Low t at 24,


New member
Doc put me on 100mg test cyp week, talked to a reputable guy and he said at my weight I should be at 500 mg preferably.....weighing. 275 guy told me to contact the anabolic doc but I can't get his page to open so I could get a number or email
your doctor is way smarter, 500 is a cycle dose 75 to 200 is testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) levels, 100 is a very normal starting point.
follow the directions and get the blood test, go with how you feel, dont worry about what some gym rat say, you went on this for other reasons
Thanks man, I know 500 is an on cycle dose....I'm goin in for more labs the 15 of march....my test levels last time checked where at 246.....just so you know the guy I talked to isn't just a gym rat
Thanks man, I know 500 is an on cycle dose....I'm goin in for more labs the 15 of march....my test levels last time checked where at 246.....just so you know the guy I talked to isn't just a gym rat

highest i've read on here is 300 mg a week split dose for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). if you have a high body fat level you need to be concerned with estrogen, i imagine you will end up closer to 200 , and if you split that into 2 doses you will have blood work at 1000 steady
I do have higher bf, 25% roughly Mabye alittle lower.... If I can get the doc to do at least 200, that'd be optimal?
I do have higher bf, 25% roughly Mabye alittle lower.... If I can get the doc to do at least 200, that'd be optimal?

Bhrees is right. You can't really go based off a number. It is how you feel. There are side effects with any protocol you choose to follow. The important part of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is getting to feel better overall. The most I usually see is 200mg per week. No way a doctor would prescribe you 500mg per week nor should you take that much unless you are a very rare medical case. Optimal is how you feel. So if you are on 100mg per week and you still feel fatigued, tired, brain fog, etc., then try bumping it up to 150mg per week, etc. I honestly have to say it takes a good year to get dialed in with all your hormones. During this phase, you will need to control you estrogen as well. Also, did your doctor prescribe you any HCG?? At your young age, you need to look in to that so you can help keep what natural test levels you have running. I assume you want to have kids one day, so you need to take everything in to account. Personally, I feel good with my total T at around 900. Any higher and I have higher blood pressure and estrogen issues. So guys like theirs around 1000-1200. Again, you will need to see how you feel. Play this safe too.
Alrite thanks again.... At first we started with hog but it did nothing....I had my son when I was twenty....not sure if I could even have kids to be honest....I have dealt with low t since I was 16-17 years old....on 100mg test, plus 50,000 vit D 2 x week, and 50mg dhea everyday I feel a lot better but then again I don't know what good test levels feel like
Alrite thanks again.... At first we started with hog but it did nothing....I had my son when I was twenty....not sure if I could even have kids to be honest....I have dealt with low t since I was 16-17 years old....on 100mg test, plus 50,000 vit D 2 x week, and 50mg dhea everyday I feel a lot better but then again I don't know what good test levels feel like

The first sign that I was approaching "good test levels" was when I started waking up to morning wood again. The problem with having low testosterone for a long time is that you forget the little things that matter, but you dismiss because you're not sure if it's in your head or maybe it's just part of getting older. Having the ability to recall things at a much faster rate is another; I hated having this terrible brain fog that prevented me from remembering the most trivial of things like what I ate for breakfast that day. It would be on the tip of my tongue, but constantly out of reach.

There are a ton of signs that you'll recognize you're getting there once your testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) starts to really take effect. It'll be like, "Wow! I totally forgot what that felt like!" Or, "Man, I didn't know I could do that still!" Testosterone truly is a wonderful thing, but you definitely need to take your time and work with your doctor. I am one of those that is on the higher end of the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) scale at 250mg/wk, but I'm also 6'7" and weigh about 300lbs, give or take. If you feel GREAT at 100mg/wk after 5-6 weeks on that protocol, stay there -- you can always adjust your dose at a later time. ;)

My .02c :)
Thanks man..... I do feel like I am better at some stuff.... I have no issues with erection but can not go a long time during sex(origami reason I started getting checked out)....I feel like 100mg has helped but I'm sure there is room for improvement......the thing is, I have never had the right test levels so I have no idea what it should feel like.....I try to look at everything straight forward and not listen to what my head is telling me.... Do I feel better. Yes, do I feel 100% I don't think so.... I ffeel like there is room for improvement....why couldn't a guy just use a steroid cycle at 500mg if I could get extra test elsewhere
Thanks man..... I do feel like I am better at some stuff.... I have no issues with erection but can not go a long time during sex(origami reason I started getting checked out)....I feel like 100mg has helped but I'm sure there is room for improvement......the thing is, I have never had the right test levels so I have no idea what it should feel like.....I try to look at everything straight forward and not listen to what my head is telling me.... Do I feel better. Yes, do I feel 100% I don't think so.... I ffeel like there is room for improvement....why couldn't a guy just use a steroid cycle at 500mg if I could get extra test elsewhere

supra human levels will cause hardening of the arteries, that's why they call it a cycle, on and off for equal times, you will discover as they adjust your levels you will be able to do things guys your age cant, you will be dialed into optimum performance, once your test is a steady 800 to 1100 your going to feel awesome, people cant live long at 4000
you can do what many do which is blast and cruse, but first get dialed in so you know what works as the cruse level, then in a year get some extra before spring and do 500 for 12 weeks
Thank you man, you have been really helpful, I will get it dialed in before I go to a cycle, he'll I might actually like being in the 800-1100 range and not do a cycle....will gettin into optimal range help with bf metabolization and muscle mass increase? My lbm is over 200# before I started any trt
Thank you man, you have been really helpful, I will get it dialed in before I go to a cycle, he'll I might actually like being in the 800-1100 range and not do a cycle....will gettin into optimal range help with bf metabolization and muscle mass increase? My lbm is over 200# before I started any trt
I agree with what bhrees said, it's really important to get your testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) down first, then you can play later. If you still feel "off", bring it up with your doctor, they might feel that a small increase in test is what you need. Unfortunately though, some doctors are stuck with numbers only, and once you're back "within range" (I HATE that phrase since it includes SICK 90 YEAR OLD MEN) they don't want to do anything else for you. You will definitely see weight loss (fat) in the midsection as well as being able to put mass on in the gym. Just remember to take it slowly if you haven't been going to the gym regularly, your joints/tendons/ligaments aren't used to the stress and could end up giving you problems!
I agree with what bhrees said, it's really important to get your testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) down first, then you can play later. If you still feel "off", bring it up with your doctor, they might feel that a small increase in test is what you need. Unfortunately though, some doctors are stuck with numbers only, and once you're back "within range" (I HATE that phrase since it includes SICK 90 YEAR OLD MEN) they don't want to do anything else for you. You will definitely see weight loss (fat) in the midsection as well as being able to put mass on in the gym. Just remember to take it slowly if you haven't been going to the gym regularly, your joints/tendons/ligaments aren't used to the stress and could end up giving you problems!

Thank you man....my doc is pretty good, I brought it up and am scheduled to check out my levels and have appt to see where we are at.... I imagine she will up it, I have appt march 15....I have been lifting for around 3 years
Sweet thanks man! Sounds good.....I've read a lot on estrogen control, what is best, could I pm you and ask about a source