Low Test Cycle Suggestions???


Mac Daddy
Ive used off and on over the years but several years ago I found out I had severly low testosterone, pituitary has basically stopped working. So I gained alot of weight no matter how much cardio, jui-jitsu classes, kickboxing, or weights I lifted. I was put on androgel. Brought me into the lower levels but still had issues so I started using sustanton 250 and deca also. Did a good job. Lost to 265 and started looking decent again. Got off of it and gained over 30 lbs even though I worked out and was very active... now Im trying to find a much stronger quality testosterone and maybe something else that will help build muscle but burn fat... Im on T400 and EQ currently. I'm having decent results... I think the local stuff Im getting is watered down or its low quality , but I would like some suggestions for the next stack, brands, etc... thanks guys! Oh yeah its gotta be affordable...lol
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Have you thought about throwin in some liquid clen or something along those lines in with your cycle?
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Just wondering, when you say you've been on and off over the years.... did you do really long cycles? I don't want my natural test production to stop so I try to limit the length of my cycles. But then I read where one of the mods here got his wife pregnant after a TWO YEAR cycle.

Anabolic love: were you the guy getting the hernia op? I think I posted some msgs about that. How did that go? (don't want to thread-jack - PM if you prefer)
I've never tried clen... I lost a boat load one time on a real ECA stack. Over 65 lbs in 6 months. Since that is no longer available, I may try clen if it doesnt make me jittery????? anybody know about that? not sure if I know anybody who has that either... And by on and off I meant I tried a couple cycles here and there over the years, but no long term usage until after my pituitary went nuts... best we can tell it was from too many hits to the head...lol probably football. Other than that Im healthy and active. No hernia op...
For clen, I suggest that you contact RUI. They have a banner at the top of this page.

If you suffer from low testosterone, then I suggest that you contact Chip, from the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) board. That would be the red banner to the right.
