Low dose of GH over a 6-12 month period...


Hey guys,

I've been reading the boards for years, but hardly ever post. Here's my situation and I'm looking for some advice.

Just this year I started HRT. I've naturally had low test levels most of my adult life, and after gaining 50 lbs of fat and getting fairly depressed I finally went to the doctor to see what was wrong. I had a test level below 200, and he put me on androgel. It did help, but I soon asked to be put on shots because I didn't want to risk any contact with my girlfriend and passing the test onto her. So, in the past 4 months I've shed 30 lbs, and feel a lot better.

My question is do any of you have any experience with GH at just 2 iu's for 6-12 months? I'm looking for the fat burning effect, making my skin look and feel better (I'm not getting any younger here), and just feeling better in general. In my early 20's I would have really wanted to be 280lbs at 6%bf, but these days I'd just like to be around 180-190lbs and under 10% bf (I'm 5'9" and in my mid 30's) Is 2 iu's over an extended period just wasting my money or would I have to scale it up to at least 4? Also would 5 days on and 2 off be feasible, or is that totally out of the question? I'm looking to drop a little more weight before I'd start on the GH. Possibly starting mid summer.

Thanks a million for looking at my question, and I hope to get some great advice to point me in the right direction.
Yes I've done it at 2-4 ius per month for 4-6 months at a time. Either way it is worthwhile in my opinion but I'm in my 40s. In your early 20s your natural levels are substantially higher. I'm not sure I'd want to spend a lot of money on 2 ius of growth per day in my 20s.

5 days on 2 off is fine.
Well, I'm in my mid 30's, and my natural test levels are rock bottom. I'm just looking purely at the health benefits. I'm not looking into becoming massive, or running 6-8+ iu's a day. Thanks for letting me know it was worth it.
I am currently running 3iu a day, have been for almost 5 months now. I def feel like in my case it has really changed my body composition, ability to burn fat and overall feel better. I have more stamina in workouts which in turn helps me stay healthier. I was wanting to go to 5iu, but I have not been able to. see I was told I wld gradually go from 2 to 3, 4 then 5, but I have not been able to get off the 3iu aday. However 3iu aday has been sufficient for me to see benefits. I really started to see and feel benefits aprox in 3 months so you must be patient and be consistent. I recommend no less than 6 mo but I am looking towards 9-12 months, I feel so good I may never want to stop. Eventually I will and then come back to it.