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Just wondering if anyone has tried Axion-Pharma M1Test 90 capsules or heard anything good about it? cuz i just ordered it.
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My buddy is on it right now... he says its pretty good, but he's never taken anything else like that..

he said his had MD1T on the front.... methyl dilone?
Does anyone feel lethargic at all while using M1T?

I'm on my 5th day and really starting to feel like shit. I'm running 750mg Test Cyp along side it, so as soon as that takes hold I should be feeling better, but right now ... DAMN! I almost didnt make it through work today. I was beat.
Yes you will struggle at first with lethargy. But stick with it. These symptoms will pass as you get into week 2-3. By the end of week 3 you'll be glad you stuck with it. The gains are pretty incredible.

My currently M1T cycle is at 25mg daily. Chronic back pain during certain workouts are my only issue now - which is mainly due to holding excess water. But that is tolerable. I'm doing a 6 week cycle fwiw.
Yeah, there r banned, but some places still sell em. www.animalstak.net is 1 that i know of. The price went up alot though after the ban.
Just like anything, if u look around, u can find what u want if u're willing to pay for it.
Personally, I don't know if i'd do it. Suppose it'd be pretty easy to track down who's bought stuff after this ban has been in effect. SO don't think i'd do it. Would prob. be less risk just to get the real deal. If u wanted some, shouldve stocked up before the ban. Thats just my opinion though. GOod luck whatever u decide. I know i got great gains off my m1t cycle. gained 24lbs, but lost about 8lbs after i got off (water weight). But still 16lbs is pretty decent off 1 cycle if u ask me.
I did a cycle last year and made great gains. I think its worth trying . . . I know a lot of people love M1T and a lot don't. I think that trying it is the only way to figure it out. Give it a go.
wow, how is this site still able to sell these banned products?

anyone know if there is some sort of loop hole?
mister69 said:
wow, how is this site still able to sell these banned products?

anyone know if there is some sort of loop hole?
They are selling the products illegally.
so if i place an order, i can get in trouble just like anything else, guess its not worth it, other than the fact that 1ad is a great product.

Its alright though, i stocked up on m1t
I think they're not allowed to produce it. Just allowed to sell off whatever they have stocked. Once that runs out then no more.
Actually I believe the legislation that was passed does not allow the legal sale of substances classified in it as a steroid . . . That includes but is not limited to M1T
Lifterdude said:
I think they're not allowed to produce it. Just allowed to sell off whatever they have stocked. Once that runs out then no more.
That is incorrect. They are illegal to distribute and possess.