m1t 4AD anti-e combo ?


New member
I am thinking about trying prohormones one last time but need some convincing.

They have not worked for me in the past so I must be a sucker for sales hype as I was thinking of using some methyl 1 test with some 4AD and an anti-e.

Has anyone achieved strength and lean muscle gains with this combo. I refuse to call it a stack as products like this have never been effective for me. Has this stuff worked for you ?

Thanks for any input.
Just 4 the record: M-ONE-T is not a pro-hormone. It is a 17aa methylated form of Testosterone, which means it is an oral.
M1T worked for me.

By the way, you will need to take HUGE quantities of 4AD before you need an anti e because the conversion rate to testosterone (and therefore estrogen) is actually quite low.

I would just have some nolva on hand in case, but no need to take it with the stack.
Thanks for the comments.

The nolva full cycle would probably only serve to increase test slightly and decrease gh.
I am going to go for the far more cost efficient and effective real deal.