic and feel like ass...never again..my body was telling me i was fucking it up..i listened.
mranak said:
Low test dosage is great, but Winstrol (winny) is just bad for your health. I'd rather see somebody using 500mg of test year round than winny+100mg of test year around.

quit hatin on Winstrol (winny) kneegro..your always sick anyway..it's just not used properly and popular with the wrong crowd
well this is way i see it...pure Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) for an average guy is 75 to 100wk...I am not average and don't want to feel "normal"..so my brain tell me 175 because I'm twice cooler than average + 33%.

as long as I don't cross 200mg my research indicates that I am within the confines of good health...more importantly I have become in tune with my body through age and heavy drug use..good and bad..my body is telling me this works and it likes it.
I hit about 150/week test e and just stay on, I love the way it makes me feel, keeps me motivated, and it works for me..but I am old and have all my kids. Not for everyone.
Nasdaq said:
I found diminishing returns at over 700mgs week of test..it made me lethargic and feel like ass...never again..my body was telling me i was fucking it up..i listened.

thanks, that's helpful. keep us posted on what happens over the long haul.
so, do you guys think, that "bridging", "cruising" between the cycles is not an option for younger guys?

for example:
14-16week cycle,
then go down to 200-250mg test/week for 10weeks,
and then the next 14-16week cycle
finish with PCT...

would it be better/worse than doing post cycle therapy (pct) after each cycle? i feel that all those post cycle therapy (pct) drugs are more toxic than test itself. is this kind of cycle a possible threat to one's fertility, considering person ~25 years old?
diabou said:
so, do you guys think, that "bridging", "cruising" between the cycles is not an option for younger guys?

for example:
14-16week cycle,
then go down to 200-250mg test/week for 10weeks,
and then the next 14-16week cycle
finish with PCT...

would it be better/worse than doing post cycle therapy (pct) after each cycle? i feel that all those post cycle therapy (pct) drugs are more toxic than test itself. is this kind of cycle a possible threat to one's fertility, considering person ~25 years old?

Don't risk your ability to have children and die a lonely old man married to a miserable unfufilled woman with pets she pretends are her children.

Life is longer than you think...choose wisely
Nasdaq said:
quit hatin on Winstrol (winny) kneegro..your always sick anyway..it's just not used properly and popular with the wrong crowd
proper usage for Winstrol (winny) is 0mg/week.

Just go with tren ftw.
mranak said:
proper usage for Winstrol (winny) is 0mg/week.

Just go with tren ftw.

I'll admit that tren is superior to winny..I'll also go on record to say that NPP is superior to tren..ftw
diabou said:
so, do you guys think, that "bridging", "cruising" between the cycles is not an option for younger guys?

for example:
14-16week cycle,
then go down to 200-250mg test/week for 10weeks,
and then the next 14-16week cycle
finish with post cycle therapy (pct)...

would it be better/worse than doing post cycle therapy (pct) after each cycle? i feel that all those post cycle therapy (pct) drugs are more toxic than test itself. is this kind of cycle a possible threat to one's fertility, considering person ~25 years old?

I did it. Pray for me.
there are plenty of cases where people using test for long peroids 6-12months make a full recvoery when coming off, i even saw an article where they gave test to teenagers to help close there growth plates up(they were very tall) and a 10 year follow up showed no ill health.
ManOfMuscle said:
I did it. Pray for me.

you got it.

can you tell something more, doses, overall health, your age, etc.? i'm pretty sure, that post cycle therapy (pct) drugs are far more toxic and health damaging than even long on period.
write something more, if you can, please.