Lumps from Testosterone injection


New member
I have solid type Lumps about golf ball size in glute after injection...there is pain for 3 days and the lump lasts about 10 days then goes away... using 1.5 inch needle at 250mg Cypionate per week...any suggestions?
I used to get lumps when I started AAS. I would bet it's the oil taking a while absorb. Try warming the oil and inject slower. Worked for me and never had lumps since.

This is just my experience, there could be other things causing this. 250mg/ml for cyp is 50mg higher than normal concentrations. If all else fails and your using a 2nd compound (like deca) mix it.
Need some history on you Sir.

TRT or recreational use ?
Cycle history--- is the first it trt ? Using a 1.5 inch needle, if your burying it to the hilt should not result in these sized bumps unless this is ur first time and ur body is not into u stabbing yourself then introducing an oil deposit into ur ass.

Is it HG test or UGL ? I DO NOT WANT TO KNOW WHAT LAB, just answer the question. Diff lab s use diff oil and there s an outside chance that particular vial/vial s and u are not compatible.

FYI-a 1 cc, 250 mg pin is not the issue. That concentration is fine but something s amiss if your getting lump s of that size w 1 cc.
I will figure out a way to warm the oil and inject more slowly see if that works...thanks Brendanj
Teutonic-age 40 just trying to do TRT with the 250 mg /week cypionate...not first cycle have used up to 750/ week with no lumps not know about HG or UGL it is cypionate suspended in oil....I use sterile injection technique....
I worry with lumps like this my body is not absorbing properly
Not unusual side effect.

I was dating this woman several years ago who used to love squeezing my ass. She would ask me why my ass was lumpy sometimes and kept wanting me to see a doctor. Lol

I discovered I loved the feeling of pinning daily so I went to all short esters and slin pins eventually. No noticeable lumps anymore.

Heat the gear does help as said
I had a similar issue when I first started 13 yrs ago and I found out that I was inj. Too fast so I slowed down, I mean I do it really slow and even leave the needle in for about 15-20 seconds once finished and no more lumps since.
I have solid type Lumps about golf ball size in glute after injection...there is pain for 3 days and the lump lasts about 10 days then goes away... using 1.5 inch needle at 250mg Cypionate per week...any suggestions?

Are you using ugl? It may not be filtered properly. That could be the problem. If you are moving the needle while injecting could be the problem as well. Seems like one of these is the reason when I have that problem.

It never happens if I'm using quality gear.
I will figure out a way to warm the oil and inject more slowly see if that works...thanks Brendanj
Teutonic-age 40 just trying to do TRT with the 250 mg /week cypionate...not first cycle have used up to 750/ week with no lumps not know about HG or UGL it is cypionate suspended in oil....I use sterile injection technique....
I worry with lumps like this my body is not absorbing properly

Let us know how its going so far.
I tried warming the testosterone then injecting slowly but the result is the same..pain in inject area and a solid "lump". I am concerned the test may have gone bad on me or something. Had 3 20ml vials and used one so on second vial now. Test expires 2017. It seems like the problem is getting worse with each injection. No problems when I first started using this test. Now there is pain and a solid mass for up to 10 days and I inject once a week. Maybe it is time to order some different testosterone from a different source. Intermuscular injections are performed all the time and there should not be prolonged pain in the injection area or any solid mass of oil. Maybe my body is rejecting it. I just don't know.