low test after cycle?


New member
cycled superdrol in january every went good took a weak pct after but everything seemed in order. recently got my test checked due to low sex drive and its only 292 doctor didnt check estrogen levels but im assuming its high. ive been really bloated have puffy but not sore nips and my gut keeps getting bigger dispite my diet having low fat and been doing cardio.
would taking clomid now fix this? and any recomedations on good test boosters thanks
What was your pct- supplements, doses, and length of time?

...anyways yes I would jump on nolva or clomid for 3weeks
What was your post cycle therapy (pct)- supplements, doses, and length of time?

...anyways yes I would jump on nolva or clomid for 3weeks

it was an "all in one" post cycle therapy (pct) a few of my buddies took that after their cycle and seemed fine. i took it for a month, im regreting not doing my research and trying to go cheap on the post cycle therapy (pct).
about to order some clomid and taking tribulus to try and get the test back up
Drop the tribulus get some daa or testrol. Id go with testrol its a badass otc post cycle that i think has trib anyway but itll get your estrogen down and bring your test right back up its a clomid clone. It also works wonders for sex drive. If your gona take anything otc id go with that. And taking it with a post cycle would be a good idea i just recommend it for sex drive and get your test levels back
it was an "all in one" pct a few of my buddies took that after their cycle and seemed fine. i took it for a month, im regreting not doing my research and trying to go cheap on the pct.
about to order some clomid and taking tribulus to try and get the test back up

Damn. tell your friends they are fucking retarded. Superdrol is toxic as fuck- harsh on lipids (causes heart attacks) and on the liver. Not to mention it will completely suppress your natural testosterone production. You need to get on a SERM: clomid, nolva, torem, or a combo of 2. And ya throw in some bulk DAA powder and even a very low dose of an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) (I prefer aromasin)

BTW did you take anything while taking superdrol to protect your liver, blood pressure, lipids? For real research any and all supplements before taking them, it's a necessity.
Damn. tell your friends they are fucking retarded. Superdrol is toxic as fuck- harsh on lipids (causes heart attacks) and on the liver. Not to mention it will completely suppress your natural testosterone production. You need to get on a SERM: clomid, nolva, torem, or a combo of 2. And ya throw in some bulk DAA powder and even a very low dose of an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) (I prefer aromasin)

BTW did you take anything while taking superdrol to protect your liver, blood pressure, lipids? For real research any and all supplements before taking them, it's a necessity.

just nac and milk thistle, how should i dose my clomid and is it good to take with testrol and the daa powder?
Clomid @ 50mg/ day for 3-4weeks and yes you can take it with testrol and daa powder. If you think you have high estro- you mentioned being bloated- i would get an aromatase inhibitor (AI) like aromasin and dose it @5-10mg/day for 4weeks with the clomid. aromasin will help to elevate test and lower estro, it's also easier on cholesterol than other AIs, it's also a suicide inhibitor so there will be no estrogen "rebound" effect when you come off it

good luck
ever heard of feeling kinda dizzy and out of it at first clomid dose? got the aromasin on the way, would need2slin be a good choice for boosting the test back up.. read some good things
ever heard of feeling kinda dizzy and out of it at first clomid dose? got the aromasin on the way, would need2slin be a good choice for boosting the test back up.. read some good things

I will put it to you this way gnf. Millions of guys recover there test levels to the 1300's every year by using a simple clomid/Nolvadex/Aromasin protocol. All of these guys run stuff that shuts their natty levels down a lot worse than yours is. If this tried and proven post cycle therapy (pct) worked for them, why would take a chance spending your money on anything else?!

1-4 Clomid 50 mg a day
1-2 Nolvadex at 40 mg a day
3-4 Nolvadex at 20 mg a day
1-4 12.5 mg Aromasin daily

Tested, tried, and proven... over and over again. You can look at over the counter products that MAY work, but why would you when you have an inexpensive proven system here already?
Listen to the guys above, you need a post cycle therapy (pct). Use serms as recommended. Pick up some DAA at NTBM. This would be a smart choice.
for your cycle I would imagine just taking clomid at 50mgs/day for 4 weeks would wo rkjust fine for you. I always use clomid at 50 mgs/day and Nolva at 20 mgs/day and it works fine. I generally take a lot more than superdrol though.
for your cycle I would imagine just taking clomid at 50mgs/day for 4 weeks would wo rkjust fine for you. I always use clomid at 50 mgs/day and Nolva at 20 mgs/day and it works fine. I generally take a lot more than superdrol though.

^^^^^ My point exactly!
ive been taking clomid 50mg ED and aromasin 12.5mg ED for a little over a week now and im noticing when i squeeze one nipple a tiny amount of liquid comes out. from what ive read prolactin is unlikely from halodrol or superdrol and those being the only two PH's ive takin i feel i may just be paranoid.
still no soreness or lumps under nipples so im really hoping im just loooking into this too much. will my aromasin and clomid be enough?
ive been taking clomid 50mg ED and aromasin 12.5mg ED for a little over a week now and im noticing when i squeeze one nipple a tiny amount of liquid comes out. from what ive read prolactin is unlikely from halodrol or superdrol and those being the only two PH's ive takin i feel i may just be paranoid.
still no soreness or lumps under nipples so im really hoping im just loooking into this too much. will my aromasin and clomid be enough?

Chances are this will go away, especially since your nips aren't senesitive...You can get cabergoline just in case. Also stop touching your nipples!! it will only make it worse.
clomid nolva stack will bring anyone back.. the dose will be dependent on the cycle ran but thats what he needs.

hcgenerate + daa will also help too.