Nelson Montana
Community Veteran, Bodybuilding Author
powerforward said:my question to nelson is, how do you know that m-1test doesn't work?
have you tried it?
have there been any tests on it that show no anabolic effect?
what evidence is there to support the claim that it doesn't work?
this is not intended as a flame, just wanted to see if anyone had any insight or evidence on m-1test.
This is the wrong question. The burden of proof is on something working - not, NOT working. I can't post any studies that show dipping my head in a bucket of paint and doing handstands won't make my dick larger either. But it won't.
As for Golgo: I'm glad you had good luck with it. I do believe the increased calories helped and maybe you were young enough that the temporary increase in T gave you more strengh during your workouts or maybe the increase estrogen caused the strength, weight and libido gain. Yes...estrogen can do that -- which is why the indiscriminate use and over use of anti e's can be a hindereence to gains. Also, what post cycle therapy (pct) did you use? I bet that helped you avoid the side effects.
iron: The risk to benifit ratio of real steroids is much more favorable.
Macro: When I said it's the same shit I didn't mean in its chemistry, but in it's failed attempt to be a "safe" steroid substitute.