Lower back pain operation or deca? Help plz


New member
Hi there, I have been suffering from lower back pain for over 3yeras. I have been told there is only 2 possible ways to fix this an none are 100% sure to work. So #1 is go for an operation in England an it costs £35,000.
#2 some people have said deca works because the water retention stops the nerves from hitting my spine and also strengthens my back muscles.
Quick question is has any tried this for back pain. And what dosage would you recommend and would you take anything with deca. I live in Scotland no will need to get a friend to get me the stuff. I am only 5ft 9inch and 13stone. So I'm not doing this to get bigger but if that happens then so be it. I do light work out everyday with light weights to try help my back.
Have you used steroids before? You cannot run Deca by itself as it shuts down your testosterone production. So you have to run it with testosterone as well. And as soon as you stop, any benefits would disappear.

Having said that, Deca is known for alleviating joint pain due to increases in synovial fluid. And it can help with collagen synthesis. But I doubt it would do much of anything for nerve pain. It would help strengthen muscles IF you are able to go to the gym and do resistance training. Overall, I am skeptical that Deca would help your situation.

I would think something like a cortisone shot and physical therapy would have a better chance of success with much less risk.
Look into Radio frequency nerve block. Doc will stick needles into your nerves where the pain is and burn them, killing them for 6months - 2 years. (Everyones regenerate differently) , this procedure saved my life... its out-patient and only takes like 15 minutes.
Hi thanks for the reply. I have used 50mg oxi b4 but years agin now. I have been gettin physio and that only helps with the nerve pain sometimes an taking a shit load a drugs from doctors but nothing is working. so just been looking in2 diff ways so I can get on with life as b4 this happens I played football a lot and was fit but since this I can hardly do anything with running or heavy weights an some people have had pain relief using deca. (Not sure if they did take anything with it) from what I have read deca keeps a lot a water saved in the body which helps stop nerves get twisted it also helps Mitch the actual cause my lower back muscle being weak.
Most steroids will increase glycogen/water retention. You can try it but you cannot run Deca by itself. Injectable Testosterone must be used as well. And note that your natural test production will be shut down.

There is a lot more to it than just pinning some gear. You need to manage estradiol with Aromatase Inhibitors. Use hCG. Run PCT if you come off. Get frequent blood work to check Hormone levels and organ function. And with Deca prolactin can be an issue so you need a Dopamine Agonist.

Below in my signature is a link for a FAQs thread. Please read it and read all the links included in it. There is a lot to learn. Especially with Deca since it is a 19-nor.
Hi thanks for the reply. I have used 50mg oxi b4 but years agin now. I have been gettin physio and that only helps with the nerve pain sometimes an taking a shit load a drugs from doctors but nothing is working. so just been looking in2 diff ways so I can get on with life as b4 this happens I played football a lot and was fit but since this I can hardly do anything with running or heavy weights an some people have had pain relief using deca. (Not sure if they did take anything with it) from what I have read deca keeps a lot a water saved in the body which helps stop nerves get twisted it also helps Mitch the actual cause my lower back muscle being weak.

You need to do two things:

1. Strengthen your core muscles. Weak abdominal muscles force you to use your erectors in your back WAY too much, which fatigues them - leading to pain.

2. Lose any excess body fat. You should change your diet and start walking. Being mobile seems counterintuitive, as your back will complain at first, but it will loosen up and you will feel relief.

Deca does not add a significant amount of body water contrary to what bro-science tells us. It received this silly trait as a "wet" compound because it does aromatize to estradiol - which leads to water retention. Tron covered the actual REAL benefits of the compound, which likely won't help.

I have spinal arthritis from years of manual labor behind me, and I do take deca for joint relief. My back does not see any of these benefits, but my knees, elbows, and shoulders do. I am also on testosterone replacement to be clear, and agree with the fact that taking nandrolone decanoate by itself would present more problems than its worth.

My .02c :)
If u could afford it, I would get the back surgery. I know it's 50% chance of fully recovering but it's worth a shot. Better trying then living in all kinds of pain.
Yeah the problem is 2 kids,house and a wife can't afford the surgery unless it was that or nothing then I would have to do it. I have bad days when I can't even walk about and good days I can go 2 work an be in pain but able 2 work through it. So is there any other steroid that has the same effect as deca that is let's say so complicated to take lol. my friend is a body builder and does some shows so I will ask him 2 explain more when he is back from America. I have read what I can but was hoping it would be a little more simple like take 400mg a week and top up with test or something. But seems like I will need talk more with an expert and find out how 2 take and stay safe andan also how to come off it safe sorry for taking up people's time I thought I new more that I actually did about this
Yeah the problem is 2 kids,house and a wife can't afford the surgery unless it was that or nothing then I would have to do it. I have bad days when I can't even walk about and good days I can go 2 work an be in pain but able 2 work through it. So is there any other steroid that has the same effect as deca that is let's say so complicated to take lol. my friend is a body builder and does some shows so I will ask him 2 explain more when he is back from America. I have read what I can but was hoping it would be a little more simple like take 400mg a week and top up with test or something. But seems like I will need talk more with an expert and find out how 2 take and stay safe andan also how to come off it safe sorry for taking up people's time I thought I new more that I actually did about this

You really need to get this part through your head. Using exogenous steroids (AAS) does not top up your testosterone levels.

If your body senses that it already has enough AAS it stops making its own. Literally stops. So if you take Deca, your body will stop making testosterone. Your pituitary can't tell that Deca isn't Testosterone. Trust us when we tell you that living without any testosterone in you is a horrible existence. Do some research on Hypogonadism.

You should also note that the longer you stay on the less likely you will be able to come off. Don't do this unless you are prepared to be on for the rest of your life. You would be taking a big chance on something that probably will not help our back.
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Having recently undergone an S1-L5 spinal fusion surgery with Instrumentation (on 27 April), I feel I am well suited to offer some advise. I had spondylitis with spondyilothese Grade 1, which caused me constant pain and sciatica. It was brutal! Although caused by injury, I still worked out regardless of the pain (though I admit that my routine had to be adjusted to accommodate the pain/injury! Squats and deadlifts sucked!) But nerve pain is far different than "joint pain".

They can do many things to help with the pain, but make sure you get an MRI to identify exactly what the problem is!

Although I am still recovering ( and have had to continue modifying my routine to allow for full healing), even with residual pain, it is still 1000x better than it was...
Lol. Ur self sjc. once you have lived with it and tried to find a cure( an deca might or might not be it) you will be open 2 any thing that's help. An I have been at doctors and physio for years an bit worked and found out that at least 20 people I have spoke with online says it gives some relief. So that's why I am on asking before I done anything. So thanks to everyone for your comments. But sjc Astor older generation would say. If you have nothing good to say then don't say anything at all thanks.
Lol. Ur self sjc. once you have lived with it and tried to find a cure( an deca might or might not be it) you will be open 2 any thing that's help. An I have been at doctors and physio for years an bit worked and found out that at least 20 people I have spoke with online says it gives some relief. So that's why I am on asking before I done anything. So thanks to everyone for your comments. But sjc Astor older generation would say. If you have nothing good to say then don't say anything at all thanks.

My suspicion is that it simply helps strengthen core muscles. I doubt it does anything to reduce nerve pain.

If you want to test out more water retention just increase your salt intake.
You really need to get this part through your head. Using exogenous steroids (AAS) does not top up your testosterone levels.

If your body senses that it already has enough AAS it stops making its own. Literally stops. So if you take Deca, your body will stop making testosterone. Your pituitary can't tell that Deca isn't Testosterone. Trust us when we tell you that living without any testosterone in you is a horrible existence. Do some research on Hypogonadism.

You should also note that the longer you stay on the less likely you will be able to come off. Don't do this unless you are prepared to be on for the rest of your life. You would be taking a big chance on something that probably will not help our back.
Thanks I have read about lack of test in the body. I understand that this might or might not work but last option so will try it after I try one more thing at the docs on Monday.
So if I do try deca and something 2 replace help with the testosterone levels. If I done a 12week cycle testosterone cypionate. Twice a week 2x 200/250mg. Could I run 500mg deca one a week or twice a week. And then take what ever is recommended to come off it and see what the benefits are and if they even help. If not then since I have took what is is recommended(clomid) to come off I can explore something diff. Or will I be affected for life trying this even for a 12week cycle?
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Thanks I have read about lack of test in the body. I understand that this might or might not work but last option so will try it after I try one more thing at the docs on Monday.
So if I do try deca and something 2 replace help with the testosterone levels. If I done a 12week cycle testosterone cypionate. Twice a week 2x 200/250mg. Could I run 500mg deca one a week or twice a week. And then take what ever is recommended to come off it and see what the benefits are and if they even help. If not then since I have took what is is recommended to come off I can explore something diff. Or will I be affected for life trying this even for a 12week cycle?

You could be affected for life. Deca is very "hard" on your endocrine system (HPTA). It shuts down your pituitary.

And I don't see the point of doing this for 12 weeks. It takes Deca almost 8 weeks to even kick in. It has a very long ester. And once you go off, any positive effects of Deca will disappear. It only provides benefits while using it.

A cycle for you with Deca would look like this.

Test Cyp 200mg/wk
Deca 200-400mg/wk (run the lowest amount that provides benefits)
Arimidex .25mg every 3.5 days.
Cabergoline .50mg every 3.5 days
hCG 250iu every 3.5 days

PCT when (if) you come off. Clomid and Nolva.

You will need to run a lot of blood work to check Hormone levels including estradiol.

Keep in mind that your fertility may be affected. You may have to do TRT for the rest of your life. And as someone who has used Deca, you should expect no improvement in your back pain as that just isn't how Deca works.

Read the FAQs link below in my signature to understand anything above that doesn't make sense.
Sorry should have got back 2 u. Im not sure that will help (I'm going on Monday 2 ask about it) as the nerve pain comes and goes with physio. But the lower back pain never goes away. When I have both at the same time that's when I can't go out the house.
Look into Radio frequency nerve block. Doc will stick needles into your nerves where the pain is and burn them, killing them for 6months - 2 years. (Everyones regenerate differently) , this procedure saved my life... its out-patient and only takes like 15 minutes.

Sorry should have got back 2 u. Im not sure that will help (I'm going on Monday 2 ask about it) as the nerve pain comes and goes with physio. But the lower back pain never goes away. When I have both at the same time that's when I can't go out the house.
Thanks I have read about lack of test in the body. I understand that this might or might not work but last option so will try it after I try one more thing at the docs on Monday.
So if I do try deca and something 2 replace help with the testosterone levels. If I done a 12week cycle testosterone cypionate. Twice a week 2x 200/250mg. Could I run 500mg deca one a week or twice a week. And then take what ever is recommended to come off it and see what the benefits are and if they even help. If not then since I have took what is is recommended(clomid) to come off I can explore something diff. Or will I be affected for life trying this even for a 12week cycle?

U shouldn't even consider taking any AAS until u get your back healthy. This is speaking from experience. I tried a cycle when my back was fucked, just made it worse. Deca is not going to magically make your back better.