lower back pain


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lower back pain from D-bol?

I've been noticing a bizarre pain in my lower back on both sides lately, not like a muscle pull or anything like that and it's starting to get me a bit paranoid... taking 60mg D-bol ED right now and just wondering if anyone else has ever had this and just hoping its not my kidney's or something. Any help?
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How long have you been taking DBOL?? DBOL is notorios for nasty lower back pumps .
About a month now... i dunno if it really feels like a pump or not. I tried some anadrols and the lower back pump i felt there was a lot different feeling then this is.
I would say its the Dbol,this is quite common.The pumps/pain will fade when you come off or lower your dose,shit bro 60mg is alot!!

Alright, thats a relief then... was starting to think the high dose was killing my kidney's
that is a very common side of dbol at a high dose like that, there a lot of people on this board that don't like dbol because of it
Is your urine dark?
Smell diffrent?
Is your blood pressure up?
If you answer yes to one or more of these then I would say it could very well be your kidneys.
The liver can bounce back the kidneys are a diffrent story, you dont want those to give out.
If it is your kidneys you have to go to the doc today.
Im not being hard on you but my last cycle I will pissing blood and there was ketones and calcium in my urine too. The doc gave me 2 perscriptions and after a few days no more blood.
Urine seems to be alright... normally pretty light, i drink a lot of water. And as far as blood pressure i have been meaning to check it for the past week so im not too sure yet.
drink cranberry juice at 1/2 gallon for three days then start on green tea at 5-10 bags per day for the reamainder of the cycle. this should clear you right up.
i just wanted to ask what the half gallon of cranberry juice does for drinking it in 3 consecutive days and the green tea as well? just cuirous i heard this before but never really knew why it was done?
Think it almost might be time for the hospital or something... been drinkning the cranberry juice for 2 days now and the pain almost seems worse if anything. It can actually become quite intense at times now. I have also been noticing that when i take a leak it does seem to be foamy now. Stopped taking the d-bols completely yesterday.
thats a big dose of dbol. i really dont think that high is necessary, but how much do you weigh?
benefit said:
i just wanted to ask what the half gallon of cranberry juice does for drinking it in 3 consecutive days and the green tea as well? just cuirous i heard this before but never really knew why it was done?

In the recent study, researchers found that a substance in cranberry juice keeps infection-causing bacteria from attaching to the walls of the urethra. Cranberry juice also makes the urine more acidic.

The kidneys are another area where green tea has shown to have protective effects. Decreased kidney function due to aging and kidney failure are a frequent cause of death. The public is generally unaware that anything can be done to prevent the age-related decline in kidney function. Making use of a wide-range of antioxidant protection appears crucial, and flavonoids, including green tea catechins, are very potent antioxidants. Epigallocatechin gallate was shown to induce antioxidant enzymes in the kidneys, as well as to reduce uremic toxins in the blood, suggesting improved kidney function in an animal model of kidney failure.
Kidney problems are often associated with high blood sugar and consequent glycosylation of various proteins (hence the strong link between kidney failure and diabetes). Since green tea has the ability to lower serum glucose, this is another way in which it helps protect against kidney failure. Likewise, the antioxidant properties of green tea likely play a significant role in protecting the kidneys. Since green tea has been shown to lower the concentrations of free radicals and lipid peroxides in organs such as the liver and the pancreas, this is likely to be true in the kidneys as well.
Maintaining kidney health is a crucial though often neglected part of anti-aging medicine. Green tea is one of the resources we have for protecting this critical detoxification system, and it seems to be a particularly powerful one.

plus green tea is a potent diuretic. frequent urination is a side effect f drinking greent tea.

bro there is tons of literature on these two topics. do a google search and read for hours on the benefits of both these products.

hope this helps.
wasn't for a kick start... originally intended on running it for 8 weeks with 150 tren EOD. My guy kinda screwed me though and wasnt able to get anymore tren so i had just been running straight d-bols for the past 3 weeks up until this shit happened. Went off the d-bols and found a new guy that had the exact same tren and I have it all sittin with me now but cant start it because of this kidney shit now...
Not goin back on the d-bols though, thats for sure. As long as I start feeling normal again i'll start running straight tren.