M1T -- When Will People Learn?

As a newbie I wanted to add my $00.02 for any other newbies reading this thread. I am very interested in doing a cycle (especially deca - for joints) but I have a lot to learn yet. PH seemed to be a good alternative in the mean time. For a newbie they are a) relativly cheap ($10 for M1t IS CRAZY CHEAP) and b) very easy to get even for some of us where they are banned. I have done one cycle of M1T going from 10-20 mgs over 3 weeks. My strenght and size did ok but nothing crazy. No gyno but tits were itchy (another member suggested it was only cause we are always looking for gyno so we play with our titties too much and make them sensitive - I tend to agree) Sides are not great, worse was the lower back pain. But it went away. I went from 185 to 205 in 3 weeks. I am back to 195 now keeping about 50% of my strenght gains (been off due to injury) .

I am going to try Norderm and Methyl-d next. For me a newbie I like the price, method of ingestion and the results. I doubt I will be huge on them but for the average guy, taken sensibly I think it is an acceptable alternative if it works for ya.
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The logic behind doing real steroids instead of M1T is beyond comprehension. Kind of like the guy who stated "Drugs and your Body -respect them both." Now there's a guy who's advice I really want to follow - not!
m1t is the real deal. it is very potent as is 4ADne for IM. i have done boat loads of real gear over the years but the m1t is by far as if not more potent than any hormone i have ever taken. stock up before it gets scheduled. if you guys aight gettin results off it you got shit and got ripped off. i did 25mg/d for 4 weeks and gained 13lbs and strength went up. what more you want? its test so some water retention is gonna happen.
Works but not worth the sides!
Real geral is always real gear!
Althought for those that don't wan't to break in the beatifull law,
is a better option than a extra powered creatine!
I did (2) 4 week cycles of M1T 10mg/d spaced 1 month apart with post cycle therapy (pct) in between.

I made tremendous gains in strength, size, vascularity, and fat reduction during both cycles.

During my second post cycle therapy (pct) cycle, my testicles were extremely sensitive for the first 4 days. It felt like the dull aching pain you get when you take a light shot to the groin. I am not talking a kick here, so it was bareable, but still alarming and scary. Could the discomfort be the reinitialization of endongenous testosterone production? (I hope). Or should i expect to see some tumors a few years down the line????
I have not experienced any other side effect from the M1T.

I am using 6OXO for post cycle therapy (pct), and have not really lost much size or strength 2.5 weeks out.