Low Test... and high hemoglobin


New member
So I got my blood test done a week ago.. Doc is saying my Test levels are lower then average.. 230.

And my Hemoglobin is at 17.(well 16.7)

I asked what could I do to lower my hemo and be able to do some Test injections.. and he recommands using a gel or cream type.. and no medication for hemo..

I kinda googled and see ppl do blood donations to lower the Hemo... So I was thinking if I should do this... and cruse on test 1cc a week.

Anyone have experience with this kinda conditions?

My stats 34 years old.. 5'9" 205lb.. body fat I would say around 17..

Early last year I was on Test 500 and 250 deca and my hemo was at 22.. I stoped the cycle around 10 weeks.. cuz of the dizzyness I had at that time..also I had high BP.. but now Im taking medication and its around 126~130..

Any advice would be great..
My hemo gets elevated on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) as well. Donate blood every 56 days and be religious about it to combat this if you go on TRT.
Early last year I was on Test 500 and 250 deca and my hemo was at 22.. I stoped the cycle around 10 weeks.. cuz of the dizzyness I had at that time..also I had high BP.. but now Im taking medication and its around 126~130..

Any advice would be great..

Did you have a good TT before you cycled?
Did you do a good PCT?
Not sure about my levels before... But i did about 2 cycles a year.. Only Test.. I would only do post cycle therapy (pct) if i go over 500 mg a week..
Any other adivces?

Im going to try 1cc of 250 mg a week... and donate blood every 4 weeks... Any thing else I should consider?

also at 250mg/week.. would I be able to get a way with every 6th day injection? or needs to be twice a week injection?
They limit how frequently you can donate blood unless you have a prescription from a doctor to donate more than allowed.

Keep and eye on your estradiol.

What were your LH and FSH levels? Get those checked if you didn't already before you start injecting T. You want your baseline to know if you are primary or secondary.

Are you going to be working with a doctor or self-treating? I hope the former.
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I am going try the method in my post.

I am not sure about the LH and FSH levels.. I dont see these on my paper..

On my recipe says 1.CBC with diff 2.sed rate(ESR) 3.Testosterone, Total 4. Cortisol 5. CRP(C-reactive protein) panel

I told my Doc I used TEST before.. and told him my symptoms...and told him I would like to start since my test levels are low... he just suggested I use cream.. I told him I would try the injections.. and come back for blood work.. he didnt say much.. So I didnt really think It was a big deal..until I got back on the forums..
So.. 1cc of test E 300mg / week with single shot is a NO NO.. .5cc/week = 150mg..

Is this b/c of the flucutuation? or production of blood cells?

Would I be able to do 1cc/ 2 shots per week?
yes, it is shown that doses of 150 mg or more will cause great increase in red blood cell production from bone marrow, so that mean increased MCV, hematocrit and hemoglobin
Okay... Now.. let me get this straight... sorry.. kinda confused a little..

So staying under 150mg per week is recommanded... If I stay under 150mg NO need for blood donation?

If I go over 150mg per week.. then blood donation is needed.. but consult with doc after blood test?

Did I get this right?
Okay... Now.. let me get this straight... sorry.. kinda confused a little..

So staying under 150mg per week is recommanded... If I stay under 150mg NO need for blood donation?

If I go over 150mg per week.. then blood donation is needed.. but consult with doc after blood test?

Did I get this right?

its been shown doses over 150 have a more dramatic impact on blood, so try to split your meds into smaller injections, giving blood as a therapeutic treatment is a last resort and not wise as you are still causing damage to the artery walls , give blood because its a kind thing to do
get blood test, 1 month after starting a protocol and at three months to see the impact on hematocrit and hemoglobin and to validate you have stopped rising, typical plateau in 3 months time, then annually to validate

best of luck