Lowering testosterone for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) blood test


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Lowering testosterone for TRT blood test

Hey guys,

I have a naturally low test level that is in the very low 300s verified by a few blood tests over the past few years. I was at this level even prior to my first cycle so its not AAS related. My doctor will only consider putting me on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) if my levels are in the low 200s as my level is currently in the "normal" lab test range even though its at the bare minimum. My doctor wants to repeat blood tests for me again to see if it has fluctuated at all. What would the best way for me to go about temporarily lowering my test level below 250 so that I would be below this range? I have some left over NPP that I could use a couple days prior to my blood test. Would this work? How early prior to my test should I do this and how much should I use? Also, what would be the best way of increasing my test level, after my blood test, back to the low 300s? Would I just run a short clomid/nolva PCT? I know there are other ways to temporarily lower your test level such as staying up 24 hours and being hungover before blood draw. I may considering trying these as well... Any advice?
um well if you take something that lowers your natural test production, that will show on the test. remember all AAS cause the body to shut down or be suppressed.
Ya there's no real way to do that other then purposely shutting yourself down with like a month of test injections. If u want to be on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) I don't really see the harm in this
Only guaranteed way is using AAS, but during my life I have unwittingly successfully lowered it by over training, bad diet, and sleeping 4 hours a night.
Run a cycle, that will suppress your HTPA. About 6-8 weeks after last pin take blood work.

I've done this for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) scripts until I said Fuck This and got my own Test SRC....lol
Isn't there a faster way of doing this rather than running a 6-8 week cycle? My doctor wants me to take the blood test within the next week. If I just take one 100mg shot of deca/npp a couple days before the blood test it should temporarily shut down my natural test and drop my level shouldn't it? I'm guessing npp would be best since it would clear my system the fastest. If I test low enough, my doctor may decide to send me to an endo/urologist before he puts me on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) which may take a couple of months so I will want to recover my test level as quickly as possible after this blood test. Has anyone tried using an opiate such as codeine to temporarily lower their test level? Any other ideas?
well something fast acting you will need. dose npp 100-150mg or so each day until your test. 1 shot a day before test could possibly not lower it enough or at all. you need to do repeated doses so that your body recognizes it and stops producing test.

vicodin will not lower it, thats kind of a myth. even if it did it would only be a couple points. taking opiates will not lower your test below 300 ng/dl
What if you started pinning something like Test suspension like a no Esther test from now up Untill a day or so before the blood test? Maybe get the test postponed a week. I'm no expert would have to ask someone with more exp if you could shut yourself down that fast. Just an idea.
What if you started pinning something like Test suspension like a no Esther test from now up Untill a day or so before the blood test? Maybe get the test postponed a week. I'm no expert would have to ask someone with more exp if you could shut yourself down that fast. Just an idea.

injecting testosterone will make his testosterone off the charts!! thats exactly opposite of what he is trying to accomplish lol
injecting testosterone will make his testosterone off the charts!! thats exactly opposite of what he is trying to accomplish lol

I dont think you understood my post bro, maybe someone with more experience will be able to chime in with a better response. I'm not sure how long sus takes to clear your system. But I bet a week of it should drop your natty levels by then end, no?
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I just came across the following graph showing the effects on natural test levels from 4mL of npp:


It appears that your test level would hit the minimum after 3 days. I could probably run some clomid/nolva after my blood test for quicker recovery...
Go in the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) forum and see their sponsor ultimate life vitality. Otherwise I would try the "clomid challenge" where the doc will have you take clomid for a certain amount of time to try to restart your production. Mine still wouldn't work, so I got on trt.

If you don't have to be on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), then don't start it bro.

You can also look online if you are determined, there are posts about heavy drinking for a couple nights in a row mixed with low protein eating, etc.

My insurance will cover test for me if I am below normal or if I am continuing testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). I was at 301 or so, so if I stop taking my shots now insurance would cover it if I got below 250 or whatever. Take info in to your doc showing that the test ranges differ by lab and that others have a base of 350. It worked for my doc.
Also remember if doing another way (i.e aas) to lower your levels that it will alter your other results as well. If your fsh and lh were ok before, they may be dropped to the bottom as well. If he sees that he may know why.
I think you're right about the npp injection route, but there might be slight individual differences. You could also train vigorously for 2-3 hours before the lab as testosterone drops significantly after an intense workout. Also, sleeping very little the night before, fasting the day before, and avoiding protein for a couple days could help.
Go in the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) forum and see their sponsor ultimate life vitality. Otherwise I would try the "clomid challenge" where the doc will have you take clomid for a certain amount of time to try to restart your production. Mine still wouldn't work, so I got on trt.

If you don't have to be on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), then don't start it bro.

Unfortunately, I can't use Ultimate Life Vitality because I live in Canada... I think it's harder to get a prescription for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) up here. I've looked into doing a restart but my test level was this low even before I started using AAS so I think I'm naturally at this level. I've run a couple solid post cycle therapy (pct)s in the past but they've only brought me back to the low 300s, no higher.

I think I'm going to try the npp route. I'll shoot 100-150mg tonight, Thurs, Fri and then go for the blood test on Sat. Fri night I'll fast, drink, and stay up all night before the test. After the blood test, I'll wait a few days and then start a short clomid/nolva post cycle therapy (pct) to recover. I think this should get the job done. Hopefully it doesn't drop me too low though... A few shots of npp wouldn't show up on a blood test, would it?
Well I see someone erased my post about me useing Percs for a couple of days to lower test levels to qualify for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). It would be nice if the Mods would at least PM us when we say something offensive enough to erase a post . ~Bo
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Well I see someone erased my post about me useing Percs for a couple of days to lower test levels to qualify for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). It would be nice if the Mods would at least PM us when we say something offensive enough to erase a post . ~Bo

Same here. I made a post right after you and that got deleted. We can talk all day about juice, but once you mention opiates it's gone.
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I see he feels the same way....