M1T -- When Will People Learn?

powerforward said:
my question to nelson is, how do you know that m-1test doesn't work?
have you tried it?
have there been any tests on it that show no anabolic effect?
what evidence is there to support the claim that it doesn't work?

this is not intended as a flame, just wanted to see if anyone had any insight or evidence on m-1test.

This is the wrong question. The burden of proof is on something working - not, NOT working. I can't post any studies that show dipping my head in a bucket of paint and doing handstands won't make my dick larger either. But it won't.

As for Golgo: I'm glad you had good luck with it. I do believe the increased calories helped and maybe you were young enough that the temporary increase in T gave you more strengh during your workouts or maybe the increase estrogen caused the strength, weight and libido gain. Yes...estrogen can do that -- which is why the indiscriminate use and over use of anti e's can be a hindereence to gains. Also, what post cycle therapy (pct) did you use? I bet that helped you avoid the side effects.

iron: The risk to benifit ratio of real steroids is much more favorable.

Macro: When I said it's the same shit I didn't mean in its chemistry, but in it's failed attempt to be a "safe" steroid substitute.
nelson i respect you a lot and i hope u come back to your board on elitefitness.
that said im trying M1T and it seems to work.i say that because i experienced real muscle gains and stength gains from it.and side effects galore.i know i don't have 5000 posts on any board but does that make my years of bodybuilding experience worthless.
i understand that human gear is far superior than vet gear.
i also never have believed in prohormones in the past.but this one..i mean i'm getting real effects similar to D'bol and winstrol.somewhere in between.no lactating or anything crazy like that.
so please Nelson,before any further comments on this,try it yourself without prejudice and tell us.
I used it at 40mgs a day for 2 weeks and put 7lbs on with no change in diet, i have done the real stuff and i happen to like m1t better. i have gyno from the tren i used a year ago and m1t didnt even make me hold water. For the price its worth a shot.
tinydb84 said:
I used it at 40mgs a day for 2 weeks and put 7lbs on with no change in diet, i have done the real stuff and i happen to like m1t better. i have gyno from the tren i used a year ago and m1t didnt even make me hold water. For the price its worth a shot.
Do you know the sides of M1T, i can go to the research and get the sides of gear, people aren't even 100% sure if it is a progestin or not. Like i beleive macro said, thousands of steroids were synthesized, all but a handful were not brought to marked, wonder whey?
Most likely people who had bad experiences with it may have overdone it. I am extremly sensistive to progestin btw.; Tren and Deca both caused very noticable libido problems at low doses even with test. Therefore, I recommand 10mg ed only, alongside a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose of test. Try it and you will be amazed.
Getting the real shit is'nt as easy as getting M1T .Alotta scammers out there and you if work out at home finding it can be hard.
That hits the nail right on the head. I used m1t and its a joke. I know every body type is different but I think more people are out there that it didnt work for than those who it did.
Nelson Montana said:

As for Golgo: I'm glad you had good luck with it. I do believe the increased calories helped and maybe you were young enough that the temporary increase in T gave you more strengh during your workouts or maybe the increase estrogen caused the strength, weight and libido gain. Yes...estrogen can do that -- which is why the indiscriminate use and over use of anti e's can be a hindereence to gains. Also, what post cycle therapy (pct) did you use? I bet that helped you avoid the side effects.

I used Post Cycle from PF, as you recomended. That is the ONLY thing I used, no andi-E.
Nelson Montana said:
The burden of proof is on something working - not, NOT working. I can't post any studies that show dipping my head in a bucket of paint and doing handstands won't make my dick larger either. But it won't.

:laugh3: :laugh: :laugh3: :laugh: :laugh3: :laugh:

are you sure? :D
I used 20mg ED of M1T on my last cycle. I did it for three weeks. It definitely jumpstarted my cycle and made my gains begin sooner. My strength went up as well as my size.I didn't have any negative sides other than being mildly lethargic. It was definitely worth the money to me.
Golgo13 said:
I used Post Cycle from PF, as you recomended. That is the ONLY thing I used, no andi-E.

Wow! Excellent. Is everybody listening? :)

Seriously, I'm glad the PF Post-Cycle worked for you and you didn't get the nasty M1T sides. Still, I'd be careful. Don't push your luck by upping the dosage of the M1T.

Tee: Yeah, what's up with the letargy? A lot of people complain of that. It's just another thing that tells me something is wrong.
Nelson Montana said:
Wow! Excellent. Is everybody listening? :)

Seriously, I'm glad the PF Post-Cycle worked for you and you didn't get the nasty M1T sides. Still, I'd be careful. Don't push your luck by upping the dosage of the M1T.

Tee: Yeah, what's up with the letargy? A lot of people complain of that. It's just another thing that tells me something is wrong.

I dont know, but most that have taken it feel tired after being on it a few days. Your strength seems to go up as well as your size, but it makes you want to sleep quite a bit, and you never feel refreshed while on it. Any reason you can think of why that would happen? :confused:
tee said:
I dont know, but most that have taken it feel tired after being on it a few days. Your strength seems to go up as well as your size, but it makes you want to sleep quite a bit, and you never feel refreshed while on it. Any reason you can think of why that would happen? :confused:

I havn't got a clue why. And that's what scares me.
makes me tired and wanna sleep too.increased my appetite quite a bit though.i wish there was more research on M1t
Nelson Montana said:
Wow! Excellent. Is everybody listening? :)

Seriously, I'm glad the PF Post-Cycle worked for you and you didn't get the nasty M1T sides. Still, I'd be careful. Don't push your luck by upping the dosage of the M1T.

I won't be upping the dose. No reason if I get results, and I do.
I've used M1T on a 4week cycle @ 15mg ed and gained 19lbs and kept 13lbs after post cycle therapy (pct) using nolva & milk thistle (for the liver). I made no changes to diet or training during this time. 1-Test makes many people lethargic (me included) so I added 300mg of 4-AD ed and it took away any lethargy. I really doubt that 300mg of 4-AD ed by itself would have given me those types of gains. I had no indications of gyno nor was I bloated from water retention. I had a slightly elevated BP over normal. I took no other supps besides a good multivitamin and 500mg of Hawthorne Berry extract 2x daily to combat the BP rise. M1T is toxic to the liver and I wouldn't recommend cycles longer than 4 weeks on it, especially at higher dosages due to methylation- and don't use alcohol when on-cycle either. Why stress your liver even more? I believe that with any substance, the least effective amount used to see results is more cost efficient and safer for the user.

I liked it and found it very reasonably priced. I find it particularly conveinient in a pill form for those who travel alot- no pins or vials to get through security or customs at airports. I have enough left over for another cycle someday down the road when I know other things would be a hassle to take with me.
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M1T works wonders for me. I performed a 4 week cycle in April, followed by 1 month of post cycle therapy (pct) in May, and I am now in a second 4 week M1T cycle for the month of June. I will do another month of post cycle therapy (pct) in July.

M1T dosage= Underground Laboratories M1T @ 10mg/day
post cycle therapy (pct) (May)= Protein Factory "Post Cycle"
post cycle therapy (pct) (July)= 6-OXO, Tribex

Unlike everyone else, I actually lose weight while using M1T, but my strength increases! The weight i did for 6 reps on Incline DB Press last week, i did for 11 this week.

I also notice more vascularity and fullness in my muscles.

Maybe the people who are not getting good results on M1T have naturally high testosterone levels, and they are not noticing a difference with increased supplementation.

(ie: some people have higher natural muscle creatine levels than others, and that is why people that have low natural creatine levels get much more of a boost in strength and size when supplementing with creatine)
man is this another attempt to promote your shit from protein factory?

sometimes I agree with you but sometimes you post some shit that makes absolutely no sense

as for m1t, it worked great for me, I always kept all the stregth, got leaner and meaner but the only main problem I experienced on it was hairloss, hairline is where it was but hairs were falling out like crazy.
also the lethargry but thats about it. It was worth the gains I made in the gym
Some of you people need to get off your high horse! Everyone reacts differently to different drugs. The fact is M1T does work, and for many people it works VERY WELL. I've tried Test (both enanthate and sust), Tren, Dbol (2 different types), EQ, and Anadrol. You're smoking crack if you think these drugs don't have some very serious and very pronounced side effects! Test bloats me like a sea cow...M1T doesn't. Tren shut me down much harder than M1T and gave me vicious night sweats (not to mention it put me on edge…i.e. roid rage). EQ caused me to be depressed for a couple of months (that sucked!). M1T actually works better for me than Dbol, and it doesn't cause me to retain water like Dbol does. And if you want to talk about lower back pain, take some Anadrol! From my experience (two cycles), I would rate M1T right up there with the "real" gear I've tried over the years. M1T is also by far the fastest acting steroid I've used. I saw very noticeable strength gains within the first three days on both cycles.

As has been mentioned, getting "real" gear is not easy for most of us. Not only is it far more expensive than M1T, but there are a million-and-one assholes waiting to rip us off. I got scammed a couple of times back in my "real" gear days. That's a big reason why I gave up on the "real" stuff. When you add the cost of being scammed into the price of your gear, things get very pricey, very fast! If I had access to the "real" stuff, I'd use it…but I'd still use M1T to kick-start my cycle!

To be fair, the BP rise from M1T is a serious concern, which I don't think enough people are taking seriously (based on the doses I see being used). However, at 10mg my BP wasn't too bad, and my gains were just as good at 10mg as they were at 20mg+. The lethargy was also very mild in my case. I don't doubt that M1T is a mild-moderate progestin, but I saw no gyno sides from it at all...I also supplement with B6 just to be safe.

Okay, I'm stepping down off my soapbox now.