Low dose t3 without an anabolic?


New member
Okay a little background on myself. I bulked from August through the end of November and gained some solid weight with the help of a m-drol cycle.

I'm currently 5'10 and about 190 at around 15% bf. I'm looking to slim down to 8-10% bf. I'm currently taking clen and was planning on stacking it with t3 until I heard it should be taken with an anabolic due to muscle loss.

Well my question is if it's worth it to take a low dose, like 50 mcgs of t3 for 6 weeks to lose weight but not at the expense of too much muscle?

If you have any suggestions please let me know

I'm on a CKD diet, eating about 350-500 cals below maintenance.

Sunday- Legs
Monday- Delts/Traps
Wed-Back/ Bi's
Fri' Chest/ Tris
I never run t3 alone, I always at least run it with HGH or very low dose of anavar. If you are going to run it alone make sure you start with 12.5mcg twice a day and go up from there. And keep your protein high, Im sure you already do on the ckd, just reiterating.

What about cardio?