m1t sides


New member
would m1t close growthplates? im pretty sure they would considering it is 1-test.. but im just trying to get a confirmation... or not
If it increases estrogen... YES.

Initially it was thought M1T didnt affect estrogen levels but now gyno is popping up everywhere and people are wondering where the hell its coming from, good question.
The profile of methyl 1-test is similar to that of 1-test – it does not convert to estrogen, and it is highly anabolic and moderately androgenic (less than 1-test). When compared to orally administered methyltestosterone, methyl 1-test is 910-1600% as anabolic and 100-220% as androgenic.

thats from the 1fast400 site... but if people are gettin gyno... wtf? If its classified as a PH i would imagine peoples bodies would convert it differently, which would explain where the gyno came from...
I would bank on it closing growth plates, if you are so young you think you are still growing stay away from steroids.
Yea, my friend is on it, he gets all the sides from steroids. HEs borken out a little on his arms, slight bloat, lower back pains, and of course increase in strenght. So yes Im sure it will prop cuase a slight closing of growth plates.
Mudge said:
I would bank on it closing growth plates, if you are so young you think you are still growing stay away from steroids.

im 19... had alot of people say its not worth the risk yet for streight up gear... so i was looking into other things...but im 5'6" at 19.. so any bit of height im going to get id rather keep.

can anyone recommend something that wont close growthplates and will give me some size?

the only supps ive used to gain size are creatine and sterobol suspension by the beast(PH)... to cut: clen and ECA
Im 19 as well, and Im 6'3''. I've been this height for almost 2 years now.

I am thinking of giving m1t a try as well. I havent baught it yet, cause Im still trying to decide what in the world to do about a PCT....cause I read different shit everyday.
r3ver3nd said:
Im 19 as well, and Im 6'3''. I've been this height for almost 2 years now.

I am thinking of giving m1t a try as well. I havent baught it yet, cause Im still trying to decide what in the world to do about a post cycle therapy (pct)....cause I read different shit everyday.

people claim they get regular steroid sides. So id recommend just doing the same post cycle therapy (pct) as youd do for a test cycle.