So this is my third cycle and my first pin was friday. I have a lump under my skin. I use a 22 gauge 1.5" pin. I always clean the bottle And injection site before. I pin in my glute. Now it feels a little warm. No redness. Any suggestions on what is going on? Thanks in advanc.
Yes i try to bury it bro. Maybe next time i will make sure it buried. Its a nice size lump due to 1.5 ml. Thanks for your feedback. So of it goes sq is it wasted?
Use a 23 gauge as long as you can get it in a muscle. I used a 1 1/2" at first too, but 1" works great as long as you don't have bf that gets in the way.
Pip is common and a knot at the injection site is most likely poor injection technique. If it is ever an infection all I can say is you will know. No guess work in that.
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