lump under skin.. feedback welcome


New member
So this is my third cycle and my first pin was friday. I have a lump under my skin. I use a 22 gauge 1.5" pin. I always clean the bottle And injection site before. I pin in my glute. Now it feels a little warm. No redness. Any suggestions on what is going on? Thanks in advanc.
did you bury the 1.5" needle completely ? if not you could have some oil that ended up sub Q,, no biggy the bump will go away in a couple days or so
Yes i try to bury it bro. Maybe next time i will make sure it buried. Its a nice size lump due to 1.5 ml. Thanks for your feedback. So of it goes sq is it wasted?
If it hurts it is probably an abscess. Just don't pin there again until it is 100% better.

And no, subq does not waste anything.
Use a 23 gauge as long as you can get it in a muscle. I used a 1 1/2" at first too, but 1" works great as long as you don't have bf that gets in the way.

Pip is common and a knot at the injection site is most likely poor injection technique. If it is ever an infection all I can say is you will know. No guess work in that.
I tryed 1" in the begining and it was not long enough. There is no pain unless i push hard on it. Its a good size lump.