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M1T Questions

For any one who read the earlier version of this post, I apologize..I had my brother post my question for me while I was at work since I wanted an answer ASAP.

Anyway, basically I was just wondering if Methyl-1-Test would draw a negative reading from a urine sample. I plan on beginning a cycle of M1T soon, but was wondering if I needed to worry when I go for a physical in July.

Also, I plan on using 6-Oxo for post cycle therapy (pct), can any one tell me from their own personal experience/knowledge if it wouldn't hurt to have a liver protecting supplement during post cycle therapy (pct) also?
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I just came off M1T at a dose of 20mg a day. It has yielded great results. I have been off two weeks and I have not lost a thing. As for my post cycle therapy (pct) I choose Protein Factory's post cycle therapy (pct) Post Cycle. It has been great. It has Milk Thistle in it I think, and a few other liver detoxes. Also it has natural test boosters, estrogen fighters, and I may be wrong cuz I don't have the bottle handy as it is at work, but I believe it has a hemodialator. I like it alot, and all of my stuff is well up to par if not better.
pari6819 said:
I just came off M1T at a dose of 20mg a day. It has yielded great results. I have been off two weeks and I have not lost a thing. As for my post cycle therapy (pct) I choose Protein Factory's post cycle therapy (pct) Post Cycle. It has been great. It has Milk Thistle in it I think, and a few other liver detoxes. Also it has natural test boosters, estrogen fighters, and I may be wrong cuz I don't have the bottle handy as it is at work, but I believe it has a hemodialator. I like it alot, and all of my stuff is well up to par if not better.

Thats great news, since its been discovered that M1T related estrogen can't be blocked by nolva :(
M1T's gyno and water retention sides aren't caused by estrogen. The culprit is prolactin. Nolva blocks estrogen, not prolactin, and therefore won't help if you start to get gyno from M1T. Try using B6. Keep the nolva around to use for post cycle therapy (pct) though! It will help stimulate the release of LH to get your natural test levels back up again.

Also, watch your blood pressure while using M1T. It can elevate BP to dangerous levels! Nose bleeds, headaches, and night sweat (all common sides on M1T)…not good ! You may not see any warning signs of HBP, so monitor it closely! Gyno and acne won’t kill you, but HBP can!
i gotta admit that on my cycle of m1t blood pressure was way up there, at night my head was bouncing of my pillow... I dont know how i managed to sleep through that.

another bad side effect was fuckin hair loss, my hair was falling out, everytime i put my hand through my head there would be at least 5 of them between my fingers

i did like hte gains i got from it in the gym and all but I dnt know if i'm gonna do it again. theres gootta be a better/safer alternative
Yeah, my bloodpressure got rather high on M1T. I was working out at the gym one day, working arms and getting a great pump, when I just felt something pop... and my nose started bleeding all over the place. I guess I'm kind of prone to nose bleeds, anyway -- but I usually get a bunch of nosebleeds after the initial nosebleed. This was a "fresh" nosebleed, so to speak.

Also -- my vascularity got sick. It was probably because I was cutting, too... but I think it was because my BP was getting up there.

Good gains... I got aggitated pretty easily, I wouldn't say I retained very much water (except when I was coming off), lethargy was a bitch, and my girlfriend and I broke up when I was on PCT... so I'm not sure if I was just moody because of the PCT, or if it was just that shit.
Wow majic & jarni, that is too bad to hear that you all had so many negatives. That really sucks. The only real problematic thing that got me was that my already receding hairline picked up a bit and jumped off my scalp more !!! lol. I just shaved my head and said screw it. It was a win win situation for me luckily. Though I lost more hair the gains were freakin awesome. I'm going to wait a bit before my next go at it. The recovery has been pretty awesome and with little to no problems. After talking in a lot of boards about PCT's I choose one that was a little more conservative compared to others (see earlier post). It really has done well for me. In regards to moodiness, I haven't really had any. I did notice an increased vascularity as well. The lethargy passed in a couple days when I went off. In addition to Post Cycle (no t to appear as a protein factory ad, but that stuff is the shit!!) I used ZMA at night, boosted my protein to 2 grams per bw as opposed to 1.5. I dunnot its been an easy recovery. Oh yeah and I forgot I also used a transdermal trib combo that I began during day 15 of my 21 day M1T cycle. All to it all except for the hair thing it was an all gain situation that went well.

That sucks bros. that your experiences did not have overwhelming positives. Nosebleeds, lethargy, blood preassure and stuff is no fun.

Keep the faith bros.
No way! I loved every minute of it. I felt more jacked than I ever have... I didn't care about the nosebleed incident... it actually made me feel pretty hardcore when everyone was looking at my trot off to the bathroom to get some paper towels... but not before finishing my set :D

I'm going to hit it again this fall, but I think I"m going to put some methyl-d in the mix with it, too. Maybe some 1-ad or 4-ad, see what happens.

I've been investigating P-GH, as well... but, shoot... p-gh isn't particularly cheap... one could just get a kid and some synovex and get some really good shit for what you'd pay for p-gh... so, the jury is still out on that one.
That's awesome that your experience was so good and that you are goign to go on another in the fall. I'm in the same boat as you, and have been thinking about stacking a few things together to get a greater effect from its results. It was an awesome growth that I still feeel very positive about. IT really has motivated me to train harder even without it!!!!
Yeah -- a friend of mine and I had a little showoff this spring... he made some tren, and I bought some M1T. Even though my cycle was shorter, I made as much (if not more, in some areas) gains as he did. He was doing tren alone, and only for 6 weeks -- but still... I was pleased that I was able to keep up with him, and still able to tell people that I'm natural :D
I think that BP can be avoided if you watch it frequently! When it barely starts to raise, try to contain it with supps!
That's pretty funny!!! The tren vs. M1T showdown!!! Lol . . . I wonder what I'll have to say if congress passes that bill that destroys the prohormone world. I'm going to have to say I'm not natural lol gasp.
I'm pleased with gains no doubt, im on my send one right now but this hair falling out is fuckin freaking me out

my hairline is where it should be but I dont wanna go bold, I know for a fact that when I stopped taking it my hair stopped falling out but I wonder if it actually grows back, I think it should.